Horror X Reader Part 2

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 Flowey was the first to wake up as he looked outside of the window to see if Horror or Papyrus where standing outside which they where. back at their posts he. sighed while turned his head around and saw that you where sitting up on the bed and rubbed your sleepy eye's you really needed. some breakfast. "good morning Flowey did you sleep well?." you asked him Flowey nodded his head. "yes I did thank you the story that you've read to me the other night was very interesting and it helped me with those nightmares that I had last night." you smiled at him warmly as you covered yourself from the blankets and walked to one of the dressers as you got down on your knees to see if their was any clothes for you to wear that where. in your size but you had no such luck. "-sigh- dang all the clothes here are way to small and they are all shirts and scarfs." you looked over at Flowey and thought if he would maybe find some clothes that might would fit you. "huh why are you giving me that look for?." Flowey asked while looking up at you. then he gasped knowing that face you where making. "-sigh- alright fine I'll head out but don't be disappointed when I come back with nothing all right" Flowey said as he disappeared into the ground. to look for clothes that would fit you, you stayed behind while still in your bra and panties you sighed while laying back down on the bed placing your hand on your stomach. "heh maybe I can think of someway to take a bath?. but how am I going to sneak passed the two brother's?. that's going to be a tough one though maybe I can talk with them?. nah that might work or it might end up killing me..." you sat back up on the bed. sighing as you couldn't think of a good way to sneak passed the skeleton brother's.


as Flowey was searching clothes that would maybe fit you. he then hid behind a tree as he noticed Papyrus and Horror coming out from their house. 'I could maybe sneak inside of the smiling trashbag's room though I don't want Y/N to get killed for stealing. -sigh- this is so hard why can't she just wait till her clothes dried off?.' Flowey thought to himself as he disappeared before Horror looked his way. "Sans what is it?." Papyrus asked his brother. Horror glared at the tree's but he ignored it for now. "it's nothing Paps let's just get to our posts before the empress show's up." Horror said as he didn't want to deal with the bitchy empress at all today. while they where heading to their post's. Horror noticed that his brother was lost in thought. "yo bro is something on your mind?." Horror asked his brother a bit worried about him. "uh o...oh it's just I've been thinking about something though you've wouldn't understand." Papyrus walked a bit faster so that he could get to his post before his brother. leaving Horror to walk alone to his post. 'gee what's got his bones in a twist?.' he sighed as he sat inside of his century station. though Horror had a feeling that there might be a human hiding somewhere. he got out his axe and hid it just in case a human did show up he would be ready to kill them.

you where looking still hiding inside of the clubhouse though. you where getting bored from just staying inside of there with nothing else to do. "-sigh- Flowey come back safely I'm worried about you..." you couldn't take it anymore you looked though your backpack and got out a hoodie that was like a long dress. you put on your shoes and stepped outside of the small house to look for Flowey. as you walked out you then hid seeing the tall skeleton that Flowey told you about. you peeked from behind the tree and saw that he seemed sad for some reason. you felt your heart shattering seeing him so sad you put your hoodie over your head as you walked out from behind the tree and headed over towards Papyrus. "-sigh- my brother wouldn't understand and that book he read to me last night it. wasn't the same I'd would like to listen to that story again the one that the human female read she read it with such passion and also made me feel like I was in the story." you stopped in front of Papyrus as you heard him say that he heard you reading your book out loud. "excuse me?." you said getting Papyrus's attention he held back in a gasp of surprise as he looked around and saw that it was the human girl. "I'm sorry to bother you like this but I couldn't help but over hear you talking to yourself?." you said smiling up at him. Papyrus kneeled down and placed the bowl of spaghetti aside. "shh I you shouldn't be out in the open like this it's not safe my brother is waiting at his post and empress Undyne is in Snowdin you need to go back to the abandoned clubhouse hurry." you looked up at him a bit shocked that he is helping you though you weren't companying in the slightest. you headed back to the clubhouse and hid inside. 'so that's Papyrus he is not so bad he is really nice.' though once you where inside of the clubhouse again you've noticed that Flowey had his leaf's crossed. "I told you to wait for me inside of the clubhouse Y/N what if Horror had been the one to see you?." Flowey said with anger and worry in his tone of voice. you lowered your head. "I'm sorry Flowey I was just worried about you..." Flowey's anger slowly changed from guilt as he looked at you. "-sigh- you don't have to worry about me I've dealt with this for sometime now and it's not the first that someone has worried about little old me." Flowey then looked at you. "and I'm sorry I couldn't find any dry clothes for you to wear but I did manage to sneak into the skeleton brother's house and grabbed Horror's white shirt for you to wear as a nightgown." Flowey said tossing you Horror's shirt. you looked down at Horror's shirt and placed it on the bed. "Flowey I don't feel comfortable wearing someone else's clothes." Flowey rolled his eye. while he sighed. "look Y/N ether you wear the shirt or wear that hoodie you have on but ether way you need to wear something otherwise e.." Flowey stopped talking as he saw Papyrus's shadow looming over him. Flowey quickly hid inside of the ground beneath the clubhouse. "o...oh sor...sorry I didn't mean to startle you." you smiled at Papyrus as you walked over to him. "it's alright Flowey Papyrus won't hurt us." you said while holding out your hand for Papyrus's, Papyrus held out his hand as you place both hands on his gently. "are you crazy Papyrus and Horror are not friendly at lest not anymore..." Flowey said as he was scared of them both. you shook your head looking up at Papyrus. "I heard that Flowey took one of my brother's shirts and that's alright he only wear's that one bloody shirt anyways. so you can have that shirt of his." you smiled up at him as you took off your hoodie and put on the white shirt. it was a bit big on you but at lest it was something. "oh Papyrus would you like something to eat I did pack some caned food's it's not much but at lest it's something." you said to him. Papyrus sat down outside of the widow as he was a bit hungry. "ye...yes I would love something to eat thank you human." you got out the caned food's and the can-opener as you went outside to cook the food.

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