Bad Sanses X Slave Reader Part 2

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once morning rose and those skeleton monster where now most likely now asleep you, on the other hand knew that you had to escape from them though they where very strong for skeleton monster's. especially the one that they call boss. or Nightmare shaking your head at the thought of them beating you or worse. 'what can be worse then death is being locked up without any food and water...' you thought while hearing the growing of your stomach. the hunger pains where getting to you as you haven't eaten since they've kidnapped you and brought you to their leader's castle. your wrists where still tied and the your mouth still gagged. you tried standing up but the hunger pain's where to much to even bare leaving you completely helpless, you then heard a loud bang at the cage door casing you to jump with a fright. "HAHAHA oh man this human is so human-orous having her as our slave is going to be fun~" the large skeleton with the one red eye and gaping hole in the right side of his skull laughed leaving you frozen where. you sat against the cold bar's of the cage you could even hear the beating of your own racing heart, "hey Horror don't scare our slave to much she'll might end up dead though that wouldn't be a problem for us now would it?." your eye's widened as they opened the cage door and walking inside of it while the one that kept his hoodie up walked towards you, you moved your leg's trying to get away from him. but there was no escaping this place. he grabbed you by your hair as he did before. you screamed in pain. "MMMHMMMM!" the skeleton smirked while enjoying the sounds coming from your gagged mouth all though he rather hear your sweet screams without the gag being in the way. "let's remove this ball-gag shall we I want to hear you scream without the muffled sounds of screams I prefer hearing those loud painful screams coming from those lips of yours human~" the skeleton said while licking his upper teeth with his dark purple ecto tongue. as he held up a knife in his other hand cutting the gag from around your head, while accidentally cutting your left cheek slightly to the blood. you gasped as the ball-gag was removed from your mouth yet you where to stunned to even say a word and scared that they might do something to you if you, said anything to defend them "awe what's the matter human cat got your tongue?~" your heart kept beating fast with fear. "hey Dust Horror Nightmare is calling for us." said the other skeleton with the target shaped soul the other skeleton now known as Dust dropped you to the floor. you let out a loud scream while he dropped you, "tsk yeah whatever what those Nightmare want now?." Dust said with annoyance in he's voice. "you'll have to come up to he's thrown room he has an idea for what we can do with the human." the skeleton who had the target shaped soul winked at Dust and to Horror as well. leaving you puzzled and very confused to what they where going to do to you, you where to frightened to say anything or do anything for that matter. "fine we'll be there shortly Killer." as the three skeleton's headed towards the thrown room leaving you alone yet again without anything to eat. you held your stomach as the hunger pain's where becoming even more painful then before. though you noticed the cage door was still unlocked, 'now's my change to escape this horrid place and seek someone for help.' you slowly yet very carefully tipped toed over towards the cage door being extra careful not to make a sound. though bar's of the cage was very old and rusty like it hasn't been used in age's. though the steal was still quite strong and tough to hold out for such a long time. though you where to quick to think that escaping from the evil skeleton's was going to be easy but you where oh so wrong.

meanwhile in the thrown room

Nightmare was sitting while waiting for Error to hurry and finish making a maid outfit for the human. "grr Error you know I hate being kept waiting hurry your ass up with the maid dress already so we can put it on the human!" Nightmare shouted with impatiently Error the one with the blue yellow and red bone's glared at Nightmare while rolling his eye's at him. "well excuse me your highness would you like to take over on what I am doing and make the dress yourself!?!" Error shouted angrily Nightmare huffed as he placed a hand under his cheekbone. just then Killer Horror and Dust walked into the thrown room. "ya called for us Nightmare?." Dust asked while looking at their leader of darkness. "ah yes I did once Error is finished preparing the maid outfit or dress for her I want one of you to put it on her and you can even do whatever you want with her. except you can not kill her do I make myself perfectly clear?!" he shouted while giving them an order not to kill the human female. "crystal clear Nightmare." Killer said while he was the most loyal out of the bunch Nightmare let out a sigh while rolling he's eye's. "so who should be the first to spend time with the human?." Horror had his tongue hanging out as he wanted to start tearing at the human's clothes and making her scream for him to stop. "let's draw straws and whoever pick's the red straw get's to be the first to spend time with the human?." Killer had suggested the other two agreed with that idea while getting the straw's and since Killer thought of it he get's to pick first. with the star Sanses

Dream gasped in pure horror at what he saw golden tears forming in his eye-socket's while seeing many dead human bodies scattered all over the once calm and peaceful village. Blue berry covered his mouth with both of his hands as he's eye's where widened at the mare sight of what he was seeing. Ink sighed while lowing his head. "it's all Nightmare's doing I know it and he's goons they are nothing but heartless monster's who care about nothing but murder and destruction in their path..." Dream fell to his knees while failing the AU's he was sworn to protect. "I'm a failure as a protector and a guardian of hope's and dreams..." Blueberry put his food down at hearing such nonsense in he's life. "nonsense Dream your a great protector and guardian you wand to know why your so great because you never stop in believing in other's and giving them the strength to keep on believing in themselves and there is no better guardian then you Dream." Blueberry said to he's friend while helping him back up on he's feet. "your right Blueberry before we continue our journey let's give these human's and monster's a proper burial." Ink sighed while he painted three shovels for all three of them. to start digging to bury the human's and monster's.

to be continued

Sanses X Papyruses X Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now