DustTale Sans X Nerd Reader Part 3

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as the sun rose up greating the sky the light from the sun was shining on your eye's, you turned around as you lifted yourself up, as you yawned, you looked over and saw that Dusty was still fast asleep you even noticed that you where naked , 'uh ?. w .. he most have had fun with me in my sleep, damn it I wish I was awake to enjoy it, oh well I'll let him sleep for a little while longer I'm going to make us some breakfast, 'you got up from the bed as you headed towards the kitchen, while you where still naked, 'I hope he doesn't mind but it is sorta hot today,' you thought to yourself while you started making breakfast for you and him, 'just thinking about Dusty having his way with me in my sleep is making me feel so warm I can't help but wonder if I'm going to have a baby ?. ' you thought to yourself while you remember what the doctor told you, "oh yeah I forgot he put me on those birth control pills because of Jeff trying to get me knocked up when we where still together, -sigh- I'm so glad Jeff is no longer in the picture, Dust is more then a man then he will ever be, "you said to yourself while you started to hum while you cooked and you didn't notice that Dust was standing right behind you he slowly put his hands on your hips as he started snuggling your shoulder, "that smells amazing Y / N ~" you began blushing a very dark shade of red, you where still quite nervous when he got close to you but you paid it no mind, "g. .good morning Dusty how did you sleep last night ?. " you asked him, he gave you a smile while he slowly rubbed his right hand down placing his finger on your clit, "would you like a repit of what I did to you last night my lovely mate? ~" he replied while he stuck out his purple tongue as he licked the skide of you neck, you let out a soft moan he was making you feel all hot and borthered, "D..Dusty I..I." you where going to say something but he slowly turned your head facing him, as he started to tongue kiss you deeply you kissed him back, 'that's right Y / N you don't need to answer me just let it happen ~' Dust used his magic to turn the stove off as he picked you up in his arms as he made his way towards the couch as he tossed you on top while he pinned you down, "I love you Dusty." you said as you kept blushing, he smirked while he grabbed both of your breasts while he started pinching at your nipples, "I love ya to babe ~" the both of you where moaning as your bodies started to sweat up as steam started making the room feel like a sona, "can I cum inside of you Y / N ?." he asked, you nodded while you felt him pick up the pach he was going so fast and rough on you, "ahh ahhh oh Dust I want you to cum with me ahh oh y..yes! ~" you moaned out he blushed while grinning as he bite down on your shoulder where he bit you before you didn't mind the pain you, sorta liked it rough. both of you reached your climax, "ahh!" you both moaned at the same time while panting heavily, "I'm not going to stop and forget about breakfast I am already have my lovely mate ~" he says while he continues to thrust deeper inside of you, "ahh oh Dust d. .did you do this t..to me last n..night ?. " he smirked while he kept pleasuring you, " Dust was thrusting his hips up and down you where deep thorting down on his cock, the both of you kept on pleasuring each other as the room was starting to get very steamy, 'oh wow he is amazing with his tongue ~' you where blushing as you felt him about to cum again, 'I love him so much.' as he was cumming you where sawollowing his purple seed, as you pulled your mouth off of his cock as you began moaning louder as you where cumming yourself, once again Dust kept on thrusting his tongue even deeper inside of you, "ahh oh Du. .Dusty your so amazing ~ "you moaned while blushing dark red, Dust blushed bright purple while he rammed his tongue farther inside of you, you gasped as you let out a even louder moan of pleasure sticking out your tongue," ahh oh Dust you are the best boyfriend ~ " he smirks while he used his magic again to lift you up in the air, he turned you around as he started rubbing his cock against your ass, "are you ready for anal ?." he asked you while he continued rubbing his cock against your asscheeks, you blushed even more, "y..yeah," you replied as you where very nervous about anal, but to your surprise it didn't hurt as much as you thought it would, he started moving his cock inside of your ass while he laid his body on your back as he placed his hands against your clit as he rubbed your clit, making you moan even more, "you have such a tight ass my lovely mate ~ "he said while he loved making you blush," ah ahh! ~ "you wanted to say something but you where to much in pleasure, you thoughts where wondering, Dust smirked while he kept thrusting even deeper inside of your ass, "I will make you feel even more pleasure my love ~" he says while he then took his cock out of your ass you looked at him but he was smirking as he rammed his cock back inside of your ass you let out a even louder moan while both your bodies kept sweaty and steaming up, 'I'm gonna cum again mm I love when she get's like this ~' Dust smirks while he starts to cum inside of your ass, you moaned out loudly, Dust then pulls out of your ass, he then picked you up in his arms once again, "-pant- t..tha..that was -pant- am..amazing .. -pant- "you said panting Dust smirked while he laied you down on the couch," you rest I'll finish making lunch. " he said while he walked back into the kitchen,

to be continued

Sanses X Papyruses X Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now