𝟹𝟺 ❁ 𝚒'𝚖 𝚜𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚋𝚢𝚎

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"I am so sorry John B." Lana spoke, engulfed in sadness. "I should have told you a long time ago."

John B started towards the door.  His fury evident through the expression on his face as well as the forced silence about him. It was like he was screaming... but he without any sound.

"You can't say anything, he's dangerous!" Lana followed after him attempting to reason with the broken boy departing from her. "He's capable of everything—"

"I don't care!" John B finally spoke, pushing open the door.

Kayanna had begun to follow John B.

"Please, you have to stop him!  Ward will kill him, too!"

Kayanna stopped, her eyes meeting Lana's alarmed ones. "I know." She spoke softly before turning to follow John B again.

As soon as she stepped out of the house she hurried to catch up to John B.  He walked swiftly, with a purpose.  If she didn't know why, she would have been frightened. But since she had been in this position before, she understood.  She more than understood.  She felt the same as him.  Ward killed her mom, and Ward killed his dad.  They were the same.  They were connected by tragedy. 

Kayanna didn't speak.  She didn't need to.  She knew how he felt and she didn't need to hear him say it.  And so, she matched his swift and purposeful steps.

• ❁ •

The two soon arrived at the chateau where Kie, JJ, and Pope stood outside, setting up for the gold maneuvering they had planned.  Although they had arrived, their steps didn't slow.  The other teens spoke to them, but neither John B nor Kayanna heard a word.

"Wait here." John B said quietly and authoritatively to Kayanna as the two reached the door.  Kayanna obeyed, coming to a halt. John B continued in, the other teens following after him.

Pope slowed slightly when he passed Kayanna asking something. He must not have expected an answer be cause he didn't linger, immediately following the others inside.

Soon John B emerged from the house, a gun in hand.  For once, Kayanna wasn't frightened by it.  It wasn't in the wrong hands.  John B walked past her, hopping onto his bike.  Kayanna stepped towards the bike, preparing to hop on behind him.

Kie, JJ, and Pope appeared at the door, stumbling down the steps of the chateau.

"John B!"

"What are you doing?!"

"Kayanna stop him!"

At the mention of her name, Kayanna stopped, turning to look at the three friends behind her.  Kie, who had been looking at Kayanna,  turned to look at John B along with JJ.  Pope's eyes, however, stayed trained on Kayanna. 

His face held a pained expression.  Or was it just confusion? Kayanna couldn't tell, nor did she have the energy.

"Ward knows about the gold." John B spoke turning his head. "He killed my dad." He turned back starting the bike up.

Kie's astonished eyes shot to Kayanna. "Kay..." Kayanna's eyes met Kie's.

"And he killed her mom." John B revved the bike's engine. "Get on, Kayanna."

"Kay... no." Kie spoke, nearing the two without breaking eye contact.

"Kayanna." John B warned.

Kayanna stared at Kie for a second longer before turning and hopping on the bike.

"Kayanna!" Kie shouted as the two rode away.

• ❁ •

Kayanna pushed herself off the tree she leaned against when John B appeared in the dim light.

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now