Dusttale Sans X Nerd Reader Part 4

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the very next day you and Dust where getting ready to head back to school, as you where getting into the shower Dust joined you, you where blushing as he put his arms around your waist placing his hands on your breasts, as the water from the shower was pouring down on the both. of you while the steam of the hot water felling running down your bodies. "D..Dust w..we d..don '.. ah ?!" you moaned as he was rubbing his purple cock against your pussy you felt him get faster while your leg's where a bit closed you moaned as he was making love to you in the shower. "don't worry about the bus picking us up I'll be sure to use a short cut to the school ~" he replied while he licked the side of your neck you turned your, head facing him while he picked your right leg up as he pushed his cock deep inside of your slit while he began thrusting very fast as the both of you moaned, 'school will start soon b..but I want him to at ballast finish first . ' you thought while you moaned loudly as you felt him speed up. "ahh oh Dust I love you a..after school c..could we ahh ~ continue ?." he smirked while he bit down on your neck, "of course we can Y / N but I had another idea once we got to school once the bell for lunch starts ~" he says while he kept thrusting his big cock even deeper and rougher inside of you as he felt himself reaching his climax already, you felt his seed pouring deep inside of your womb as you moaned his name. he then slowly pulled his cock out of your slit as his hot purple sticky seed dripped down from your slit,

once you and Dust finished taking a shower you got ready for school, "ready for that short cut my lovely mate ?." he asked while he held out his hand with a grin on his face you, blushed as you took his hand, "yeah I'm ready." you replied while he pulled you closer towards him, as he telaported you both at the school, right on time as well, you smiled as you where right on time for your favorite class to start and Dust was also in that same class with you as well, "good morning miss Toriel." you said with a warm smile as you took your seat next to your friends Alphys and Undyne, they smiled at you, "yo punk what the heck happened to you yesterday, the teacher's we are surprised when you didn't show for school ?. " Undyne said while she was glaring at Dust, he walked to his seat which was behind you, "oh uhm well I wanted to help Dust with his homework and later we are going out for nice cream." you lied but some of your words where sorta true you did want to help Dust a little with his homework, 'oh man I really don't like lying to my friends they are the really good monster's,' you thought while you looked over at Toriel, "well as long as everyone is here and safe let's get started on today's school work shall we." Toriel said while she picked up a marker and started to write on the bored. as Toriel was busy writing on the board. Undyen looked over at you as Dust was sitting next to you. the both of you where talking and laughing at each other making jokes Undyne sighed as she turned to face the teacher as she saw that you where quite happy with Dust. and he seemed to.

the end at last for now.

Sanses X Papyruses X Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now