Bad Sanses X Slave Reader Part 5

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(A Bit Of NSFW)

as Nightmare and Blueberry walked to the bathroom. "Horror is sleeping so we mustn't wake him up or he'll get mad but he won't get angry with me." Nightmare said as he held Blueberries hand walking into Horror's bedroom. Blueberry looked around Horror's room and there was a lot of broken items and paintings even sheets on the bed. you where still in the bathtub washing yourself off as you where still thinking of escaping somehow but you had no idea that Nightmare was coming in with Blueberry into the bathroom as well. Nightmare opened the door to the bathroom as he walked in with Blueberry. you covered your body and hide your body in the water as you where still a bit scared to show yourself naked to the other's. 'who is that new skeleton?.' you thought to yourself as you looked at Blueberry, Blueberry looked at you and waved at you. "ah I see that the slave is being bathed I'll go wake up Horror so he can join us." Nightmare said as he walked over to Horror and went back to his dark form as he used his tentacles to drag Horror out of bed. "AHH WHAT THE HELL BOSS PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN!!" Horror shouted Nightmare just grinned at him as he kept Horror in his tentacles. "I don't think so Horror besides your joining us in the bath and we are going to be enjoying a bit of that human girl's body~" Nightmare said to Horror, Horror sighed as he didn't struggle at all as he couldn't disobey his boss. 


Cross put Dream in a different cell away from Ink and he took. Ink's paints and paintbrush away from him. as he didn't want them to escape. Cross then took Dream's bow and arrow's away from him so that he wouldn't have anything to threaten him with. "why are you doing this Cross you aren't like this you are a good." Dream said to him as he looked at Cross with those goldish-yellow eye-socket's of his. "you don't know anything about me and what happened to my past life so drop if Dream." Cross said as he closed the cell door to Dream as he walked away. Dream lowered his head as he just wanted to help. 'why did they kill those people in that timeline it's not right. and where are you Blueberry?.' Dream thought to himself as he wondered what happened to his friend. and to where Cross put Ink. 


Ink sitting in his cell as he breathed in and exhaled out slowly as he lowered his head as his paintbrush was taken away from him including his paint vials. he put his hand near his chest as he closed his eye's. "-sigh- well if we are here might as well take in the time right or something. and to find Blueberry he has to be here?." Ink said to himself as he thought he was alone in the cell which he wasn't Error was listening to every word he was saying. "well well well look what the void dragged in hello Ink~" Error said smirking at Ink, Ink lowered his head as he wasn't in the mood to talk to Error he felt unsure of himself at the moment. "Error I am not in the mood to fight you besides I know how much you like to fight dirty while I like a clean and fair fight." Ink replied to Error at those words Ink had just said Error pinned Ink against the wall of the cell. "you listen to me Ink I finally got you trapped and where I want you so you better not be so damn gloomy you fucking understand besides where is the fun in you being upset when you can scream for mercy instead~" Ink began blushing a bright rainbow as he never once thought Error would do this to him or touch him for that matter. "Er...Error I thought you hated being touched?." Ink said to him Error, Error chuckled as he looked Ink in the eye's as he leaned in closer towards him. "I only hate it when other's touch me but I'm am the one holding you not the other way around Ink. you see I've been thinking. for a while and I think it's time for us to end our battles for good so I'm going to." Ink stopped Error from finishing that sentence as he spoke out. "Error I know what your going to say I always do and it always ends the same way your going to kill me but how are you, going to kill me if I don't even have a soul I'm a soulless being who will never know the feeling of true love or any other emotions so. go head Error kill me turn me to dust do as you wish with me as you see fit torment me make me beg for your mercy at lest I had to spend my last moment's of my life with the monster that I've fallen for though my love may seem fake I assure you the feelings that I feel for you are real." Error summoned a portal to the void. "tch as if you care about me Ink I don't feel the same way about you never have and never will." Error said as he walked into the portal and disappeared leaving Ink alone in the cell. 

Error seat down on the ground as he was now deep in thought about what Ink said to him. 'like he even loves me that soulless idiot...' Error thought as he seat there alone in the void to himself. 


Nightmare Blueberry Horror and you where all in the same bathtub. "uh Nightmare are you sure all four of us can fit in the same bathtub?." Blueberry asked him as he wasn't so sure of all four of them fitting in the same bath. "mm your right we'll allow the human to finish bathing first then we can wait with Horror as she finishes up." Nightmare replied to everyone Y/N then poked her fingers together nervously as she was blushing brightly. "excuse me but I do...don't know anything abo...about this bathroom or how it" she said to them as she was telling the truth about it as she was raised in a village that she was taken from. "heh that's true I had to come in here before and teach her how to turn on the hot and cold water and I had to help her get into the tub since she knows nothing about this kind of stuff so we'll have to teach her a few things in order for her to be our maid." Horror said as he stayed out of the bathtub as he picked up Blueberry and Nightmare. "wait I'm done bathing c...can I come ou...out please Horror?." Y/N asked him as she blushed covering her breasts she was still shy and meeting Blueberry made her even more nervous and now she had to think about escaping with him. 'oh now my escape plain is going to be even harder now that he is here though he looks so cute and bubbly.' Y/N thought as she got a slight blush though she had never once seen Nightmare in his true form and she didn't know that was Nightmare until Horror called him by his name and he spoke to Horror. 

to be continued

(hey everyone sorry this took me so long to finish I been having a lot of writers block and I am going to add in my Oc soon to though I'm still working on him but he'll be finished soon. ^_^ and if you have any requests let me know and I'll be more then happy to write it for you guy's love you all. ~^w^~)

Sanses X Papyruses X Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now