𝟻 ❁ 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚖

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"Mommy?" Kay's small voice called through the dark house, as she gripped her doggie stuffed animal tightly. A loud noise had awoken her from her sleep. Kay's bare feet walked across the cold hardwood floor, causing her to shiver. The house was so still, she began to think she had imagined the noise. She continued on, now slowly descending down a small staircase. She couldn't stop now, she would need her mother to help her get back to sleep anyways. As she neared her the bottom, she made out a faint light coming from the kitchen.

It was a late night for Kayanna. Usually the seven year old was put to bed around 8:30. Her mother would kneel down next to her bed and they would say their night time prayers. A wonderful routine. It had always been calming for Kay. Afterwards, she would hop into bed, moving all the way to the side next to the wall, and her mother would slide in next to her. She would stay until Kay fell asleep, usually only a few minutes. Tonight, Kay's mother hadn't prayed with her. She hadn't laid down with her. Instead she gave her a small hug and told her she would have to go to sleep on her own tonight. It had been hard for Kayanna, who was so used to her mother nursing her to sleep, but she had fallen asleep eventually.

Now she was awake again. As she quietly treaded towards the kitchen, Kayanna began to hear whispers. Not soft, calming whispers, but worried, anxious, scared whispers. Kayanna turned the corner to the kitchen and stopped quickly. Her father and mother were there, yes, but it wasn't a peaceful sight.

"Mommy?" Kay's voice was so quiet, it could hardly be compared to a whisper.

There knelt her mother on the floor, blood running down her head. The kitchen seemed to have been torn a part. And her father stood a few feet away from her mother, holding a gun.

She didn't catch a word of their conversation, instead she ran to her mothers arms, hoping to feel a hint of peace, love, familiarity. She heard only a click, then—


Before she had even crossed the entryway to the kitchen, her mother had fallen to the ground, blood everywhere. Nevertheless, Kay ran to her lifeless arms and held on to her for the last time. Her hands and clothes became soaked with her mother's blood. Her father pulled her back, saying how it was okay, and it was an accident, but Kayanna didn't hear a word. "Kay," he had said patting her cheek softly. "Why did you do that??" she had cried. "Kayanna, it's okay,"

"No it's not,"

"Hey, Kay,"

"Noooo" She had sobbed.

"Kay, listen"




"Kayanna!" Reality set in as Kayanna suddenly felt freezing cold and wet, water all around her. There were arms holding onto her, like her fathers were. "No," She whispered, tears running down her cheeks. She backed away from the arms, pushing them away and stumbling backwards further into the ocean. A sob escaped her lips as she tried to grasp her surroundings, before falling completely into the ocean. Now on her hands and knees, the arms were back, except this time, she could see that they weren't her fathers.

"Kie?" She choked on her tears.

"Hey, it's okay," Kie whispered soothingly wrapping her arms around Kay. Kay fell into her arms, her head aching as she found some of the comfort she had desired so much. "It's okay."

• ❁ •

A bit later the group had made their way back to John B's house. The boys had been quiet for the most part, unsure of entirely what had happened. Kie had walked with an arm around Kay, showing her support.

Now Kay was in a light sleep, her head resting in Kie's lap. The group sat on the porch again.

"Is she okay?" Pope finally broke the silence.

"She'll be okay," Kie replied softly, petting Kay's hair.

"Yeah, what happened out there?" JJ asked.

"Guns aren't her favorite thing," Kie spoke remembering the little pieces Kay had told her about her parents. She had told Kie that her mother had been shot, that her father was dead, but she had left it at that.

"Yeah, you pulled a gun, is what happened out there." Pope deadpanned.

"Okay, I—" JJ started before John B cut him off. "I'm going to bed," The group silently watched him as he walked to the door. He stopped, feeling their eyes on him. "She's not so bad," he spoke to Kie. After all, she was the first to try to stop Topper from drowning him. He waited a moment, but then continued inside.

Kie tapped Kay's shoulder lightly waking her up. "C'mon Kay," she spoke. "Let's get you home."

• ❁ •

Kay had gone to bed immediately when she got home. She couldn't fall asleep for a good while, though. She never could after an episode. It was about four a.m. before sleep had found her. Now it was 9 and she felt like she hadn't slept at all. Nevertheless she rolled out of bed, dragged herself into her bathroom, and turned on the shower. She turned the water to the hottest temperature she could handle it and got in. Kay actually enjoyed cold showers often. She knew it was weird, but it was something she'd grown used to over the years. But in that moment, she needed a hot shower. The heat gave her the warmth she desired from another person. It made her feel alive and loved, even if only for a few minutes. She needed that.

After her shower, she dried off, then slipped into her new bikini she'd purchased the day before. Kie had advised her to wear her swimsuit instead of panties because they'd never know when they would be going for a swim. She put on her favorite high rise jean shorts and matched them with a white tube top, a purple flannel, and her yellow vans. As if on cue, the doorbell rang, signifying that Kie was there to pick her up.

Kay shuffled down the stairwell towards the door. When she opened it, Kie was there with a smile.

"Ready?" She asked.


The girls buckled their seat belts and Kie started the car.

"So what are we doing today?" Kay asked as they began their ride to the chateau.

"I'm not sure. Hopefully we'll actually lay low for once."

Kay thought for a moment, "I want to get a job," she glanced at Kie taking in her expression. "I need to make my own money, ya know? I feel weird taking money from Mrs. Deion."

Kie smiled, "Yeah of course. I know the perfect place."

• ❁ •

This was kinda a weird chapter to write and i was doing it with my family around me the whole time so I'm definitely going to have to go through it again and fix whatever weird sentences I have lol

I'm planning on updating at least one chapter a day. So far I've been sticking to it and I plan to but no promises😂

peace <3

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now