𝟹𝟼 ❁ 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚘𝚔𝚊𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚠

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The loud shot rang out. Sarah let out a cry, still in John B's arms.

Kayanna's body shuddered harshly. She awaited the pain of being shot, feeling herself ready to collapse at any given moment.

"Dad?" Sarah choked out, her eyes fearful.

Ward's knees buckled beneath him.  He fell onto his knees before falling completely onto his stomach.

All eyes fell on Lana, who stood directly behind Ward, gun in hand. Her eyes were trained on Ward.

"What did you do?" John B was the first to speak.

Lana put her arm down, still staring at the man she'd just shot.

"He's- killed so many... The balance had to be set." Lana's uneven voice spoke as she searched for approval from anyone around her. When they all just stared, John B with an expression of surprise, Sarah's teary and fearful, Kayanna's heartbroken and lost, Lana clutched her gun in her hand and started off in the direction she came in.

Sarah finally detached from John B and knelt next to her sleething and deceitful father. Her tears continued to fall as she pulled the gun out of his hand. She handed it to John B, and then rolled Ward onto his back.

His breaths were ragged. He sounded like he was grunting when he was actually trying to breath. "Dad?" Sarah spoke.

He continued to grunt.

He couldn't speak.

Tears ran down Sarah's face. "Why did you lie? Why-" She breathed in. "You idiot." She watched painfully as his grunts became softer until they were not at all.

Kayanna watched the whole time, not fully understanding what was happening. She felt herself in a dreamlike trance. She couldn't tell what was real anymore. Had she really pulled a gun on Ward? Had he really pulled it on her? Was he really dead?

Nothing was real.

She sat in silence, tears continually running down her cheeks. Even the sound of a car pulling up didn't arouse her from her dreamlike state.

"You have to go!" Sarah yelled pushing John B in Kayanna's direction.

"I can't leave you!"

"It's Rose! I'll be fine! Go!" She pushed him again. This time he yielded. He quickly went to Kayanna who sat close by with her eyes stating straight ahead.

"Kayanna let's go! C'mon!" He spoke, pulling her up by her arm.

Still in a daze, Kayanna raised to her feet. John B let go of her arm but soon held onto it again when she made no move to follow him. They began to run, Kayanna stumbling along behind John B. She almost fell numerous times but his grip on her arm kept her on her feet.

She finally came out of her trance mid their rushing through the field. She let John B continue to drag her along since she wasn't sure she would keep up without his support.

The two continued along, not stopping even when they reached the woods. Kayanna's thoughts continued to run wild except now, she was slowly coming to the realization that all of that was real. Ward was dead.

Ward was dead.

John B released Kayanna's arm as the two slowed to a stop outside an abandoned building. She turned to John B, about to ask if what she saw happened really happened but stopped when her eyes found Pope before her exhaling from a vape he'd just hit. Her brows furrowed. That wasn't like him.

Before she could say anything to him or John B, she stopped herself. She suddenly felt nauseous. She pressed her lips together hoping the feeling would subside. It didn't. She turned to her right and gagged out the contents of her stomach. Before she was even done she felt her hair being pulled back and a soothing hand on her back.

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now