Lust X Reader Pt 1

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(some NSFW)

it was a peaceful day outside as you gazed outside of the window. wonder what could be inside of the mountain that everyone keeps. saying to never go up to. "hey mom why does everyone in the village say never to go up to the mountain?" you asked your mother hoping she would give you an answer. "oh well sweetie they worn us not to go up there because of reason's I don't even know why we aren't allowed to go up there?" she said as you lowered your head and placed your hand on your cheek as you looked at mountain. but you soon got a very cleaver idea while your mother was busy making dinner in the kitchen. 

mean while in the underground

Lust was at his post as he was meant to be. he was bored and wanted something to do. but he knew his brother would. punish him if he did anything that he wasn't suppose to do. "fuck I'm so bored I feel like I'm going to lose my mind of how bored it is here..." Lust sighed of frustration. and complete and under boredom. 'I'm glad I quit that striper job it wasn't working for me. and I don't really like how everyone was staring at me for their own and selfish needs.' Lust took a deep breath exhaling in and then exhaling out slowly. but he was glad that he was helping his brother to try and capture a human. but Lust did make a promise to his friend from behind the large door's if a human ever did fall into the underground that he would keep them safe and out of harms way. even though he didn't like making promises to anyone he had a feeling that he needed to keep this one. as he had a strong feeling that he needed to keep this promise to her from the other side of the door's of the ruins "fuck me why did I have to make such a promise damn it all..." Lust lowered his body on the post as he was angry with himself. he hated that he made such a promise but he couldn't refuse as his friend begged him to promise her. 

back with you and you where packing your backpack going to sneak out of the house while. your mother wasn't paying attention or she was fast asleep as she always works a really late job and has hardly enough time to sleep. "okay I got food water and extra pares of clothes just in case." you looked around your room as you deiced to also take your private naughty stash cause you didn't want you mom to come into your. room while your not there and finding what your into. that would be way too embarrassing. you zipped up your bag and headed outside of the front door. "I'll be back soon mama." you said as you gently closed the door behind you. and headed up the mountain. you almost tripped down the hole. but you caught yourself before you could fall inside. "mm that's a long way down dang and other people fell down there and lived ouch their back's most hurt but how can anyone survive such a nasty fall. good think I came with rope to tie to a tree and toss it down and clime down safely without breaking any of my bones." you did what you said out loud to yourself and climbed down the rope making your way inside of the underground. 

once you've reached the ground you let go of the rope. and looked around the ruins. their where roses. "oh yeah I am so glad I climbed down here other wise my skin would have gotten all sorts of cuts from those thorns." you walked out of the first door and made your way towards the next door. though you noticed some monster's where staring at you as if they've never thought they wouldn't see another human. though you continued walking down the path until you reached what looked like a small house in the ruins though it looked really clean and neat as someone lived in their. though you didn't know who lived inside. but you didn't care all that much since the other monsters didn't attack you yet. you opened the door and walked inside of the house. you looked around and saw that it was really cute. on the inside with different plants and paintings. as you made your way down the stairs of the basement as much as you'd like to look more around the house you wanted to know more about the underground. though you didn't know that the monster that lived in the house was right behind you. and she was following you. you took out your notebook. "okay I need a good school report. about the underground what better way then to explore in the underground itself." you said to yourself still not knowing that the female monster was behind you listening to every word you where saying. "excuse me but what if you'd just stay down here with me?" the monster said in a soft and sweet voice. you turned around and wasn't scared of her at all. "oh hello you most be the one who lives up in the ruins. and I can't stay here I did tie a rope on a tree so I can get out of here." you said to her as she titled her head a bit. "oh you mean the rope that was nibbled on by some muse above the surface?" she said as she held the chewed up rope in her hand. your eye's widened in shuck. "no how am I gonna get back up... dang it all." you put your hands on your head and ruffled your hair. "it's fine I'll just have to make the most of it while I am done here." you looked at the care taker. "so any chance I can see more of the underground?" you asked her. Tourial looked at you though she was thinking of something naughty but she took a deep beath and exhaled out slowly. "alright but only if you join me for some pie if that is alright with you?" Tourial asked you, you smiled at her warmly. "sure I wouldn't mind a slice of pie. though just a single since." Tourial nodded as she lead you to her home in the ruins. you followed her and saw that her home was quite lovely. 

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