DustTrust X Reader Part 1

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part 1

Meeting  DustTrust

you found yourself in a very horrible place as you looked around the empty ruins. looking to find if anyone lived down here. but as you continued searching for anyone all you could find was only dust. and nothing more then that. "what happened to the monster's that lived in the mountain?" you asked yourself trying to figure out what happened to the monster's that where supposed to be trapped down here where all gone and all that remained was dust and cobwebs. you slowly made your way towards the exit of the ruins once you've opened the door's, you stepped out and where met with a very chilling breeze once you've opened the door's. "fuck I forgot to bring a set of warm clothes." you said in a shivering whisper. once you've steeped out into the snowy forest. the door to the ruins closed on their own. which caused you to jump with a fright. as you where not excepting that to happen out of the blue like that. you sighed placing a hand over your heart as that was quite scary for you. and your not sure if their is a ghost or another type of monster that lived down here but your mind started to wonder what could have happened to all of the monster's to just up and disappear like that. "this doesn't make any since what happened here?" you started walking again towards a little town called Snowdin Town. though you still found no one in the town. nor in any of the building's. "it feels so lonely here." you thought out loud to yourself as you spotted a nice looking house. that seemed to be still clean and freed from dust and cobwebs. you knocked on the front door. "hello is anyone home?" no one answered. though you didn't want to trespass on this monster but you. needed to find out what happened here and if this monster was still living in the underground of the mountain you needed to speak with them about this. even if you are invading their personal space by intruding on their home. "maybe I will wait outside for them. ah but it is so cold out here why does everything have to be so hard?..." you said feeling ashamed of going to intrude on this monsters home. but just when you where about to twist the doorknob you suddenly heard a voice from behind you. "hey human what do you think your doing?" the voice sounded very angry as send shivers up your spin. as you turned around with your hands up. "I am sorry I did knock on the door twice and no one answered and my whole body is starting to get really cold just from staying outside." you said trying to apologize to the monster. 'oh man he look's scary.' you thought to yourself as you gave a weak smile. the skeleton monster just stared at you. "tsk so your another human who fell down here huh?" he said as he gave you a wicked grin. making you feel really scared and uncomfortable. "why don't you come inside and warm up I'll even get you something nice to drink." he said with a cold voice as he walked over towards the door and opened it. allowing you to walk inside before him. you went inside of his home and heard him closing the door behind him. "have a seat on the couch while I go make you that drink." you started to feel nervous being inside of his house with him. but you didn't want to get him angry and you did as he said. you took a seat on the couch which was very comfortable and soft. though you looked around and saw that he lived here all by himself. "do you live here by yourself?" you asked him wanting to know what happened in the underground. "yeah I do but I ain't alone I have my brother Papyrus with me even though you can't see or hear him. I know he is with me." the skeleton said. as he poured a cup of coco for you. as he looked for something else to put in the drink. 'mm where is the ah fuck I ran out of it didn't I all I have is sleeping drugs oh this might work in my favor after all." he thought to himself as he put the sleeping drug in the coco. "oh I am so sorry to hear that it most be lonely for the both of you to be here all alone just the two of you. uh excuse me I don't mean to sound rude or anything but can I use your bathroom please." you asked as you really needed to go. "uh sure it's the middle door upstairs." he said as he saw you get up and walk upstairs though he was looking at your body up and down and his cheekbones began turning a deep shade of purple. as he noticed how cute you looked. he shook his head as he snapped himself out of his thoughts of you being cute. 'no way they are a human and I fuck but they are so cute what the hell is wrong with me.' as you washed your hands stepping out of the bathroom. you saw the monster sitting on the couch. you walked over towards him and seat down next to him. "uh thank you for letting me use the bathroom." you thanked him. though he looked at you. "no problem by the way. do you maybe like monster skeleton's or?" he asked as you titled your head to the side as that was a random question he asked you out of nowhere like that. "uh well I do like different types of monster's but getting a closer look at you. your actually really cute and I do like skeleton's they are cool." he scooted closer towards you making you blush a bit as he got closer towards you on the couch. "oh that reminds me can I know your name please?" his soul raced rapidly as he heard you calling him cool. "uh my name is Sans but my brother always called me Blueberry but you can call me whatever you want?" he said as he suddenly was getting comfortable with you around seeing that your not like that human who gotten bored and started killing all of his friends and reset's but that human was finally gone. but they didn't reset so Blueberry was left all alone. with his ghost brother Papyrus. "aww that's such a cute nickname your brother gave you. my name is Y/N L/N M/N." Blueberry couldn't hold his blush back as you looked really nice and he has finally wasn't alone. as you where about to reach for the coco Blueberry took it. "wait I'll make it better for you besides I didn't put enough chocolate in the coco." he said as he went back to the kitchen. "oh okay thank you so much Blueberry." you said with a warm smile making him blush brighter purple. 'man they are so cute.' Blueberry made you a fresh cup of coco and handed it to you he even made tacos for you as well seeing that your stomach was growling. "thank you so much I was getting pretty hungry." you thanked him as you took a sip of the coco and had a taco. your eye's started sparkling as these where the best taco's you've ever had. "mm so good~" you hummed happily while you continued eating. Blueberry's soul shined though his chest. as he was glad to hear someone liked his homemade taco's. he hasn't made taco's for anyone in a very long time. and to finally to be able to cook for someone again made him happy. "hey since your stuck down here would you like to live here with me?" Blueberry asked as he really hoped that you'd say yes. you swallowed once you finished eating. "of course I will stay here with you I am not going to leave you here all alone. besides I jumped down so I can get away from the bulling that's been happening at my school. but that's not something I want to talk about to you cutie." you said as you smiled warmly at him. Blueberry blushed. "uh cu...cutie?" he asked as he looked the other way. "ah sorry did I say something wrong?" you asked as you didn't want him to hate you. "n...no you didn't say anything wrong it's ju...just I've never been called cute before." he said as he didn't know what to do being called cute was a first for him. though his brother did call him cute only to tease him but after a while. he started to get used to being called cute by his brother. but if someone else called him cute he would get flustered again. and very shy around them. "oh well it is true you are very cute. I know we've just met but I really want to be your friend. if that is alright with you Blue?" you asked him. Blueberry nodded his head. "yes I would like that a lot Y/N." he turned on the TV for the both of you to watch together.

to be continued

(what do you want the movie that DT turned it onto.

A something very hot and spice. 

B something cute and lovey dovey. 

C something cute and lustful.

D something very hardcore and sexual.)

Sanses X Papyruses X Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now