Naga Red X Villager Reader Part 1

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once there was a village it was a small quiet village. peaceful and there was no kingdom to rule over them it was a hidden village that no one else knew about. not even the outside world and who lived there never told anyone about it. cause those villager's never known that there was an outside world until one of the villager's daughters went to go play with her friend's. her name was Y/N she never boke the rules of the other villagers she was always such a sweet and caring girl. until one of her friends dared her to leave the village and to bring something strange back to the village. she was a bit scared of going out on her own she never been away from the village before. "I don't know Travis it is scary." Y/N said with fear in her voice. "awe come on Y/N don't be such a wimp it's easy all you have to do is leave and come back with a very strange item it should be easy and don't worry we'll tell your mother that you'll be late for dinner." Travis said to you, you took a deep breath and exhaled out calming yourself down. "alright I'll go but you have to pinky promise me that you'll keep to your word Travis." he smiled at you as he took you pinky with his and made the pinky promise with you. "I pinky promise." you smiled at him and hugged her before heading outside of the village to find a strange thing to return to your friend Travis though you didn't know that the woods where very thick and the fog was starting to roll in. witch meant that it would be harder for Y/N to see what was in front of her. and easer for her to get lost in the very thick fog. 

meanwhile back in the village

Travis and the other's where waiting for Y/N to return but they didn't know that the forest was filled with Naga's and other types of monster's that would try and eat Y/N for dinner. "hey Travis have you seen my daughter it's getting late and the fog is very thick when it's dark outside." your mother said as she was very worried about you. "uh I'll go look for her ma'am." Travis said as he went to go looking for you. 

back in the forest you where a young adult and knew how to take care of yourself but your mother still treated you like a little girl. "oh this look's like a strange thing to bring back?." you said to yourself as you looked at the item you held in your hand. little did you know that there was something slithering up behind you, you didn't hear them coming. until they spoke in your ear. "my my what do we have here fresh meat mmm I haven't had human in years~" the strange voice said as they wrapped their tail around your body. "oh and aren't you a delicious looking human fuck I can't wait to swallow you whole." he said in a soft hissing kind of voice but you however, you weren't showing fear instead you showed interest in him as you've never see. such a creature before in your life. "what kind of animal are you?." you asked the strange creature. the creature stared at you a bit contused at first but then he chuckled. putting a hand over his forehead. "haha oh this is rich I caught a damn villager so tell me where are the other's?." he squeezed your body tighten his grip over your body. "I'm not afraid of you so go head kill me." the creature stared at you shocked by what he heard you say to him. he unwrapped his tail from your body. "tch the hell with this I rather enjoy the hunt instead so you better run dinner~" he said but you stayed where you where and admired his body his red tail was long like a snakes. "you still haven't answered my question what type of animal are you?." you asked again the creature looked at you as he sighed. "I'm part snake and skeleton monster witch mean's I'm a naga now that you know I'm going to have to?. what are you doing?." you looked up at him with a smile as you petted his scales. "I've never seen a naga before your so beautiful." you said in a sweet soft voice. but the Naga didn't reply to that statement he thought you where mocking him for being different. "are you MOCKING ME?! cause if you are your going to be in for a really really bad time mark my words human girl!" he shouted at you, you backed up a bit as you've never been yelled at by anyone other then your mother. who treated you like a child. "no I'm not mocking you I like your scales they really bring out the kind of Naga in you I'm sorry if what I said offend you in anyway..." you said to him in a saddened voice as he got closer towards you, while you where backed up against a tree. the naga wrapped his tail around the tree and around your body once again leaving you trapped within his grasp with no where for you escape from him.

to be continued

(what do you think naga Red should do to Y/N 

A bring her back to his den?.

B leave her to get lost and then chase her?.

  C breed here right there at the tree?.

or D have Travis come and rescue Y/N?.  

and I'm sorry for not getting to the story sooner I was spending time with my bf and my shoulder started hurting a lot I woke up at 2 in the morning and I didn't get enough sleep my shoulder still hurts a little but I didn't want to leave you guy's hanging. I hope you like this part and I'm sorry that it's so short. I'm still working on the forth chapter of Horror X Reader. ^_^ I'll make it as long as I can so you can have more to read. love you all so much and thank you for being so patient I do get writers block at times I'm going to rest for a while and get a coffee afterword's.) 

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