Yandere Blueberry X Innocent Reader Part 4

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as I took my set at my new desk I wasn't really good at math though I did know a few things here and there. from my sister Marla she was a great help. when it came to math and as for me I really hated it. the bell rang and the rest of the students walked inside of the classroom even Blueberry from before he sat down beside the other desk I guess he also didn't like doing math but. then again I could be wrong about that. I went back to working on my math problem. as I was busy I heard Kath's annoying voice I ignored him. "Psst hey Y/N how's about we ditch this lame class and get freaky~" I rose my hand to get the teacher's attention I wanted to move sets from Kath. "excuse me teacher could I please switch sets please?." I asked them nicely the teacher looked at me and at Kath seeing that he was bothering me the teacher thankfully agreed I got up picking my school work from the desk and walked over and sat on the other side next to Blueberry. "thank you teacher." Blueberry seemed to be glad that I've moved closer to him. I smiledo at him as I put my things on the desk and sat down as I got back to work.

as soon as I finished my work I stood up and handed my papers to the teacher. "thank you, you may sit back down Y/N." I nodded and went back to my desk. "hey Blueberry would you like to hangout with me and my sister at lunchtime?." Blueberry smiled at me and held my hand gently. "I'd love to Y/N." Blue was very sweet towards me and I found his company more enjoyable then some people like Kath the bully from next door.

a few hours later.

the first day of school was going good at first but I still felt on edge as I knew something aweful was about to happen but I couldn't put my finger on it. but I would have plenty of time to think more about it once I got something to eat. that's when Kath showed up again once I got my tray of food as I got to the line to get the food and to my luck Kath had to be at the back of me. I sighed as I picked up an apple and moved up the line I glared at him as I knew what he was trying to do he kept trying to grab my ass but I turned around every time that he tried to do that to me. I quickly got my food and drink and speed walked away from him and saw my sister sitting with Lust and another monster I've haven't yet to met before. "oh sis this is Dream he and Lust are friends we met at the nurses office." Marla said with a smile I smiled back at her. as I sat down across from her. "hello it's nice to meet you Dream." he smiled at me though I saw that his arm was in a cast. "oh don't worry about this it will heal besides I'll talk with my brother once we get back home." he said rubbing his skull with his other hand. "oh you have a sibling to what are they like?." I asked him, Dream but he didn't seem up to talking about his sibling. "sorry I don't really want to talk about him at the moment..." he said lowering his head. Marla put a hand on his shoulder comforting him. this was the first time I've seen her not be so shy around monster's. "it's alright Dream maybe she can meet him later." I could see Dream get a small blush across his cheekbones. 'ah so he has a crush on my sister that's so adorable.' I thought to myself. then I saw Blueberry. I waved at him smiling as I was happy to see him. "hey Blue over here." he noticed me waving at him, he looked like he was blushing but I didn't really know that he had feelings for me. very strong feelings. he walked over to the table where me and my sister where sitting at. "hey Y/N oh hello again Lust and Dream how is your arm?." he asked worried about Dream. "my arm is feeling a bit better thanks Blue so how was your classes?." they started talking about classes and how much fun it was. "oh that's right our last class is P.E" Blue said with a cheerful smile I couldn't help but smile at him, he was just to dang adorable. "ye...yeah though I can't play cause of my arm..." Dream said as he lowered his head Marla caressed his back gently. "I'll sit with Dream I don't want him to be alone on P.E," my sister said she had a heart of gold as I agreed with her. and as I was about to say something else Kath showed up and pushed Blueberry out of the seat I glared at him as he took his seat from him, "yo what's up what ya'll talking about?." he asked as if nothing had happened I stood up and walked over to Blueberry and helped him up. "are you alright Blue?." he smiled at me as he rubbed his skull. "heh I'm fine Y/N really." I shook my head as I picked him up in my arms. "no your not Blue your bleeding. I'll take you to the nurses office." I gave Kath a death stare as I walked away with Blueberry in my arms.

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