Naga Red X Village Reader X Spider Nightmare Part 4

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as you awoke you found yourself back in the Naga's den. you wondered if yesterday was a dream after breeding with a giant spider. "u..uh w...was that a dr...dream?." you said to yourself as you looked around seeing that the Naga was still fast asleep you blushed seeing that he was laying on his back and his tail was not curled up like most snakes do. "mm delicious hu..human meat.~ heh Zzz." you heard him talking while still asleep. you didn't want to be eaten and if you tried to escape from the den he would chase after you and eat you for sure but he did say he would punish you first and if you tried escaping other times he would eat you for sure. 'dang I can't escape or he'll end up punishing me although he didn't say anything about going out to get some water b..but. -gulp- still I wonder what the punishment would be like?.' you thought to yourself as you imagined Red and what his punishment to you would be like. your face began to burn as your blushing was uncontrollable. you looked back at Red as you walked over towards him. as you laid down beside him it was a cold night so you wouldn't try to escape anyway but you where thinking of other way's for him to punish you. 

the next morning

Red woke up yawning as he rubbed his sleepy eye-socket's. he looked around and felt something soft and warm beside his body he saw that you where sleeping soundly next to him. 'oh heh this human most have gotten cold last night well I know how to wake her up~' Red thought to himself as he gently picked you up and was going to breed with you again. until Nightmare knocked on the side of the wall. of Red's den Red gently placed you back down and got up to go outside to see who was outside of his den. "what do you want Nightmare?." Red asked as he looked at Nightmare with tired eye's though Nightmare smirked and walked inside of the den. "I came to see if the human female was doing alright and I also wanted to ask if we could share her after all she seems to not mind having both of us having her oh and how about instead of eating her we make her our mate?." Nightmare said to Red, Red stared at Nightmare for a very long while until noticing you where waking up sitting on your side while yawning a very cute and soft sleepy yawn. as you rubbed your sleepy eye's. "good morning." you said in a sweet voice as you looked at Red and Nightmare, Nightmare smiled at you as he walked over towards you. "good morning how did you sleep last night?." Nightmare asked you, you blushed a bit as you looked up at him. "I slept good and Red is very warm and his scales are so smooth it was like sleeping on a soft fluffy cloud." your said as you where not scared anymore nor stuttering as you wanted to stay with Red and seeing Nightmare again you felt your heartbeat race seeing both of them in Red's den you did grow to like them even if it was a short amount of time that you spent with them. you felt like apart of the family as they didn't treat you like trash or say what you couldn't do or can do whenever you wanted. Red blushed when you said those nice things about him. "so what brings you here Nightmare?." Red asked him as he kept you close towards him. Nightmare looked at Red and gave him a slight grin. "I was actually wondering if we could share the human female?." Nightmare asked as he rubbed the side of his neckbone slowly. Red stared at Nightmare giving it some thought. "I don't see why not besides you and the human seemed to have gotten along the other day?." Red said making Nightmare blush a bit. you blushed as well remembering what happened yesterday. "I don't mind being with both of you Red and Nightmare I really like spending time with the both of you." you said in a cute and a soft voice while looking down trying to hide your blushing face from the both of them. Red and Nightmare both saw you where hiding your face and they both smiled at you. "heh well Red you heard her what she said and yes we did get along quite nicely the other day." Nightmare said while he kept blushing. 


Travis was hiding behind the tree as Kaitlyn was playing with her brothers though hide and go hunt. Kaitlyn always loved hunting. Travis smiled as he did find the blue haired Naga girl very beautiful. 'maybe I can spend sometime here and I'll look for Y/N once I get something to eat myself.' Travis thought to himself as he continued watching Kaitlyn hunting for her next meal.

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