𝟿 ❁ 𝚔𝚊𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊

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"I mean it's obvious, right? A family heirloom? What better place to hide a message?" John B spoke from the driver seat of the van. Kay sat on the floor in the back between JJ and Pope. "I mean, he had to know it was gonna get back to me, right?"

"Yeah, it's possible." Kie said, trying to believe in the possibility. It was possible, but Kay had a hard time believing it.

"It could also be possible that you're concocting wild theories to help, ya know, deal with your sad feels." Pope said, earning a look from Kie.

"Bro, you know how I process my sad feels. Dank nugs and the stickiest of ickies, that's how I do it." JJ added, unnecessarily.

"I'm not concocting, okay? My dad's trying to give me a message." Kay sat chewing her cheek, trying to find even a cell in her body that believed.

"If it helps you believe John B."

"I don't need a therapy session, okay? I'm not trippin' out." John B said, exasperatedly.

"It's okay to trip bro—"

"My dad is missing, okay? Missing." John B turned his head to look in the back seat. "You don't know what it's like to have the person closest to you vanish, and then have no idea what happened." He spoke, his voice filled with anguish. "Just wake up every morning, wondering." Kayanna felt her heart crumble at the sorrow in his voice. At least she knew what had happened to her mother. Although, she wondered if it would be easier if she didn't know. Or, if she wasn't there at least. Her father was another story—

"What do you think the message is?" Kie asked, pulling Kayanna from her thoughts.

"Redfield Lighthouse. My dad's favorite place." John B spoke pulling up to a white picket fence near the lighthouse. The group left the van, Pope closing the back door. "Okay, you're gonna post up and look out for bogeys." John B said to JJ.

"Wait, why me?"

"Because you're not coming." Pope answered.

"Why?" JJ asked, starting an argument between Pope and himself.

"Listen to me for a second! Just listen," John B interrupted them. "You two, stand look out with JJ, okay?" He spoke, pointing at Pope and Kay. "If we get split up, we meet back at JJ's house."

"Great." Kie approved nodding at Kayanna, as she went to jump the white picket fence with John B.

Kayanna glanced back to JJ and Pope, unsure of what to do. "Well, I'm gonna work on my merit scholarship essay, and I'm trying to keep felonies down to a minimum." Pope spoke walking back to the van.

"Would you just shut up already?" JJ said, messing around with a ball.

"I can help you." Kay spoke, fiddling with her bracelets. She felt awkward and extremely out of place without Kiara.

"Oh no that's okay, I don't really need-" Pope turned seeing Kayanna's pure and hopeful expression. "Uh, yeah actually, that'd be great." He smiled, continuing towards the van and sitting in the back with his legs hanging out.

"What do you have to write about?" Kay asked joining him in the van.

JJ groaned at the sound of the two working on Pope's essay, walking further away from them.

"Uh, basically just why I deserve the scholarship." Pope spoke, pulling out some papers he had folded in his pocket. "I'm on my third paragraph."

"Okay, what's the topic for that paragraph?"

"It's mainly on personal attributes. Here you can read it." He said handing her the paper. Kay's eyes glanced over the few sentences Pope had written in the third paragraph. The few sentences, although well written, didn't do much to emphasize Pope's traits in detail. It was more of "I'm a good person" instead of "I'm a good person because" per se.

"Yeah... I was kinda having a hard time with that one." Pope spoke as he took in Kay's thoughtful expression.

"Why? I would think this paragraph would be an easy one."

"Just... I don't know. I keep thinking I'm lying or... like the good things I've done aren't significant enough." He shrugged, taking the paper back.

"You helped me get a job." Kay suggested. "That's significant to me."

Pope looked at her considering her words. "Yeah, you can write about the foster kid that you helped." She continued. "You didn't gain anything from that. It shows your kindness, compassion... and... consideration." Kay spoke, trying to find the right adjectives. "And Kie told me you help out at your dad's sometimes. That's volunteer work." She stated, racking her brain in an attempt to think of more of Pope's positive doings. "See and I've only known you for what? Two days? You've got plenty of examples." She finally turned to face him.

"You should just make Kayanna write it for you, man. She can clearly do it better than you." JJ spoke, throwing his ball into the air.

"Shut up, JJ," Pope said, rolling his eyes. "Thanks, Kayanna, that was actually really helpful." He said with a smile.

Kayanna. Why did her name sound so much better coming from his mouth? She had always felt like her name was pretty boring. Kayanna, Kayanna, Kayanna. She'd never particularly loved it, but she didn't dislike it either. There was just something about it being spoken by him. Something... that made her heart smile.

• ❁ •

Kayanna sat at the counter at The Wreck, a cloth in her hand as she washed menus. Mr. Carrera hadn't said anything about Kay being at The Wreck with Kiara, he'd only said she couldn't be employed there. So now Kay was basically volunteering. She didn't mean to, but Kie was working and she felt like she needed to be doing something. So, she was washing menus.

"Hey," Kayanna turned to see Pope walking in. "John B has a new lead, so," He pointed his thumb over his shoulder.

Kay nodded, "Kiara's over there." She pointed to Kie, who was spackling some small holes in a wall.

Pope glanced to where Kay was pointing and began walking to Kie. Kie soon had him walking out the door again. She had expected it. Kie was in a mood because of the getting arrested and the John B kissing her. Again, no Pogue on Pogue macking, huh?  It seemed like all of the Pogues were hung up over Kie, even though she completely ignored it. Soon John B walked in the door, eyes scanning the room for Kie.

"She's over there." Kay sighed as she pointed to the woman of the hour. When John B's eyes landed on Kie, he quickly walked over to her. She watched him follow her around the restaurant for a few seconds before turning back to the dirty menus. Not her business

She had finished cleaning another menu and had started a another one before John B walked past her again.

"Let's go," Kiara smiled a contagious smile at Kay, grabbing her arm and pulling her off her stool.

• ❁ •


Okay but when ur crush says
ur name >>>>>

peace <3

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now