Bad Sanses X Slave Reader Part 4

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as Nightmare took Blueberry while the portal closed behind them Blueberry started to struggle to break free from Nightmare's grasp over him all though Nightmare had the upper hand since he was much stronger and then Blueberry. and it didn't seemed that Nightmare was rather enjoying seeing Blueberry trying to attempt to free himself from his grip. which only got a bit tighter. "LET GO OF ME YOU BIG JERK!" Blueberry shouted at his kidnapper. "awe what's wrong does the little Blue not enjoy being taken from his friends to fucking bad your now mine and plus our little slave needs a cell mate after all~" Nightmare grinned while getting a rather naughty idea in his mind. "wh...what WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Blueberry looked up at Nightmare filled with anger towards him. though his anger was short lived as he felt Nightmare's many tentacles rubbing between his leg's. "heh that shut you up rather quickly Blue ah let me guess you've always wanted your brother Carrot to notice you more then just a brother heh how cute well news flash for you little Blue he will not stop treating you like his little brother. but on the other hand I might be willing to allow you to be with our slave if your willing to behave yourself for me?~" Nightmare pulled Blueberry up closer to his face. 'd...dang it h...his got cornered here. -sigh- look's like I have no choice...' Blueberry thought to himself while sighing with defeat. Nightmare took great pleasure in Blue's sudden change of mind. "that's a good boy now before I send you down with the slave there's a little something I want you to take care of for me." he then tossed Blueberry down on his bed. before Blueberry could react to what was going on Nightmare pinned his wrists down using both tentacles. Blueberry's face started to heat up as a light blue blush appeared across his cheekbones. "ha w...what yo..hummph?." Nightmare pressed his teeth against Blue's while giving Blueberry some much needed attention. Nightmare then pulls away while gazing into Blueberries eye-sockets. "now be a good boy and form a ecto pussy for me and if you disobey my orders I'll have to punish you~" Blueberry gasped as Nightmare bit down on the side of Blueberries neckbone Blueberry was forming his ecto body and also did as he was told from Nightmare. "s...stop th...this's g...gros....gross. -paint-" Blueberry blushed while feeling Nightmare's other tentacles slowly move up his ecto body. "shut your cute little mouth and enjoy this while you can little Blue mmm fuck yes your such. a obedient boy aren't ya I bet you've wanted your brother to do. such naughty things with this body of yours such as." Nightmare paused while lowering his hand down between Blueberries clothed pussy. "yes very good Blue doing what I've asked of you look's like I'll have to give you a reword for obeying me like the good little boy you are.~" Blueberries eye-sockets widened as Nightmare wrapped his tentacles around his leg's while spreading them wide open as Nightmare. ripping Blueberries pants right off of him. "well well what do we have here?. someone's getting excited heh I can't imagine why?. oh wait yes I can you like it don't you mm I can smell your heat cycle rising with each and every touch with my tentacles I don't blame you though I am rather good at what I do with them would you like to know what they are good at?~" Nightmare said with a rather deep and teasing voice near the side of Blueberries head. causing his blush a lot more feeling Nightmare's tentacles caress all over his body. "ah... N.....Nigh...Nightm-ahh ahhh." Blueberry tried to defeat himself but Nightmare had other ways of getting Blueberry to stop talking and enjoy himself. 'oh's h...hi....his li...licking my p....pussy I...I..I. can't think str...stra...strag...straight.' Blueberry lead his head down against one of the many pillows on the bed. "mm I can see why everyone calls you Blueberry you have such a sweet taste ah your so fucking cute when you get all flustered like this little Blue such a good boy what an obedient pet you'll make for us~" Nightmare then shoved his hole tongue deep inside of Blueberries ecto pussy managing to make Blueberry moan with a loud and pleasurable moan loud enough that it was heard though out the. entire castle.


you where woken up by a very loud moan coming from another room not far from Killer's. bedroom you sat up from the bed as you held your stomach you blushed feeling ashamed of what you've just did with. one of your kidnapper's. "AHHH N....NO S....STO....STOP LIC....LICKING M....MY P...PU....PUSSY AHHH!~" you blushed hearing the moan a bit more clearer and louder then the first time you've heard it. this also woke up Killer who placed a hand on your shoulder. causing you to flinch as he pulled you closer towards him pressing his ecto chest against your back. "mm morning pet last night was a lot of fun I've hadn't had that much fun before~" your cheeks started heating up again once Killer licked the side of your neck moving up towards your earlobe as he licked on your soft smooth skin he was sending shivers up your spine. "such a sweet tasting human you are though as much as I'd love to continue having fun with ya baby girl I have to get back to my job. oh there is a bathroom in Horror's bedroom though try not to wake him, he get's rather cranky when woken up even Nightmare dares not nether is room when Horror is asleep." Killer said while releasing you from his hold over you, you blushed as he got out of bed and snapped his fingers and he looked much cleaner and refreshed. "heh don't give me that look human after all wouldn't you prefer a hot steamy shower?." Killer grinned while putting his clothes back on while tossing you the maid uniform. you caught the maid uniform and blushed seeing how well made it was. "th...this is for me?." you asked him while looking up at him wondering if he was the one who bought the maid uniform. Killer looked at you as he started to laugh uncontrollable. "hahahaha oh man no way you think haha oh fuck my sides hurt hahaha." he laughed while wiping a tear from his eye-socket. "nah I didn't buy that for ya it was made by one of our fellow villains. though I'm not gonna tell ya who haha." Killer laughed a bit more as he also tossed you a towel to cover up your naked body. "oh before I leave our boss needs your name and don't try to lie to me cause I will tell when someone is lying to me." Killer was dead serious about telling if someone was lying or not. you lowered your head a bit scared that he might hurt you if you lied about your name. "my name is Y/N L/N M/N" you told him, Killer's eye-socket's lit up as you told him your full name on which he wasn't excepting from you. "lovely name~" he said while leaving the room and before he left he also told you where to find Horror's bedroom. 'heh Horror is going to have a good time with this hu- I mean Y/N." Killer smirked while putting his hands inside his pocket's while walking down the hallway while making a portal to another timeline. once Killer was gone you couldn't seem to figure out what Killer was up to. "surely there has to be another shower in this room?." you said to yourself while wrapping the towel around your body. and picked up the maid uniform while searching for a bathroom in Killer's room. as you searched around his whole entire bedroom. you couldn't find a bathroom door anywhere. "-gulp- lo....look's I...I..I ha...have ot....oth....other c...cho....choice." you went to exit Killer's bedroom. you looked around the hallway of the castle from side to side seeing that nobody was around. well at lest not to your knowledge anyway. your heart was beginning to race while making your way towards Horror's bedroom though you thought. going to another bathroom but then again. you didn't know your way around the castle yet. so you had no other options except for one which meant that you'd have to be extremely quiet. to not wake Horror up from his slumber you slowly made your way up to Horror's bedroom. you slowly opened the door to his room. as you peeked inside of the bedroom. you've began noticing that his room was a bit more torn up and much more messier then Killer's bedroom on which was a bit cleaner compared to Horror's. you covered your mouth as you where about to scream though you. did manage to stop yourself in time. as you looked around Horror's bedroom it was a mess not only with torn up pictures or empty boxes but there where bones of human's and animal's everyone on the ground. you had to look down to not step on any of the bones. your whole body was shaking from fear from Horror and didn't want to end up his next meal or dinner for him ether. as you where nearing the bathroom door the towel that Killer gave to you got caught on one of the bones that was hanging from the wall. your eye's got wide as you tried to gently free the towel from the bone but as you where trying to not wiggle the bone to much so that it wouldn't fall. on the ground though things where not in your favor at all. the bones that where hanging from the side of the wall came tumbling down onto the ground making a loud thud causing your heart to stop for a mere second as you looked around the room. praying that the sound didn't wake him from his slumber. "mm fuck off Dust I'm fucking trying to sleep here dump-ass..Zzz." you placed your hand on your chest sighing with a breath of relief. that he didn't wake up from that loud thud from earlier. although your face was rather a deep shade of red after looking at Horror who was not wearing any clothing while he slept. 'no way I d...doing the s...same t...thing wi...with him?...' you managed to free the towel from the bone and walked into the bathroom closing the door. and unfortunately for you, you had no idea what a locked door was though you did know about locked cages but a door wasn't common in your village since you've. had no need for a locked door that is until now. you where very unfamiliar with such a bathroom you didn't know what you where looking at. "this is so different from the village back home?." you said to yourself in a very quiet voice trying to figure how this bathroom worked. you tapped your finger against some sort of metal object wondering what it was used for. "mmm this is so frustrating how does this bathroom even work?." at this point you where about to give up on trying to take a bath that is until you. turned around to be face to face with the bara skeleton formally known as Horror. he seemed rather in a irritated mooned. "-sniff- -sniff- you have Killer's sent written all over your body heh look's like ya had fun last night haven't you human well let me be the first to tell ya that I ain't gonna fall for your tricks got that!" Horror growled at you. as you stepped back from him shivering from him yelling at you, you dropped the maid uniform on the bathroom floor you slipped on a wet spot on the floor as you fell Horror grabbed your harm pulling you against his body as he grabbed your arm the towel that was. wrapped around your body fell off and onto the floor. tears formed in your eye's as you tried to stop yourself from crying in front of him. "-sigh- why would I waste my time with you human I need to take a shower myself so your going to have to deal with it." Horror still didn't trust nor care for you since you where still new to him and where going to be stuck living with them as well. Horror started up the water to the tub you watched as he turned knobs on the right and left sides and were amazed to see water coming out from the metal object. you looked in awe at this new way of getting water from within a bathroom. "how did you make the water come out from the metal object?." Horror rolled his pupil though he had a faint blush. appear on his cheekbones seeing how curious you where about how to use a knob to turn on the shower. "it ain't that hard just turn the knob's that have the letter's H and C meaning hot and cold and lift this middle lock here and then you get a shower see it's easy even a kid can do it." you looked away from him for a moment puffing your cheek's as he technically called you a child. and yet you felt somewhat calmer around him unlike Dust who was about to make you scream from before. "there ya have it welp I'm gonna go take a nap until your done using my bathroom." he replied while walking back out as he went back to his bed. as he was still a bit tired and rather mad that he was woken from his slumber. though he somehow felt a since of warmth from the human female. 'what the hell is wrong with me and why do I feel so damn warm inside?. whatever it will go away tomorrow or once I get back to sleep.' as he sat down on his bed he looked over at the bathroom now noticing that the human female was bare naked. and he hasn't noticed from before when he caught her from falling back-words. Horror turned around as he didn't want the human female to see him blushing over how cute she looked to him. although Horror might seem cruel and heartless at times. he did have a soft spot for rather cute thing's and he found you to be rather very cute in his eye-socket's. as he watched you in the bathroom he soon got up again as he noticed you where struggling to get in the tub. as he appeared behind you, you yelped in surprise as Horror lifted you up and got into the bath with you while adding in some soap bubbles appeared into the water your eye's lit up with amazement at the mere sight of the bubbles. "aren't ya scared of me like before?." Horror asked while questioning you, you lowered your head while slowly nodding a bit. while you twirled you thumbs together. " I b...but how can I scared wh...when you he...helped me from falling. I can't be scared of someone who saved me from hurting myself. besides maybe being here wouldn't be all bad." Horror raised an none viable eyebrow at your answer. 'well that wasn't what I was excepting to hear from her.' Horror sat down while placing you on top of his lap making you blush knowing that the both of you where naked together in the same bathroom. which was inside of his bedroom as well. you lifted your head a bit as you noticed that Horror was actually much more taller and bigger then the other's and you also wondered about how he had such a nice ecto body. Killer had a rather nice ecto body and Horror as well. that got you imagining about Dust's ecto body and wondered how his ecto body would look like. Horror noticed you where lost in your won little world which gave him an opportunity. Horror placed both his hands underneath your armpits as he began tickling you. this got you out of your sexy daydream as you began laughing as Horror tickle attacked you. "hahaha he..haha hey s...stohahaha.stop th...thahahaha..that haha!" you giggled while Horror continued to tickle your armpits. "I'll stop tickling you if you give me a kiss on the cheek?." Horror said while he was joking around with you but to you this wasn't a joke as you turned yourself around and gazed up into Horror's eye-socket's blushing you lead in closer to kiss his cheekbone though Horror. wasn't excepting you to actually kiss him though he closed his eye-sockets and waiting for the kiss on the cheek. but you felt that he wanted something more then just a simple kiss on the cheek. you then pressed your lips against Horror's teeth giving him a sweet and passionate kiss. Horror opened his eye-socket's they widened for a brief moment as he calmed himself down a bit allowing you to kiss him. 'heh Killer you sly monster heh but I'm not one to complain.' Horror placed his hand behind you head while gently caressing your hair while he was returning your passionate kiss.

Sanses X Papyruses X Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now