Naga Red X Village Reader Part 2

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as Travis was searching for you, you where not near the village "damn it I told her to find something strange to bring back to the village not to wonder outside of the village that far." Travis was mad at himself for telling you to go outside of the village. "hey Travis come on your mother is going to get worried if your not back in time for dinner." Norman said to his friend Travis. "I know but Y/N's mother is more worried about her and she's old enough to handle herself out there I hope she's alright on her own once the fog clears we'll look for her in the morning come one." one of Travis's friend's said as they started heading back to the village but. Travis wasn't going back he sneaked away from them when their back's where turned and went out into the fog to search for Y/N he wasn't about to give up. 'sorry guy's but I can't go back without looking for her.' Travis walked deeper into the thick fog heading into the forest. 


you where being held by the naga's tail he squeezed at your body a bit you blushed a bit. "ah please don't eat me I'll do whatever you want sir?." the naga stares at you not trusting a word you are saying to him. "you human's are all the same lying so that you can escape and in the end you'll end up dinner." you look into his eye's and can tell that he didn't trust human's though you where in his grasp you felt. a strange spark as he had his tail wrapped around your body. he lowered his upper half of his body down to get a better look at your body. he began sniffing your sent. this made you a bit uncomfortable but you had to indoor it you didn't want to get eaten. "-sniff- mm your sent smells so delicious as if no one has touched you sexually yet?. or are you a virgin?." the naga said with a wide grin. 'virgin?.' you didn't know what that meant at all as you looked in his eye's. "oh I get it know you have no idea what a virgin is do you?." he unwrapped his tail from your body as he put his hands in yours as he pinned you against the tree. "ahh?!" you didn't know what was going to happen to you, as he had you pinned against the tree. he began licking the side of your shoulder going up your neck. your cheek's started burning up as he was touching you differently none of the village men never looked at you or thought of you as a woman. 'wh...why is he touching me like this feel's strange b...but als...also go...good at the same time ah.' you felt the naga's snake like tongue lick against your neck as he lifted up your dress with the tip of his tail. "w...what ar...are doing" you began stuttering a lot as he made you very nervous while he touched you in this strange manner. "I'm getting you warmed up so that I can breed with you of course though your right we should have fun in a private place~" he said as he picked you up and carried you in his arm's as he slithered from that spot to head to his den. 'I feel so strange between leg's w...what d...did he do.. to me?.' these thoughts kept repeating in your mind as he slithered inside of a large cave. he laid you down on the hay bed. "w...wait w...what are you ahhh?." you couldn't finish your sentence as he spread your leg's and pulled your panties to the side to get you ready for him. 'she is a virgin her sent smells so sweet and damn she is driving me crazy~' he thought to himself as he continued pleasuring you between your leg's you never thought a creature would want a human woman as a mate but he didn't say he wanted a mate. "w...wait ah pl...ple...please d...don....don't this ahh I'....I'm n...not th....the same race" you stuttered as you gazed at him. he lifted his head from between your leg's as he placed his head near your neck. "shut the fuck up and enjoy your last moment's being fucked by a naga got it." he whispered in your ear as he bit down on your neck as his fangs where deep in your neck. you gasped in pain as he bit your neck drool began seeping down from the side of you mouth. your cheek's began burning even more as his venom into your vans. "ahh!" you couldn't hold back a moan as the naga was rubbing both his cock's against your leg's you felt so helpless and weak in your mind you wanted him to stop. but your body was betraying you as your own body wanted him to keep going. and you where scared to what he was going to do to you. you placed your left hand on his shoulder gently as he kept biting your neck until he was done he lifted his head away from your neck. to look at his prey. "heh look at how cute of a face you are making it so lowed~" he said in a soft voice as he slowly began removing your clothes from your body as naga's didn't wear clothes themselves. 'oh wow she's not like other human's that's for sure jeez look at her body it's so soft without those things on her just wow.' he grabbed your leg's as he pulled you closer towards him. you couldn't scream or struggle back as his venom was a different type of venom inside of your blood stream. as he rubbed his two cock's against your legs as he looked down at you with lustful eye's. "ah -pant- I'....I've thi...this be...befo...before." you managed to say while stuttering but that wasn't going to stop him from mating with you. "heh look's like I got a virgin then lucky me~" the Naga said as he slowly pushed one of his large cock's inside of your slit and slowly entered inside of you, your eye's widened feeling how big one of his cock's where. ' bi...big. it hu...hurts.' your face was flushed as you felt so numb and weak as he had you at his mercy. "ahh so fucking tight wow your nothing like those Naga girl's back at my village mm I am going to keep you for as long as I want and if you ever think of running away I'll have to punish you or I could just eat you if you ever think about running away.~ but punishment sounds good hah yeah I'll punish you every time you try to run from me." the large Naga said as he thrusted fast inside of your womb your mind felt blink as he didn't give you time to adjust to this new feeling. tears slowly rolling down your cheek's. missing your mother and also wanted Travis to find you. and bring you back home to the village. but little did you know that Travis was looking for you but he ended up getting lost himself. 

Travis was wondering for many hours as he was in search of his friend he was looking for hours on end trying to see if he could find any clues to lead him to wherever you ended up. 'Y/N where could you be?.' he thought to himself as he was getting worried about wither or not you where still alive and not dead. Travis was going to continue to search for you till you where back home safely with your mother who was worried sick about you. little did they know that you where captured but a Naga and was now going to be his mate.

to be continued

(hey guy's sorry for the long long wait I had a big writers block but I hope you like the second part to Naga Red X Village Reader Part 2. ^_^ 

and if you have any good idea's for part 3 please share them I'd like to know what you like to be apart of the story. ~^w^~ love you all.)

Sanses X Papyruses X Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now