𝟸𝟻 ❁ 𝚜𝚘 𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎

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"Have you ever skateboarded at least?" Pope asked as he and Kayanna walked towards the waves, boards in hand. Somehow, he couldn't believe that she'd never done anything with any type of board before.

"No, I tried once but I kept slipping." Kayanna smiled as they walked.

"Wow, well who was teaching you?"

"No one. It was in the garage at one of my homes and I don't know whose it was." She explained.

"Well that's why! You just need a good teacher." He smiled confidently. "I'll have you surfing in no time."

"If you say so." Kayanna laughed. The two came to a stop in front of the ocean. They slipped off their shoes and their clothes, leaving them in the sand.

"You ready?" Pope asked peaking at the girl next to him.

Kayanna took a deep breath of the ocean air. "Let's do it."

Pope couldn't keep the corners of his mouth from turning up as he watched her run into the ocean.

"Coming?" She called.


• ❁ •

"Great! Now balance—" Pope spoke before Kayanna fell into the ocean for the billionth time.

She resurfaced laughing. "I'm so bad!"

"You're fine! It's all in the knees! Just remember what I told you and you'll be fine." Pope spoke, sitting on his board.

"Okay," she took a breath. "I'm gonna try again." She chuckled before she paddled a few feet away from Pope, ready to try again. She hadn't planned on relaxing so much. In fact, she was sure she'd end up being her awkward self and not be able to stop thinking about the horrible fact that she liked Pope. Or, might like him. She probably didn't even like him... Apparently surfing was a great icebreaker, though, because she could not stop laughing every time she wiped out and climbed back up on her board. She knew she'd be sore tomorrow but it didn't stop the rush she felt when she stood on the board, and inevitably crashed into the waves.

Pope, on the other hand, had never seen her so carefree. The carefree and confident air surrounding her had him completely flabbergasted. She was usually so quiet, and although she was completely likable as her quiet self, this new side was so vibrant and spirited and lively. He couldn't get enough. Just being near her usually made his heart rate pick up, but today, he felt like it was beating three octaves higher. It was surreal.

He sat, giving directions and occasionally demonstrating what he was telling her. Slowly but surely, she had been making progress. She'd been able to stay on the board for a little bit longer more and more.

He watched as a wave approached and she began paddling before placing her hands on the sides of the board and pushing herself into her feet. "Right, now steady yourself on your knees!" He shouted, watching as she rode out the wave about 4 seconds longer than she'd been able to before.

"Oh my God!! I did it!!" She shouted a look of pure joy on her face. "I did it!" She paddled back to Pope.

"You did! I knew you would! Hell yeah!" The two high-fived. Her joy was contagious, causing Pope to smile brightly.

"I gotta do it again!" She spoke, beginning to paddle again. She caught another wave, standing on her board, before tumbling into the water again.

"You didn't balance on your knees again!" Pope chuckled.

"I know! I'm too excited." She laughed paddling again. She caught yet another wave, this time focusing on what Pope had been saying. She rode the wave as far as she could before sinking into the water.

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now