Horror X Reader Part 1

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it was a very dark and misty night and you where on your way back home from your high school after getting done from the library. you where clued to a very interesting novel both containing romance and horror it was a horror-romance novel. and the librarian also gave you the book as a gift for being a very trust worthy customer over the past few year's. "I can't believe she gave me this book for free I could have payed for it at lest." you said to yourself wondering why the librarian didn't want you to pay for the book instead even though it was a gift and you did feel a bit bad for not paying you've always. payed and where on time to return a book or a movie from the library. but you where happy that the librarian let you keep the book you always read while you where there. as you where almost to your home someone was standing in one of the street light's. that was flickering before the light-bulb burnt out and the strange finger was gone. that sorta scared you as you walked up on the porch taking the house key's out from your pocket. and unlocking your door your hands where shaking as you tried to put the key into the key-hole of the door. but then you've felt someone touch your shoulder "AHHH!" you screamed dropping the key's on the welcome-mat then you started hearing laughter you glared turning around to see who it was. "fuck you Linda you nearly gave me a heart attack gee." Linda chuckled a bit as she hugged you, you hugged her back. "sorry girl I couldn't resist I haven't seen you since I've moved back in the neighborhood." you picked up the key's and unlocked the front door to the house. "well since your here wanna join me for dinner I'm making spaghetti with meat-balls and white sauce." Linda's stomach growled she rubbed the back of her head. from embarrassment. "heh yeah I don't mind staying for a bit longer also would it be alright if I spent the night it's kinda getting foggy instead of misty if you get my meaning." you looked at the mist that was now a very thick fog you looked at your friend and nodded. "of course Linda I'll prepare the guest bedroom for you to spend the night." once the both of you headed inside Linda walked over to the couch and sat down. "so Linda where are your parents?." you asked her, she stayed silent for a brief moment before speaking. "tch I don't want to talk about them and please never call them my parents they are not and they never will be..." you looked at your friend with a sad expression. "oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you Linda." you've noticed that she was crying you decided to leave her be for a while to calm down. as you walked into the kitchen to make some comfort food for her and what better food then spaghetti to calm your friend down. after all it was her favorite food.
once you've finished making the spaghetti and setup the table for two. you looked over to the couch and smiled seeing your friend asleep on the couch. you walked over towards her. getting a blanket out from the closet near the couch. and placed the blanket over her. 'I wonder what happened to her?.' you've thought to yourself now noticing scars across her neck and singes of freshly blood stains on her white shirt. Linda shifted to her other side pulling the blanket over her, she was cold you lowered your head wondering if her adoptive parent's did that to her?. you went back to the table and made her a plate and put it in the fringe just in case she wakes up and get's hungry. in the middle of the night you looked outside and saw that the fog lifted somewhat as it was raining outside it coming down hard you sighed as you ate your dinner. while you where eating you suddenly heard a knock at the front door. you groaned with annoyance as you got up from the chair and walked over towards the front door and looking out the peep hole to see who was outside. your eye's widened in shock seeing Linda's adoptive parent's standing outside your door. you noticed the blood on their clothes the shock suddenly turned into rage as you knew that they where wicked people. "oh girly come on out of that house and come on home." the woman said with a very low and creepy voice you locked the door quickly and got down on your hands and knees so that they wouldn't see you, you slowly crawled back into the living-room and gently woke you friend up. "Linda wake up we have to get out of here now." you whispered to her. she woke up as she turned to look at you. "wh..what why?." she asked you looked at her with fearful eye's Linda's eye's widened as she knew that look all to well. "okay what do we do?." she asked while getting off the couch and ducked down on the ground. "we can sneak out the back door our we can hide in the basement?." you said as you waited for your friend's answer. "let's sneak out the back and quietly run to MT-Ebott I don't know if the rumors are true or not but at lest we'll be safe from those two psychopaths." you nodded agreeing with her the both of you slowly and quietly made your way towards the backdoor which was in the kitchen. "wait shouldn't w..." Linda was about to say something when you opened the bottom cupboard taking out a can-opener and a tone of can food's stuffing them inside of a backpack. "don't worry I have that covered and don't you think going to MT-Ebott is a bad idea?." you whispered to your friend. Linda bit her bottom lip. "what other choice do we have those psychopaths followed me all the way to your house I only lost them in the fog for a short while they are nuts and they are trying to kill me for the fun of it." she answered you lowered your head as you remembered what they where holding in their hands which where gun's and baseball bat's to knock Linda out with. "alright let's go." you said leaving out the back door.
as you and Linda where running up towards the mountains to MT-Ebott holding your friends hand tightly. she looked over her shoulder and saw that those psychopaths followed. Linda didn't want you to end up dead she let go of your hand. you stopped as Linda ran the opposite direction. "GO DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME I'LL BE FINE JUST RUN!" Linda shouted tears ran down your face as you ran up the mountain you where scared for your friends safety as you ran up the hill and the man almost caught you, you suddenly fell down a steep hole falling all the way down along with the man he tried to stab you but you grabbed his wrist tighten your grip and flipped him on his back where you where pointing the knife near his face as you fell down. "YOUR NOT GOING TO FUCKING KILL ME YOU BASTARD!" you shouted nearing the ground you stabbed the man's face hunters of times to make sure he was dead. and with that you landed on the ground and the man was already dead. you let out a sigh of relief as you stood up from his bloody corps. you dropped the knife as you looked at your hands covered in blood. you fell to your knees in shock from what you've just done. though you've never killed anyone before and the sight of blood really made you unwell you. throw-up at the smell of it, it was awful you stood up holding your stomach you felt sick staying where the corps was. you made your way towards a large doorway. as you stepped inside in the middle of it all there was a single flower in the middle. "howdy I'm Flowey Flowey the flower." you thought you where just seeing things at first your rubbed your eye's and when you opened them again he was still there. 'this isn't a horrible nightmare?.' the flower who called himself Flowey looked at you with is single green eye. "goly there hasn't been a human down here for a very long time I must say you most be very confused fear not human I Flowey will help you though the ruin's but we most be quick before she comes." Flowey said while you where walking near him you didn't know why but you felt like you could trust this flower for some some odd reason. you checked your backpack and got out a small box that was big enough for Flowey's rotes to grow. Flowey looked up at you even though he didn't have a mouth or another eye he seemed like he was happy. "by the way what is your name if you don't mind me asking?." you looked down at him while carefully putting him inside the box with the soiled dirt that was actually really good for growing fruits and vegetables. "my name is. Y/N" you told Flowey, his eye sparkled hearing your name. "oh wowie you have such a lovely name for a human girl." you where cruise about him not having a mouth to talk though he. seems to be talking just fine without one. you then heard someone's footsteps coming towards where you and Flowey where. you quickly hid behind one of the plier's blinding in with the shadow's. you breathed in slowly and exhaling out just as slow. as the footsteps stopped and you could hear a woman's voice. "oh dear I most be hearing things I could have sworn I heard voices coming from here?. oh well it most have been my mind playing tricks on me again. well back to the house for some delicious snail pie." the goat lady turned around and walked away. you slowly pressed your back against the plier letting out a sigh of relief. as the monster left the room you and Flowey where in. Flowey looked up at you and seemed like he was thankful towards you for saving his life. "-sigh- that was a close one thank you for saving me from being burned alive from her." Flowey thanked you, you gave him a weak smile as you where very scared and a bit hungry from all this running and hiding. "no problem Flowey though I would like to know more about this place and what happened?." you said to him, Flowey sighed but told you to sit down and he told you everything about how many of the monster's where no longer themselves since the last human who had fallen into the underground. killed the king and left the underground and never came back. you lowered your head feeling awful for what happened to the monster's you've always thought about the monster's to be nothing but a rumor or a fairtale that where told to children for when they went to bed. "that's the whole story so what do you plan on doing?." Flowey looked up at you, you where lost in thought for a moment until you came up with an idea. "I'll think of a way to set all the monster's free from this awful place and I wouldn't mind cooking for the monster's who are left alive." Flowey seemed happy with your idea though he lowered his head as he didn't want you to end up dead just like the other human Aliza another human who had left them trapped down here. braking her promise to the monster's. but you where not like those human's you where more determined to set these monster's free though you needed to escape from the ruin's first. you stepped out from behind the plier and walked out the other large doorway. you put Flowey inside your backpack and hid him from the goat monster you didn't want her to kill him. Flowey told you about the puzzles and how they worked you managed to salve them all you even made it across the spike's that where like a maze like sorta of puzzle. you sighed once you've made it and managed to get to an old dead tree in the middle of the ruin's. finding a little house in the middle of the very room. "that's where Touriel lives you most be careful when inside there." Flowey whispered as he ducked back down inside of the backpack. you took a deep breath and exhaled out quietly as you entered inside of the house you looked around though it was sorta hard to see since it was very dark inside. you stepped inside and slowly made your way towards the basement and walking down the stairs very carefully you where keeping yourself calm by thinking about your book and what a good read it is. as you stepped down from the last step from the staircase. Flowey told you to run you did without looking back you knew that Touriel was behind you. "MY CHILD WAIT I WON'T HURT YOU!" she shouted out you stopped and turned around to face Touriel. "oh good you've stopped running why don't you come back upstairs I'll make you something to eat?." she said with a kind smile upon her face. you stepped back a bit as you didn't really know what to do at this point but Flowey whispered to you. to keep going and leave the ruin's. "I'm sorry but I can't stay not if I am to free you from being trapped down here Touriel." you said as you ran towards the exit of the ruin's leaving Touriel there as she held her chest tightly. 'th...that hum....human girl w...wants to free us?.' Touriel thought to herself as she was confused though she laughed as she thought you where lying. as she was about to use her fire magic against you, you where already gone but the exit to the ruin's was still opened with a rock.
once you've made it out of the ruin's with Flowey still safe inside your backpack. you stopped to catch your breath as you ran though a long hallway to make it to the exit. "-paint- ah th...tha-huff- that was sca...scar -paint- scary." you painted placing your hands on your knees while you took a minute to rest for a moment. "whoa are you alright you sure ran fast back there I never knew human's could run that fast?." Flowey said while impressed with your speed. "ye...yeah only cause I was scared and feared for my life back there. -sigh- can you tell me more about how I can free you from this awful place?." you asked Flowey he looked around for a place to be safe for a while before you continued foreword. Flowey pointed towards a bush that looked untouched for many years you walked over towards it and hid behind there. "alright so we have to head to the core but in order to get there we have to somehow get passed the smiling trash bag and the tall Papyrus though they never leave their posts well Sans leaves every once in a while though he like's to be called Horror for some odd reason?." you looked at Flowey confused. "so are those two brother's or something?." you asked while you kept looking at Flowey, Flowey nodded his head. "yeah they are brother's both of them are skeleton's Papyrus love's bad puzzles and Sans tells awful pun's and really bad jokes. which really is annoying though let's focus on getting to the capital where empress Undyne lives she's the one who changed the law around here and everything went down hill once she took over the underground. we are starving thanks to her..." Flowey said lowering his head as his stomach growled. you took Flowey out of the backpack and out out some caned food's and the can opener. you looked around and got some rock's near by and stick's laying on the ground and you took out a lighter lighting up a small fire and placing a pot over the fire putting in the caned food you where also a bit hungry even though you've eaten not to long ago though you didn't get to finish your dinner since those two psychopaths came. you also wondered if Linda was alright.
Linda ran in the rain as she made it back up the hill once she managed to lose the woman who was chasing her. "Y/N!" she shouted out to you but there was no answer Linda then saw footsteps leading farther up the hill she followed them she didn't know where you ended up but she also fell down the same steep hole she screamed as she fell thinking that she to was going to die. though to her surprise she was still alive though her eye's widened as she screamed thinking that the man was going to attack her. but he didn't Linda looked again and saw that he was stabbed many many times. she held her hand near her moth trying her best from throwing up. she got up making her way towards the large doorway. where you have just left from she was not far from where you had left with Flowey. though she met up with Touriel. "oh hello my child have you come to leave the underground as well?." Touriel asked her. Linda looked up at her confused at first though she shook her head. "n..no I wouldn't go back to the surface not with that woman up there..." Linda said as she looked behind her. "oh my your clothes are all dirty come with me let's get you all cleaned up and you can live with me if you'd like." Linda smiled at her warmly and followed her. "I'd like that actually thank you ma'am." Touriel smiled as she held Linda's hand guiding Linda though the ruins. "oh and I am Touriel caretaker of the ruins." Touriel continued to talk and make bad jokes along with pun's. Linda smiled laughing a bit at the jokes and bad puns. she loved jokes and she felt safe with Touriel as if she was like a true mother towards her. "thank you for allowing me to stay with you Touriel." Linda thanked her, Touriel looked at her still smiling warmly. "it's the lest I can do for you my child oh we are here the bathroom is down the stairs just to the right you can take a bath to wash the blood from your body you look like you've been though quite the ordeal." Linda lowered her head as she gave a weak smile looking down. while rubbing the side of her arm. "heh. yeah I have." she replied while she went downstairs to the bathroom. 'I hope your alright Y/N wherever you are?.' she thought while she closed the door to the bathroom.
back in Snowdin forest you and Flowey where talking as the both of you ate. "boy that sounds like you've been though quite an awful lot of ordeal's Y/N I feel awful for what happened to you and your friend." he said as he ate the food you've prepared for him. "yeah I hope she's alright dealing with that woman psychopath." you said with worry in your tone of voice. Flowey looked up at you as he put his food aside as he wrapped his vines around you giving you a hug. "I'm sure she's fine and if she ended up down here with you I'm sure Touriel wouldn't harm her. as long as she doesn't misbehave she'll be fine I'm sure." Flowey said trying to comfort you. and it did help you calm down quite a bit. "thanks Flowey your a good friend." you said to him, Flowey got a slight blush as he released you from his vines and picked his food back up and ate the rest of it. you did the same as well once you both finished eating you got out a blanket as it was still quite late in the day and you where exhausted from all the running and screaming and being chased. it was time to lay down for a while and rest though you needed a safer place to sleep. and Flowey knew a great spot where the both of you would rest without having to deal with Horror or Papyrus just yet. it was an old clubhouse that had a fallen down sign saying boy's only no girl's allowed. you smiled as you picked the sign up as it reminded you of when you. and your friend Linda made a clubhouse though girl's and boy's where allowed to join as they had to follow the rules of the club and you even had a tree-house those where very fond memories you've had. and where the only good memories you had of when your parents where still alive. though you didn't want to cry in front of Flowey. "we can rest inside here for tonight and tomorrow we'll think of a way to sneak passed the skeleton brother's." Flowey said as he went back inside of the small box and closed his eye. you looked around placing your hand on one of the dressers. you closed your eye's with a soft smile thinking of those memories from your past really helped calm you. down a bit you closed the door behind you as you walked around and found a bed it was an old mattress even though it was old everything inside of the little house was clean and spotless. 'I wonder if Flowey is the one who kept this place clean?.' you thought to yourself as you placed the blanket down on the bed and took off your shoes and undressed yourself removing your shirt and shorts from your body as they where still quite wet from the rain. you kept your bra and panties on since they where a bit dry and plus you didn't want to be fully naked. though before you went to sleep you got out your book from your backpack and got into the bed covering up your leg's to keep warm you opened the book and started reading it from the very beginning. however as you where reading your book you didn't realize that you where being watched from the outside of the clubhouse. by a rather tall skeleton though he didn't do anything he just kneeled down while listening to you reading to yourself. he placed his hands under his cheekbone's while listening to your story. his eye's where sparkling brightly as you got to the romance part of the story. and how the girl fell in love with the monster. who tried to kill her many times. 'wowie this is so exciting I wonder what will happen next?.' he thought to himself as you yawned as your eye's got heavy. "I'll leave the bookmark here I'll continue more later." you said while placing the bookmark inside and closing the book putting it on top of the backpack to read later. Papyrus lowered his head though he did like the story and couldn't wait to listen to what happened next though he didn't mind the wait. 'I have to tell Sa... no wait he'll probably end up killing the human ah I know I'll come back tomorrow night and listen to the story again Nyehehe that's a prefect plain on my part tomorrow I shall wait.' Papyrus stood up and headed back to his post so that his brother wouldn't be suspicious about where he has been. he knew that his brother worried a lot about him. so Papyrus always made sure to not worry his brother to much about him from being gone for to long. though he knew his brother was probably asleep at his century station. Papyrus stood in his usual spot holding a bowl of spaghetti in his hands although he couldn't help but wonder to himself about why the human female removed her clothes he also felt his cheekbone's heating up from looking at the human female. 'she looked quite cute being a human and all still she also has a nice voice and I can't wait to listen to her tell that story again. and I wonder if the monster will also feel the same way towards the human in the story book?.' Papyrus was lost in thought while thinking about the storybook you've read out loud which was really nice since Papyrus was listening in. and he didn't know that you where also reading the book to Flowey to help him sleep better since he was having a nightmare. Papyrus sat down as he got tired form standing up for to long. "Sans it's time to head back home now." he called out to his brother Horror smirked as he snapped his fingers teleporting him and his brother back inside of their house and putting his brother in his bed. and got out the storybook Fluffy Bunny. Papyrus stopped Horror from reading it to him. "Sans I'm not a baby anymore so you don't have to read me that story anymore couldn't you read me something else?." Papyrus asked of his brother. Horror gave Papyrus a confused look but he smirked with a slit chuckle. "heh sure thing bro whatever you say." he said while getting out other book as he read it, Papyrus was knew it wasn't the same book that the human female had read but it was almost the same but the monster ended up killing the human in this story and not the other way around. which made Papyrus wonder and think. "Sans do you believe that a monster could fall in love with a human?." Horror looked at his brother. "pfft hahaha Paps why would you believe something like that you know human's and monster's will never get along why would a monster fall for a human female or a human male?." Horror said still chuckling with laughter as he thought his brother was joking with him about such a thing. Papyrus covered himself as he turned to his side. "never mind forget that I even asked..." Horror raised an none-existing eyebrow to his brother's reaction which made him feel bad for laughing at his brother's question. Horror closed the door to his brother's bedroom and went into his. 'why would a monster ever fall in love with a human they are heartless bastards who never keep their fucking promises and flack on us when we need help...' Horror laid down on his bed and closed his eye-sockets as he fell asleep not wanting to think about what happened in the passed.

to be continued

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