Wolfnightmare X Wolf Reader Part 3

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when you where well rested you opened your eye's as you looked down you smiled while seeing Blueberry still sleeping underneath your leg, 'awe he most have been really worried about me I'm so sorry that I made him worrie so much.' you licked his head while you got up carefully not to wake him up, 'he is like a little brother I never had.' you thought while you walked out of your den, you saw that it was night time already but you didn't mind you could see sence it was as dark as the cave was you headed down and saw Lara walking by, "oh Lara could you watch over Blueberry for me while I'm gone I'm gonna see the wolf that I like." you tell her Lara was so happy for you, "I will don't worry Y/N you can count on me I'll watch over him with my life." she replied while she walked towards your den,

you where slowly making your way back towards the cave where you first met Nightmare as you where getting closer you felt you heart beating rapidly, 'ma..maybe these was a bad idea I'll ju..just come b..back tomorrow when it's not so dark out.' just before as you where about to head back to the pack you heard breathing behind you, you slowly turned around and saw it was Nightmare you felt yourself getting nervous as you began blushing, "what are you doing back here?." you looked at him in the eye's while you took a deep breath as you breathed out, "I had to come see you again and don't you remember that I can visit whenever I like." you reminded him of his own words that he said to you, "-sigh- right fine come on it's not safe for you to be out here I was busy hunting for my pray until I noticed you standing there why are you back here anyway it's dark out?." you let out a soft sigh as you walked beside him, "will you know back when you where apart of a pack and you would howl at the moon and that would mean your mate's for life?." he looked at you confused as he never heard of such a thing before, "no my old pack never had such a thing before why are you asking me this?." your blush returned on your cheeks as you got closer to his side, "I was wondering if you would like to join me back where my pack lives and maybe we can howl together on the howling rock?." you asked him very nervously, while you kept walking with him back to the cave, "and if I don't go with you to these howling rock of yours will you force me to go with you?." he asks with a glare towards you, you shook your head, "no of course not I wouldn't force you to come with me if you don't want to come then that's fine there is always the next full moon oh and this is going to be the first moonlit howl of spring sence the snow is finally gone away." he blushed while he looked at you, 'why most she be so damn nice towards me doesn't she realize I am the monster wolf no one would want to be around let along howl with?.' while he was deep in his thoughts he almost walked into a tree but thankfully you where there and you stopped him from hurtting himself, "are you alright you almost walked into that tree Nightmare?." you asked him very worried about him, "I'm fine I just got lost in thought is all -sigh- we are almost back to the cave your lucky I hunted some meat before I ran into you." as soon as you and Nightmare made it back to the cave he walked inside as you followed behind him, "Nightmare well you at lest think about coming to the howling rock with me?." you asked him feeling a bit sad if he didn't show up then you wouldn't go yourself cause you found yourself a wolf that you loved and he wasn't like the other male wolves back at the pack he was so much more then just a monster to you, he was someone very special and you found him not scary nor a threat but as a true wolf who understands the meaning of life and death, "you'll sleep right here until morning comes and faraway from me understand?." he says to you, you look at him as you layed down on your stomach, "Nightmare I want to tell you something but not here I want it to be at the howling rock it's in a few day's and it's only might for you." Nightmare looks towards you as he began blushing a bit, "ah fine okay I'll to this stupid howling rock whatever it is and tell me what you want to tell me then I'll be on my way back here but remember I am only going because you asked me to not because I want to go." he says while he walks to his spot to sleep for the night, as he looked over at you, he saw that you where already fast asleep, '-sigh- what the hell has gotten over me why didn't I just say no to her?.' as Nightmare kept looking at you he started to noticed that you where shrivering from the cold, 'great it's a cold night.' he stood up from where he was at as he walked over towards you, he layed down beside you as he was keeping you warm with his fur he was a bigger wolf and his fur was very warm you stopped shrivering as you had a smile, he felt you sunggling against his warm fur, he started to feel his cheeks burning up again as he layed his head down while he fell asleep keeping you warm from the cold,

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