𝟸𝟽 ❁ 𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚜𝚘 𝚜𝚊𝚏𝚎

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"Wait, wait, I want to say thank you to you guys. It means a lot that you're here tonight." John B said, stopping the teens from stumbling out of the van. "All of you." He said, looking specifically between Sarah and Kayanna.

"Always." Kie replied.

"Of course, man." Pope spoke, smiling for the first time. "Let's get the wheat in the water."

"Weed? I'm up for weed."

"Wheat. I said wheat."

Kayanna headed towards the stone wall with Kie and Sarah. They made their way over it and began walking towards the house.

"Still upset about Kelce?" Kie whispered to Kayanna. 

She glanced back at Pope who walked behind John B. He hadn't said a word to her since before they picked up Sarah and John B. "I'll tell you later." She spoke continuing to towards the house.

She was startled when a light shown through the darkness.


"Oh, shit!"

"She has motion sensor lights."

"We could... move really slowly."


"Yeah, that's not how that works."

"Oh, shit. Let's throw a rock at it."

"That's a really good idea actually. Let the axe murderer know we're here."

"What about the breaker? In the circuit box on the porch? I've seen it." Sarah suggested.

"No way. You're not going in that house alone."

"I'll go with her." The words tumbled out of Kayanna's mouth. What better bonding time with her new sister than a near death experience? And what better way to get away from Pope?

"Yeah, she'll go with me." She turned to Kayanna. "Sis." She whispered, winking.

"I'll go too. Can't leave me with the boys." Kie spoke standing up.

"Okay, we'll wait for your signal." Pope said to Sarah.

"Okay, cool."

"Hey," John B started, causing the girls to turn back. "Be safe."

"We will." Sarah said as the girls headed towards the house.

"Be safe." JJ mocked John B, with a hand on Pope's cheek.

"I'll be so safe. I'll be safe for you."

"Can you guys stop? Stop." John B furrowed his brows at the two. "Plus, Pope, you talk about Kayanna way more than I talk about Sarah. So... stop."

John B raised his eye brows when Pope scoffed. "What—"

"She played him, bro." JJ spoke for Pope. "Heard her talking about Kelce."

"Kelce?" John B turned his eyes back to the house. "Wow. Didn't see that coming."

"Neither did I." Pope said, his voice low.

"Yeah, man, she said she's in love with him—"

"Can you shut up? Please?" Pope snapped, turning to JJ.

Just then, the lights flickered off.


• ❁ •

"Go! Go! Go!" Kie yelled, as the girls turned, running from Mrs. Crain. They ran down the hall way before splitting in separate directions. Sarah ran into the parlor while Kie and Kayanna ran to the room on the left, Mrs. Crain following after them. They ran to a door and began fiddling with the lock, but it wouldn't budge.

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now