Wolfnightmare X Wolf Reader Part 2

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the snow was slowly malting and spring is on it's way, it's been a month sence you've last seen your pack, "they most think I'm dead by now." you said while Blueberry took your paw looking up at you, "hey don't worry Y/N I'm sure your pack is still out there looking for you." you smiled at him as you nuzzled his cheek, "thank you for all that you've done for me these past few day's it's been.." before you could finish saying your goodbye's the earth began shaking and you saw that the walls of the cave was coming down you pushed Blueberry and the other's out of the way but leaving you trapped inside of the cave, "Y/N!!!!" Blueberry cried out your name worried for your safty "Blueberry I'm fine is there another way out of the cave!?" you shouted since they couldn't hear a cause of the rocks in the way of the exit that the've always known, "we are not sure but there might be another way out but that's like walking into a grave and never to come back from ever again?!" Blueberry replied but you werent going to give up, "I'm going down there and if I don't come back out then I guess it was nice knowing you all for a short while, and if you happen to run into my pack tell Lara I sent you to stay with them." you said while you started walking down towards the deepest part of the cave, 'this cave is a lot bigger then I thought no wonder they got lost down here.' as you where walking along the path you where taking, you began to hear something it sounded like another wolf's voice, you sniffed the air and got their sent rather quickly, "-sniff- male but that's all I can tell from his sent." as you made your way down deeper into the cave to find another way out,

meanwhile Blueberry and his family where very worried about you and if you'll make out okay, "we have to move these rocks out of the way we can't leave her trapped in there with that monster that kills wolves!" Blueberry shouted as he was trying to move the rock but it was no use, "bro we can't move rocks those are like really heavy even I can't move them we most honer her wishes and find her friend named Lara I'm sure she'll be alright after all she is an alpha wolf." Blueberry sighed while he nodded with as tears streamed down his cheeks, "y...yeah your right she'll be fine..." Blueberry followed his pack going to find your pack if they will take them in, Blueberry felt sad leaving you behind though he thought of you as a big sister he never had, 'I really hope she'll be alright on her own.' they kept walking following your sent and they might find your pack sooner then they thought they would,

while you where walking down the path of the cave it was getting to dark to see anything, so you had to follow your sence of smell instead of relying on your sight you sniffed the air as you smelled the outside you where close to the exit of the other side of the cave, but you felt something grab your waist pulling you behind a rock, "y..yeah wh..humph." the smae thing covered your mouth, "quiet you'll get me cought." you heard a male wolf voice say to you, 'what the heck I thought they said there was a monster down here?.' you thought while you noticed grawling, just then the strange snake like things let you go, "you leave here now before I change my mind unless you want to end up dog meat for them out there?." he says with a wicked smirk as he rushes out and fights off the dogs that where near his laier, the dog's wimmered as they ran off crying, "AND STAY AWAY FROM MY LAIR OR ELSE NEXT TIME I WON'T BE SO MERCYFUL!" he shouted with a grawl as he turned around to walk back inside of the cave, he saw you looking at him with sparkles in your eye's, "your still here I told you to get out of here before I changed my mind about killing you?." he walked back into the cave, you followed behind him, "that was amazing back there how you fought off those dog's your like a super wolf." he was starting to get annoyed by you following him but he did like you saying those things about him, "would you leave me alone I don't like other wolves following me or talking so highly of me. I'm a lone wolf and another thing I don't do pack's so leave me ALONE!" you seat down as you looked the other way, 'this is strange my father told me that there where wolves out in the world that are loners but I never understood why?. until now,' you felt bad for annoying him you stood up as you headed back to the exit of the cave, until you found yourself facing a hunter, "well well if it isn't my lucky day good work Dottie Danner we are gonna have an wolf hanging on my wall oh and she's a beaut to." the hunter said while pointing a gun at you, you started grawling in safe defance showing your teeth at the hunter, "but that's not the wolf that attacked us though it was a male and he had black fur and these things coming out of his back like from a horror movie it was scary." Dottie replied while she new that their master didn't understand them, "yeah but remember Dottie our master can't understand us though so we have no choose but to take this wolf's life instead. sorry miss no hard feelings." Danner said while he and his sister walked over towards you, 'damn it they have me cornered.' you looked around and saw a losented tree breach you smirked as you stood tall and pround as you kicked a rock with your back paw as it hit a tree as it jumped off form that tree towards the tree breanch that was loss as it hit the breach fell down the dog's and their master ran out of the way avoiding from getting smasshed like pancake's, "haha see ya doggy's wouldn't want to over stay my welcome." you said while you jumped on the breach as you ran off into the other side of the forest, "damn it that wolf is gonna die for that come on Dottie and Danner we're gonna do more then hunt that wolf we are gonna make sure she is stuffed and show it to her pack to whoever dares cross me!" the hunter said very angerly, 'so that female wolf is more to her then there seems heh maybe I was to quick to push her away.' the wolf with the snake like things on his back rushed out of the cave grabbing the hunter and his two dog's, "I told you before to leave my lair and to never come back but did you listen no instead you brought your human to come fight your battles for you that is a sign of weakness and how much of cowerds you two really are and attacking a wolf that was actually pretty much what I would do but I grew quite fond of her." Dottie and her brother where both scared of these wolf, "wh..what the hell is going on what the hell are these things?!" the hunter shouted a bit freaked out but he started getting scared as he saw the very wolf that was holding him and his dog's, "oh you don't like my tentacles that's a shame human cause they want to snap your neck and I'll be more then happy to do that." the man's eye's widened as he could understand what the wolf was saying to him, "w..what the hell ho..how can I understand you?." the black wolf grinned while he seat down, "oh that's easy you see your able to understand me cause I am touching your feathly body honestly it makes me sinck to my stomach that I am touching feath like you and if you ever hunt down that female wolf I will glardly kill you myself cause she is mine understand so leave here and never come back to this forest every again!" he shouted while he threw them out of the cave braking the hunter's weapon's in front of him, "grrr!" the hunter stood up and started running with his dog's following behind him, 'heh get's them every time but I am not joking I will kill them if they ever come back.' he walked out of the cave as he began looking for the female wolf that escaped the hunter and his dog's,

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