𝟸𝟼 ❁ 𝚠𝚑𝚢 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚔𝚎𝚙𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏

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Kayanna pushed the door open and took a step into the Deion's house. It was about 6pm and she had to be back at the chateau in an hour. She had departed soon after she and Pope had made it back, saying she needed to get black clothes for the night. She'd been unable to wipe the smile off her face the whole walk home, as she thought about the moments she'd shared with Pope. She thought about how she'd felt comfortable talking about her past, sober, for the first time. She'd never even told Kie fully. She thought about the fact that he had shared his trauma with her as well, and smiled at the thought of him confiding in her. Of them confiding in each other. It had been so long since she had felt so connected to someone. And it felt amazing.

She closed the door softly behind her. Mrs. Deion would probably be getting home soon if she wasn't already and she would prefer to not cross paths with her. She made her way upstairs and into her bedroom, closing her door softly behind her. She turned around, walking to her dresser and pulling out an oversized black sweatshirt and black shorts. She grabbed a black beanie as well, changed into black sneakers. She picked her bag up off her bed before stepping out her door, closing it softly behind her.

She turned to take a step but stumbled back when she almost ran into Kelce. "Wha— you scared me." She spoke, suddenly out of breath with a hand over her heart.

He just stared at her almost quizzically before turning, "watch where you're going." He spoke, walking towards the stairs. Kayanna followed after him, needing to go downstairs as well. "Where are you sneaking off to?" Kelce asked with a bored expression.

"Just meeting up with Kie." She spoke softly from behind him.

"And the rest of them." Kelce finished for her. "You look like you're about to rob a bank." He said glancing back at her.

Kayanna let out a nervous laugh. "I've just been into black lately." She lied horribly.

"Yeah, whatever." Kelce said disheartenedly as he walked off towards the living room. Kayanna, sadly watched him walk away. Those were the first words he'd said to her since their fight. She pushed the thought out of her mind and turned towards the front door, slipping out, and heading back towards the chateau.

• ❁ •

Kayanna's previously elated mood was dampened by her run in with Kelce. She sat on the edge of the van with Kie waiting for Sarah and John B to show up. Pope and JJ were just inside the chateau, packing rope and flashlights.

"You're quiet." Kie spoke, raising an eyebrow at Kayanna.

"Long day." She answered with a sigh.

"Uh huh, I heard you were with Pope all day..." She smirked.

"Shut up." Kayanna said attempting to fight the smile forming on her lips.

"How was that?" Kie nudged her shoulder.

"It was good..." She smiled. It was good. Really good. Her smile dropped when she thought of what happened when she got home. The bad terms her and Kelce were on. She'd though they'd work it out, or just forget about it and move on, but that hadn't happened. She missed him. She missed her brother.

"What, did something happen?" Kiara asked when she noticed Kay's expression.

"No— yes— I don't know." Kayanna fidgeted with her bracelet. "I went home earlier... and I saw Kelce. He's still mad."

"Kayanna, you've gotta let it go. It's just Rafe taking him up. You know that."

"Yeah, I know, I know. I just... miss him." She turned to Kie. "Is that bad? I know he's like 'a kook' or whatever. Am I— like— is it okay for me to miss him?"

"Of course it's okay. You're close with him. It's normal."

"Okay, I just... I miss spending time with him." She stopped, sighing. "I love him."

"I know you do." Kie wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

The girls looked up as JJ and Pope walked down the steps of the chateau, the door slamming behind them. Kayanna's heart felt lighter as her eyes landed on Pope.

"Is John B not here yet?" JJ asked, looking around.

"Not yet." Kie removed her arm from Kayanna, standing up.

"I guess we can just go and pick them up on the way." JJ said, walking towards the driver seat.

"Shotgun." Kie called. "You got the flashlights and rope?"

"Yup, it's all in there." JJ said pointing to the backpack Pope carried. "Alright let's go."

Pope gripped the bag stepping around Kayanna into the van. Kayanna followed his actions with her eyes, confused that he didn't say anything. She slid into the van and slid the door shut.

JJ began driving, telling Kie about some guy he met at the hotel that tipped him good.

Kayanna's eyes fell on Pope, who sat across from her, looking out the window.

"Hey, Pope?" She spoke quietly, as to not draw JJ and Kie's attention. He turned his head, staring at her with a blank expression. She suddenly felt put on the spot. "Um... you're not going to tell anyone about... what I told you, right?" She asked keeping her eyes on his.

He brought his finger to his lips, pretending to zip them up and throw away he key. It would have brought a smile to her lips if he wasn't so solemn. She continued to stare at him, confused at his actions. "Don't worry." Did he... roll his eyes? "Your secrets safe with me." He spoke dryly before turning back to the window. A feeling of hurt rushed over her. He didn't care. He must've just felt bad for her. Finally, she pulled her eyes away from him.


She'd over shared on the beach. And then she'd forced herself on him. He probably didn't want her to feel bad so he didn't try to stop her. Why did she have to do that? She had to kiss him. And after he told her about his sister too. Why did she think it was mutual? She knew he would never like her. She knew it was too good to be true. And yet here she was, hurt that he didn't care. Hurt that her feelings weren't reciprocated.

She should've known this would happen. This was exactly why she had avoided him. Now that he knew her and all of her past, he didn't like her. He could barely even look at her. He was disgusted by her.

She brought her knees to her chest, resting her head on the window next to her. This is why she kept to herself.

• ❁ •


I'm just realizing that Kayanna has gotta be exhausted lol like she went surfing. Which is exhausting bc just swimming in the ocean is exhausting so that is like very tiring. And then she talked emotional stuff with pope and then they kissed. Which is emotionally tiring and then she went home and dealt with Kelce. And she walked there and back. Lmao she gotta be tired💀

Also sorry this is kinda a short chapter lol I expected it to be longer but it's not and idk it b like that

peace <3

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now