Naga Lust X Mermaid Reader Part 1

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it was late at night and all the creatures where fast asleep all but Lust he couldn't sleep. he looked at his brother as he dreamed. 'at lest my little bro is sleeping peacefully.' Lust thought to himself as he slithered out of the den to get something to drink. as he made his way towards the lake to get some water. he noticed something sitting on the rock it was hard to make it out. but as he slithered closer towards the figure. but as he got close the figure noticed him and gasped and dived into the lake. "wait who are you?" he asked the figure but it didn't answer him. 'I might be losing my mind?' Lust scratched the back of his neck. thinking that he was losing his mind. he decided to ignore it and get some water. the figure was watching him from below the lake watching him. as he drank the figure kept watching him till he left but he stayed at the lake for some reason. 'come on go back to your den...' the figure thought to themselves. but as the Naga stayed by the lake the more the figure got curious about the very brightly colorful Naga. Lust laid against the tree gazing up at the stars wondering what it would be like to be with someone special. he reached his hand up towards the moon. "-sigh- mating season is almost here though I don't care every matting season I never found a mate they ether chose a different Naga or ignore me..." Lust looked at his hand and looked sad as he put it into a fist. as purple tears started forming in his eyesocket's. the figure swam up and swam towards him. "hello." a soft voice said Lust wiped his tears away as he looked around the area. "wh...who said that?" he asked as he kept looking around. "in the lake I'm sorry for hiding from you it's just I've never seen another creature besides my people?" Lust looked at the lake and saw the most beautiful creature he had ever seen in his whole life. "whoa your very beautiful." he said as he slithered close towards the beautiful creature. that he had ever lad his eye's upon. "oh I've never been told that before. I've never seen anyone like you ether before though you are very handsome." you said to Lust making him blush a bright purple across his cheekbone's. this was the first time he has ever been called handsome other then being called other names which weren't so nice. but meeting you he smiled and curled his snake like tail while gazing down at you, you looked up at him with a sweet smile blushing a bit as he was very close to you now. "can you tell me your name?" Lust asked you, you lowered your head a bit as you didn't want to tell him your name. "I'm sorry but I don't feel comfortable telling you my name just yet." Lust nodded as he understood that you didn't know him that well yet. "I understand maybe I can come back here tomorrow night and we can talk and get to know each other better?" you looked up at him and smiled warmly at him. "I would like that though I never been outside of the lake all I've known was growing up here within the lake ever since I was small." Lust placed his hand on your head gently as he petted your head softly. "that's alright we can talk about other things oh I can show you my den where me and my brother sleep I can even show you places where I hunt for food." Lust said to you. though he forgot for a second that you couldn't leave the water at lest that's what he thought anyway. "uh oh right I'm sorry I am talking about myself and things I like to do but you can't even leave the lake... I'm sorry." you took a deep breath slowly in and blew out. "well I can leave the lake but you'll freak out." you said to him thinking that he wouldn't be your friend if he saw your none fin like tail to him. "what do you mean I would freak out?." he picked you up in his arms causing you to blush. 'he is holding me in his arms oh my gosh oh my gosh!' your thoughts where everywhere as Lust held you out of the lake and close to him. "sorry I didn't mean to startle you like that." Lust then gently placed you down on the soft grass you covered your blushing face as he flustered you. to the point where you wanted him to hold you like that again but you where to embarrassed to tell him. that you liked him holding you like that. "it's okay I uh don't mind tho...though please warn me w...when you'll do that okay." you asked him. Lust nodded as he saw your fin slowly disappear and turn into human leg's. "uh oh whoa your half human?" Lust knew what a human looked like since there where human's that did come to the island sometimes to take a break from the load city noise. "I don't know I never known my family or I might have never had a family." you slowly stood up and you where naked but Lust looked away as he was now the one being very flustered by you. he grabbed some grass and leaves and other items that the jungle had to offer. and made you some clothes to wear. " put these on. it can get rather cold in the early morning." you smiled at him as you put the clothes on that he made for you. "these are very comfortable thank you so much for the clothes." you thanked him smiling warmly you've never gotten a gift from anyone before and this was the. first time anyone has ever given you a kind and thoughtful gift. "but I need to get you something in return for making me clothes." you lowered your head wanted to give him something in return. Lust looked at you surprised but he lowered his body to your level. "you don't have to get me anything though if your still uncomfortable with giving out your name I can wait." he said as he blushed brightly. you walked up closer towards him. "I would like to get to know you better how about we go on a date and see where it leads okay." you said with a kind smile towards Lust making him smile back with a darker purple blush across his cheekbones. "I've never been on a date with anyone before yeah and mating season is coming soon." Lust covered his mouth as his whole face turned dark purple his face was streaming as he said that out load. you giggled seeing how embarrassed he got from saying mating season. "hey it's okay and if things do turn out well between us I will be happy to call you my mate. but you've never told me your name?" you asked as Lust chuckled rubbing the back of his head slowly. "heh yeah I did forget to tell you my name huh. well since you want to know I guess I can tell you my name. if you want me to tell you?" Lust said while teasing you a little. you giggled as he was being such a tease. "well you do have a really beautiful body your light blue and purple and black scales shin as the morning sun hits your amazing purple eye's you have such a wonderful and loving soul." you said while trying to tease him back. Lust's soul began to beat fast as he had never been complimented by anyone you where the first to ever compliment him. "I don't have the right words to say how happy those compliments make me. but your the first to have ever say those kind and very sweet words to me. and I would love to get to know you better and I would like to be with you forever may I live next to your lake to always be by your side if that's alright with you?" Lust asked you, your eye's filled with tears as he told you that he has never been complimented before not by his own kind but by you made you feel so happy and sad at the same time. "of course you can live next to the lake and can I please know your name please I will tell you my name." you asked with tears coming out from your eye's Lust took noticed to those tears he kept himself lowered to the ground and smiled at you. "it's Lust though you don't need to tell me your name yet I can call you something like a nickname oh how about darling?" he said while booping you on the nose gently. "and no need for those tears darling." Lust gently wiped your tears away. giving you a kiss on the forehead. "Lust that's a handsome name." you said as you hugged him. "I want to be your mate but let's take it slow and get to know each other before we take things to the next step okay Lust." you said as you wanted to be his mate for life. 'no one is going to mistreat you ever again your mine and only mine from now on.' Lust hugged you back lovingly. he was so happy to have finally found a mate for life even if you where from different worlds he didn't care all he cared about was the new life that he was going to make with you. 

to be continued 

(the next chapter is gonna have NSFW and a little yandere mermaid going on a murdering rampage against all the naga's that would call their beloved Lust horrible and awful names. chapter 2 coming very soon.)

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