𝟾 ❁ 𝚠𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚍

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"So," Pope's voice broke through the awkward silence, as he and Kay walked to Heyward's. "Is there a reason you want to work?" He asked. That probably wasn't the best choice of questions, but at least Pope was making an effort.

"Uhm, yeah." Kay answered. "I just don't have any money, and I don't like Mrs. Deion just giving me money. It's kinda weird."

"That makes sense." Pope replied.

More awkward silence.

"Plus, I want to start saving because she'll probably kick me out when I turn eighteen." Kay spoke again, trying to fill in the silence.

"Oh, yeah. Good choice." Pope spoke. "Do you know what you want to do?"

"Not really. I've always wanted to study forensic science, but that's not really realistic for me." Kayanna replied.

"Really? That's so cool." Pope perked up, "Why isn't it realistic?"

"I'll never have enough money to go to college." Kay spoke staring at the dirt road ahead of her.

"Who knows, maybe you will." Pope said positively. "I want to be a coroner."

"A coroner?" Kay laughed.

"Yeah, I don't know it's just always seemed so cool to me." He shrugged.

"It is," Kay smiled, glancing at him.

"So, why do you want to be a forensic scientist?"

"I guess, to help catch criminals. Ya know, stop people from getting away with stuff they shouldn't be getting away with." Kay's voice held a certain sadness, like there was more she wasn't saying. "I never want to be in a position where I can't prove the truth." Again.

Pope, nodded, sensing the sensitive topic and choosing not to ask anymore questions that might make Kay uncomfortable. "That's understandable."

The silence had become more bearable when Pope and Kay arrived at Heyward's. "This is it." Pope said as he pushed open the door to the store, Kay following him inside.

• ❁ •

"Bam, bam, bam!" Kayanna winced as JJ told them what happened at Mrs. Lana's that morning. She began to block it out, looking down at the bracelets on her wrists. She never liked violence and hearing about it just brought her back to the past. To distract herself, she thought about meeting Heyward that morning. Although he had seemed reluctant at first, he had agreed to let Kay work there. Pope had showed her around the store and what she would probably be doing. He was actually a lot nicer than she had expected him to be. It was relieving. He hadn't acted like he was annoyed that he had to show her around. In fact, he almost acted like he enjoyed it. Weird.

"The office." Kay glanced up as John B spoke. She stood when Kie did and followed the group inside to a room she hadn't noticed before. The teens began to look around the room before John B pulled out a bulletin board filled with pictures, dates, and names of previous owners of John B's highly demanded compass.

"Here, look, this is the original owner right here." John B said pointing at the picture at the top. He began explaining all of his ancestors odd deaths who had had the compass.

"Sounds like there's a reoccurring theme here." JJ pointed out.

"Yeah, you have a death compass." Pope stated.

"I do not."

"Get rid of it. It's made it's way back to you."

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now