Classic X Reader Pt 1

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It was around noon and you where sitting at the couch inside of the skeleton brothers house. feeling very tired from running around the underground trying to get out back to the surface. "ahg why is it so hard?" you said to yourself not knowing that Sans was listing to you from behind the couch. "heya kiddo what's got your bones in a twist?" you looked over your shoulder as you tried to hold in a chuckle from his bad puns. "hehe hey Sans I didn't hear you come in?" Sans seat down next to you on the couch as he turned on the TV. "welp ya know me I am a sneaky skeleton gotta keep an eye-socket out for things that are well ya know." he said as he scooted closer towards you. placing a hand on your lap. you blushed a bit you laid your head on his shoulder. "whoa hey now I didn't take you for the sappy romance type?" you chuckled at that. as you got on top of him and softly whispered near his none existing ear. "is it wrong for a human to fall for a skeleton who has magical powers." you said as you slowly grinded your thigh against Sans's growing ecto member though his shorts. "hey kiddo ah slow down mm you know Paps is upstairs sleeping right?" Sans replied as he started blushing a light shade of blue across his cheekbones. as you licked his neckbone near his shoulder. "don't worry about Papy he is wearing those new headphones that block out sound so no need to worry about your brother hearing us." you said as you got down from on top of Sans removing his shorts from his leg's taking in his blue ecto member in your hand as you began licking and sucking on his the tip making Sans let out soft moans of pleasure. "ahh fuck your such a weird human." Sans replied while enjoying the treatment he was getting from you. "oh and stop calling me kiddo I am an adult cutie." you said while you licked up his ecto member before ramming you whole mouth down his blue member deep down your throat. making Sans loss control of his moans and sticking out his blue ecto tongue from his mouth. he placed his hand against your head and gently brushing his boney fingers though your hair. "ah fuck Y/N your going to make me cum with how amazing your mouth is shit ahh." Sans panted heavily as he was quickly reaching his climax. placing his other hand on your head as he began thrusting his hips as he began thrusting deep down your throat. "ahh fuck fuck fuck I'm cumming!~" Sans shouted out you held onto his leg's as he thrusted deep down your throat and as he started cumming down your throat you took every single drop of his warm semen. as he slowly pulled his member out from your mouth panting heavily as he was a blushing mess from what he did. "ah fuck I am so sorry are you alright Y/N?" he asked worried that he might have went a bit over bored with how rough he was by fucking your mouth. you swallowed his cum as you looked up at him with a smile. "I am good don't worry Sans and your cum tasted like blueberries it was warm and very sweet. like drinking a blueberry pie almost the same but different." you said as you kissed his cheek. Sans was still blushing like a blueberry himself. "ah wow that was amazing though uh maybe we can continue this up in my room?" Sans said though this surprised you a little he had always refused to let you inside of his room since you've first met him back at the bridge. 


you held your arms with both of your hands as it was very cold. "damn it why is it so fucking cold outside and why is it snowing inside of the underground anyway?" you asked yourself as you made it to a bridge with poorly made bars that where to wide to keep anyone out. you walked over towards the bridge but you stopped as you felt someone behind you. you turned around and where met with a short but oddly cute skeleton. "shake my hand?" he said though you took his hand and a fart nose could be heard coming from his hand you couldn't help but laugh at how classic that was as you also did that to your ex friends a long time ago. "hahaha. oh man the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick such a classic prank haha!" the skeleton looked at you as he seemed to be blushing a bit at your reaction from his classic prank. "any ways I'm Sans Sans the skeleton." he said while he kept looking at you. "oh it's nice to meet you Sans I'm Y/N." you said to him in return as you walked across the bridge with him. though he seemed to look as though he didn't trust you fully. though you wanted to be friends with him. "oh here comes my bro Papyrus he loves capturing humans though he has never seen a human before." Sans said as he told you a bit about his brother and how cool he thought his brother was. you hide behind a lamp that was oddly shaped like you for some reason or another. 

A few hours later

you couldn't get out of the underground and it seemed like you where stuck to live inside of the underground with all of the monsters that you have befriended every single monster. you headed back to Snowdin. and knocked on Sans's and Papyrus's door. Papyrus was the one who opened the door for you. "oh Human you have returned how did it go with talking to the king?" you looked up at Papyrus and smiled weakly. "well I saw the barrier and well I talked to him. and we made peace but I didn't want to hurt him..." you said as you lowered you head you didn't want to kill the king to get home. it wasn't right so you decided to live in the underground but you needed to find a place to live. "uhm Papyrus I know this is sudden of me to ask this of you but can I live with you guy's for a while until I get enough gold to get my own place?" you asked as Papyrus seemed to be beaming with joy. "but of course human what are best friends are for." Papyrus stepped aside and allowed you into his home. you walked inside and looked around once again. "I'll get the couch all ready for you to sleep on I know it isn't much but Sans doesn't like anyone going into his room. so you can sleep in our living room for the time being. and my bed is a single bed so I don't have enough space. but Sans has a twin mattress even though he has a bigger wider bed. and he lazy around all the time. -sigh- but still he is my brother and he most be doing something that keeps him always tied for some reason." Papyrus said as that made you title your head to the side. "oh that sounds awful. I hope he can get at lest some sort of sleep I think I might be able to help him out." Papyrus smile grows at hearing you say those words. "wonderful now if you'll excuse me I have a lot of work to do besides not capturing a human I am going to be looking in the trash in waterfall for headphones. to block out loud noises. I want to sleep for a few hours. oh and while I am away please don't go near Sans room he really doesn't trust anyone besides me to go into his room." Papyrus said to you. before leaving out of the house to water fall. 

End of flashback

you gulped a bit nervous going to Sans bedroom. "what's got you so nervous Y/N oh are you having a memory of when we first met?" Sans asked as he chuckled a bit. "heh don't worry I may have not trusted you at first but your living with us now so I know what to except also I want to show you a real good time." as he says this he opened the door to his bedroom and picks you up bridle style in his arms as he tosses you onto his bed. while closing the door behind him. and locking it back up so that his brother doesn't walk in while he is giving you a real good time. 

To be continued

Sanses X Papyruses X Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now