DustTale Sans X Nerd Reader Part 1

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bus driver: uf Papyrusteacher: heaventale Torielbully / ex boyfriend: Jeff the killerfriends: Undyne and Alphyscrush: Dust

you headed off to school as soon as you ran towards the bus stop you glared at the one person standing near at the stop it was a good thing there was other people there besides him "oh hello Y / N how ya doin ta day cutie? . " you backed away from him "leave me alone Jeff i'm not interested in anything that you have to say about me" you said as you quickly started to walk onto the bus once it arrived to the stop but he was on the same bus as you, you quickly looked for a someone to sit next to you than noticed the very back sit nobody went near it you didn't care as long as you could get away from that guy the batter "whoa whoa why the heck are you going over into the back don't you know who sits there ?. " Jeff said with worry in he's tone of voice "no I don ' you told Undyne she smirks at you humphing "you got some cuts puck just stay safe okay wouldn't want anything to happen to ya ya'know cause who else am I gonna partner up with ?." she turned back around sitting back in her seat as the bus started to move you looked out the window and you noticed that the bus was heading into a dark part of town you suddenly got a shiver down your spine just than the bus stops right in the middle of town "heh heh okay this isn't funny bus driver why did we stop here ?." you said shaking like a leaf you felt chili's crawl on your back when you were about to ask again you suddenly turned around and saw ... him your heart started racing rapidly your cheeks began to burn as he got ever so closer towards you and everyone else seemed to disappear and the only one you could see was the skeleton 'oh wow he's so dreamy' you heart rate was becoming louder and louder each time he got near than he stops and stares at you with a glare "your in my sit girly get off or i'll make you." he whispered in your ear causing you to jump a tiny bit "o..oh s..so..sorry I di..didn't know th..that you sat h..here." you got nervous all of a sudden as you stood up from the seat "yo puck you don't have to move he's just a jerk so don't ya listen ta him do what you wanna do and your started to sound like Alphys a small bit there to heh looks like she got her cutie rubbed off on ya. " he growled at Undyne as he ' s right eye started to glow purple when he was about to hit her the bus began to move once again causing you to fall back onto the seat and he fell on top of you and accidentally kiss both your eyes / eye-sockets where opened wide he pulled away as he sat next to you as he put he's hoodie over he's face crossing he's arms together "don't you dare tell anyone about what just happened or i'll kill you understand." you blushed very bright red as you looked over at him "y..yeah." you said with a small sweet smile as you placed your fingertips against your lips' h..he kissed me even though it was an accident I never felt this way about anybody before even when he is this close to me I can still feel my heart skipping a beat every time '"ALRIGHT YOU LITTLE TRASH-BAGS GET OFF MY BUS AND I' s backpack with him you picked it up as you ran after him as you put your backpack on your back before you left the bus "thank you for the ride Papyrus as always." you said quickly as you ran down the stairs and tripped but you didn't hit the ground "eek !!" Papyrus -sighs- in relief as he sends you down on your feet "next time try to be more careful Y / N you could really injure yourself one of these day's" you smiled and hugged him "thank you i'm sorry I was just in a hurry to bring this back to a friend of mine he left it and. " he pat your head gently "out of all of the students your my favorite Y / N you have a heart of pure gold now run along you don't want to be late for class now do you ?." you suddenly hear the bell ring for first period you -gasped- as you speed walked to class "oh no i'm gonna be so late" you rushed to your classroom everyone stared at you as did the teacher "we've been though this Y / N please make it here on time. " you sighed as you nod your head "yes ma'am but I wanted to return something that belongs to a friend of mine he forgot it on the bus and." the teacher smiles warmly at you as she knelt down putting one of her hands on your shoulder gently "you may find your friend after class Y / N maybe you can find him when it is lunch time alright ?." she says to you, you smile at her "hah thank you miss Toriel your the best teacher ever" you said Toriel stood back up on her feet as she let you go to your seat " you smiled as he made a pretty good but bad joke you had never known anyone as funny as him before "miss Y / N what is so funny ?." Toriel asks you look up blushing madly of embarrassment "oh huh I ah well I just was thinking of a funny joke i'm sorry miss Toriel." she walked over towards you "its quite alright but please try to keep your giggling down alright dear." you nod your head once againlunch timeyou seat down in the lunchroom as you took out your lunch "awe nothing like a little brake before I head off and look for the kid who left he's backpack on the bus earlier even if I don't find him during lunch I'll still keep on looking for him or I could wait till it's time to head back home. " as you said that Alphys and Undyne came up to you and seat in between you "what's up nerd so did ya see that cute sketeton yet or what ?." Undyne asked your whole face turned red as you covered it up with both your hands "AAA Undyne why did you say that besides why would he like a nerd like me I bet he already has a sassy girlfriend already and ..." just before you could finish your sentence Alphys tapped your shoulder gently as you looked over towards her she pointed to the skeleton you now have a crush on you ducked under the lunch table shaking like a leaf Undyne and Alphys look under the table "what are you doing under there Y / N? you have to give him he's backpack back sooner or later. " Undyne said you looked down as your face turned red as a ripe tomato as you got up from underneath the table "b..but what would I..I say to him oh hey you forgot your backpack on the bus and I was looking for you so that I could return it t..to you ...? " you noticed Alphys and Undyne where acting strange when you finished saying your sentence "what are you guy's staring at me like that for ?." Undyne giggled as she pointed behind you as did Alphys covering her eye ' s with her other hand blushing as red as a tomato and shaking like a leaf as well you turned around to see what they we're pointing at and you suddenly froze in place "so your the one who had my backpack ?." he said not with a very friendly tone in he's voice you gulped as you shook picking up he's backpack and handing it back to him he takes it way from you "next time don't come near me nerd" you stood up from your seat and picked your lunch up "hey pock where are you going ?." Undyne asked as she dashed up from her seat putting her hand on your shoulder "I just need to be alone for a while Undyne see ya later Alphys .." you took your backpack and headed towards the outside of the lunchroom Undyne turned around and glared at the skeleton she Stomps over to him grabbing him by the collar of his hoodie lifting him up towards her face "LISTEN HERE JACKASS YOU MADE ONE OF MY DEAREST AND CLOSEST FRIENDS UPSET SO IF YA WANNA KEEP YOUR SKULL IN ONE PEACE I SUGGEST YOU GO APOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW OR I'LL BRAKE YA SKULL IN DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR !!!! " he rolls he's red pupils as he sighs annoyed "yeah whatever it's not like I give a damn about her she's just another girl who has a crush on me it's not like you can make me apologize for doing nothing to her now if you don't mind I have to get out of here the smell of you two losers is making me sick. " Undyne gets felled with rage in her eyes but Alphys stops her by putting her hand on her shoulder Undyne looks at her as she shook her head "Un..Undyne it ... it's not worth it l ... let's ju..just go. " Alphys says Undyne sighs dropping the skeleton on the ground "your right Alph he isn't worth our time come on let's find Y / N." the both headed out to find you the skeleton picked himself up from the ground as he glared at Undyne before she left the lunchroom "yo dude are you okay ?. man Undyne is such a jerk" said a monster kid "how many times do I have to say leave me alone kid "monster kid humphed as he walked away as the skeleton went the other direction and as he enxited the lunchroom he looked over he's shoulder and saw you sitting faraway by an apple tree he sighed and placed he ' s backpack on he's shoulder as he walked up towards you slowly and quietly as well as he puts he's backpack down as he saw you were picking a flower from the ground and you started to pick the flower's petals ❀ as you just stared at the flower as tear drops fell onto the petals and as the fell down off of the flowers petals and towards the ground "he's right I'm nothing more than a nerd and nobody would ever be with someone like me" he sorta felt a bit of guilt when you said those words be when he was about to walk away from behind the tree he heard a voice that he despised the most "well well well if it isn't little Y / N sitting by her little lonesome with nobody else around now isn't that just adorable. " Jeff says with a grin on he's face "leave me alone Jeff I don ' he replays as he turns around and runs off like a little chicken that he is you blushed a little as you hid your blush from him "t ... thank you for saving me." you said as you held out your hand to the skeleton "wherever it's not like he could have done anything that bad to you" he says with a sinister smile as he grabs your hand and placing he's other hand on you hip "ah? .. "your whole face turned to a very dark shade of red" I can do much worse than that to you. " he picks you up and he teleport's you both to a far off place deep in the middle of the forest in an opened field "wh ... why did you bring me here ?. our classes are gonna start after lunch is over an .. ..? " you were cut off as he dropped you on the forest floor as he pins you down " t do much else sense he has your arms pinned down he soon bakes the kiss "I like you Y / N .." he says as a dark shade of purple appears a crossed he's cheek bones "y ... you like me ?. " he nods slightly as he looks the other way "but I thought you hated me ?." you replayed to him he looks down at you "look Y / N the only reason I picked on you was that I was trying to get over this undying urge to mate with you I see now that I can't run from it I tried everything that I could think of but when I first saw you seating on my seat I knew I couldn't hold back my lust towards you it's been driving me more insane than I'm normally am that's why I didn't want Jeff touching you once I place my mark on you everyone will know that you belong to me and nobody else. " your face started to steam up a it became as red as a tomato he gets up off of you and he lifts you back up "I don't even know your name and we just met today I barely even know you ?." he smirks as he rips your (f / s) shirt off revealing your bra you froze as you fell to your knees covering your breasts "your a pervert and you ruined my favorite shirt that took me moths to get it -gasp-" he holds you close to him as he brushes your (h / l) hair back "my name is Sans and I now am your mate and you are mine forever." he says as he bites down on your shoulder to the blood you screamed in pain as he took he's teeth out from your skin he licked your wound that he made on you, you still felt the pain as he licked your shoulder tears flowed down you eye ' you said you where very embarrassed you suddenly felt something warm in between your legs you looked up a bit and saw that Sans was licking you in between your legs while your panties where still on you began to moan while you blushed very dark red while you tried to push him away from you but you stopped yourself from doing so 'h..he's being so gentle with me ?. it kinda does feel good m..maybe I would let him do this for a little while longer 'you thought as you placed your hand on he's skull gently while you moaned more while you looked at him he than pulls your panties off of you leaned your head back as he pushed he's purple tongue deep inside of your womanhood you moaned louder "AHHH AHHHHH OH S ... SANS AHH AHHH !!! ~" you moaned out he blushed when you moaned out he's name he than pulled he ' s tongue out he than licks against your clit and your slit slightly hearing you moan even more he blushed even more while you kept moaning out he's name he stopped licking your wet area as he get's up on he's knees as he rubs he's member against your womanhood "are you ready to lose your virginity to me Y / N ?." you wrapped your arms around he's neck gently as you pressed your lips against he's teeth he blushed very dark purple and a bit shocked at your reaction but he kissed you back while he puts he's bony fingers brushes through your hair playfully while he pulls away "i 'll take that as a yes than. ~ "you blushed brightly as he slowly put he's purple member inside of you, you closed your eye's as you held onto he's hoodie tightly" ahh i..it hurts S ... Sa .. Without" you moaned he caressed your cheek softly "don't worry the pain will soon disappear my loving mate" he says as he calms you down he than starts to thrust inside of you as soon as you got used to he's size inside of you, you both soon where a moaning blushing and sweaty mess as steam came from your bodies he than turned you around trying a different pose you and him where both laying on your sides he still had he's purple member inside of you as he kept thrusting he began to keep up the pace the both of you started to breath heavily "Y .... Y / N .. I'm getting very close ahh you feel so good ahhhh." your face got even hotter as he said those words as he started to speed up you could feel him hitting a very sensitive spot as he thrust'ed faster hitting your womb as he reached he ' s orgasm as you came afterwords you were a blushing mess as was he while you both panted heavily he than pulls he's purple member out from your womanhood and his purple seed flows out from your wet area slowly "d ... does this mean i. ..i'm pre ... pregnant? .. "you asked him he blushed even more as he snuggles he's face against yours gently" I d..don't think so my sweet Y / N "he replied" oh and i'm sorry about ripping your shirt so uh would you like to head back to my place that way you could call your teacher and tell them why you missed the rest of your classes if ya want ?. " you picked yourself off from the forest floor as your placed your hand on your arm rubbing it slowly as you faced down "w ... well we d..do ... don't have to tell our teacher's everything that happened i 'meanwhile back at schooleveryone headed back to class and the miss Toriel called out everyone's names "Y / N?" she said out but there was no answer "Y / N ?." she said again still now answer "as anyone seen anywhere Y / N ?." Undyne rose her hand "yeah she was being picked on again by that jerk Jeff again so I think she's back home again." she replied miss Toriel sighed as she looked down sadly "oh dear i'll have to have a word with that young man Jeff after school and i'll give Y / N her time to have a chance for sometime to herself" she says as she starts teaching her class

to be continued

Sanses X Papyruses X Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now