𝟸𝟿 ❁ 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏𝚒𝚜𝚑

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✨buckle up ✨

"Finally." Kie said as Kayanna trudged up John B's dirt driveway. She had come to three conclusions on her long walk to the chateau: 1. She had accumulated a lovely headache, probably from her stressful morning. 2. John B would definitely hate her again if she said anything about leaving the gold behind. And 3. Pope was mad at her for some odd reason she couldn't figure out.

"I was wondering if you were coming back." Kie spoke as she melted the gold bars, holding a blowtorch in her hand and glasses on her face.

"'Bout time." JJ said, resting an arm on Kayanna's shoulder. "Did you bring snacks?"

"Not today." Kay replied, her shoulders feeling heavy, and not because JJ was leaning on them.

"Aw, but you always have snacks." JJ groaned, dropping his arm.

"Not today." She said again, her eyes finding John B, who sat against a tree with Sarah. There was no way he'd forgive her if she tried to stop him from getting the gold. Her head already ached more at the thought of his reaction if she tried to stop him.

"This is kinda turning into a weird shape." Kayanna's eyes flitted back to Kie, who still sat melting the gold.

"Gold is gold. The shape shouldn't matter." Pope spoke, drawing Kayannas attention to him. Her eyes met his for a split second, but he was quick to turn away. Kayanna frowned, trying not to feel the rejection she'd been feeling since yesterday. What did she do to make him barely even look at her? She dismissed the thought. Her brain was already too tired for this. She walked to the van and sank down to the ground, carefully, and leaned against the back tire.

"Did you walk all the way here?" Pope turned to her suddenly. He was probably noticing the way she slouched and immediately found a place to rest, or the tired expression across her face, or maybe her short responses.

"Uh... yeah. Exercise is good for people." Kayanna reasoned, her head against the top of the tire.

"Not for people who just got shot." Sarah chuckled.

"Why would you walk here?" He asked, irritation evident in his voice.

"I don't know— I didn't have a ride—"

"You could've called us! Or asked Kelce! You're gonna rip open that bullet wound!" He raised his voice a bit, pointing to her side. "You needed stitches but John B said no hospitals."

"Yeah, they'd call the police and then we'd have to explain why she got shot and—"

"What would you do if you ripped it open on the way here?" He raised his eyebrows, cutting John B off. "Huh? You'd bleed out on the side of the road!" He turned away, running his hands over his head. "God, you're so selfish!"

Kayanna's eyes found her shoes, focusing on them instead of boy in front of her. He was right. She was selfish for walking there. She only thought about where she wanted to go. And who she wanted to get away from. She didn't think about what Pope, who had so kindly patched her up last night, would've been wanted. She should've known it wouldn't be good for her to walk there. She should've known he would be mad. She should've stayed home, with Ward...

She closed her eyes as her bottom lip quivered for the second time that day. "I'm sorry." She said quietly, keeping her eyes closed.

"Pope, shut up." Kiara deadpanned. "What the hell?" She rolled her eyes at his outburst.

"Yeah, man, what the fuck?" JJ spoke, sitting down next to Kiara.

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now