DustTale Sans X Nerd Reader Part 2

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as soon as Dusty brought you to his place you noticed that his home was all run downed and it seemed like no one else was living in that house it looked like a ghost town "well here we are I know it's not much but it is home sweet home to me. " he said with a grin upon his face as he headed up the stairs to the front door you followed behind him he let you go inside first "thank you Dusty" you thanked him as you stepped inside you looked around his house it was clean on the inside but run down on the outside "so where are you parents ?." you asked him he looked to the side as he put his hands in his pockets "their never home so I live here all by myself I do all the cooking and cleaning here it's not to brag about anyway but it's not like I enjoy doing those things it '

as he came back with some snack's and drinks for the both of you he placed the drinks and snack's on the coffee table gently and neatly he sat down on the couch next to you, you felt him wrap his arm around your shoulders you began blushing bright red "uh D..Dus ... Dusty could I ask you something ?." you asked getting nervous all of a sudden "sure go ahead babe I'm listening." he said as he was lining in for a kiss "c..could I live here with you ?." he looked at you for a while shocked but at the same time happy "of course you can Y / N I've been waiting for you to ask me that since we arrived here it wont be so lonely here anymore with you around Y / N " he said as he kissed you passionately while he picked you up placing you on his lap while he stroked his hands on your backside gently you began blushing brightly he than pulled away from the kiss "Y / N remember when we first met I didn't really like humans until I went to underhigh school it's when I first went there that changed my whole life forever. " he said as he started blushing dark purple you smiled at him sweetly he kept blushing bright purple "ah hum so hum here try some of this cookies I made them myself I know they look bad but they test better than how they look ?." he said nervously as he hands you a cookie you giggled as you took the good gently and took a little bite out of it "hmmm it's so good Dusty you have a skill in baking mm." you said as you took another bite out of the cookie Dusty smiled as you ate his homemade cookies he ate some of them as he took the remote and turned on the TV and turned it to a romance show "I didn't know you liked soap's Dusty ?. " he blushed again turning his head the other way "I..I..I don't I thought you liked them so I thought you would well you get what i mean." you smiled at him warmly as you laid your head against his shoulder "you know Dusty I'm glad we met and since than well it didn't go so good at first but now we are together ever since you saved me from my ex thank you for that Dusty "he blushed darker purple as he patted your head gently lying his head on yours" your welcome Y / N and I would gladly save you again if I had to over and over. " you blushed as you held his hand "sigh well it seems we should get heading to school now." he said as he stood up lending you his hand you smiled at him as you took his hand he lifts you up on your feet "yea we should get going it was kind of you for letting me stay the night with you Dusty" you said he blushed a dark purple "your welcome Y / N you know it is funny I never thought that I would be with anyone after what i had done to you I thought you would run away from and .." you cut him off from finishing those words as you pulled him close and hugged him "don't hurt yourself Dusty and I had a crush on you for a such a long time since you first came to school for the first time I love you Dusty" you told him he smiles as he pats you on your head gently "heh I love you to Y / N" you smile at him "hey Dusty is it okay if I stay here with you ?." he grins slightly as you asked him "why do you want to stay here with me don't you have a family that would worry about you if you are gone for to long ?." you shake your head as tears began to fall from you cheeks "no my parents are gone they are never coming back it happened on one fateful day when my parents where going to the store and they got into a big crash and after that the cops came to my house and told me what happened to them I couldn't stop myself from crying I am sorry I must bore you with all this huh "you sobbed while the tears ran down your cheeks and onto the carpet Dusty pulled you closer to him as he placed his hand on your head gently rubbing your back to help you to relax "Y / N you don '

'this will help her to calm down she is so beautiful while she sleeps' he gazed at her while she slept peacefully he gulped as he started to blush a dark shade of purple his soul began to race' she is just so cute I am glad she is my mate for life she didn't even fight me when I ah I feel like a monster for doing that to her but I couldn't control myself she smelled so good and I can't stop thinking about it ether ah Y / N please forgive me for doing such an awful thing to you 'he thought while he kept looking at you he than laid by your side "Y / N can I make love to you while you sleep?" he asked you while you slept but you did hear him clearly "y..yes Dusty I..I. don't mind"

through out the whole night he mated with you without resting himself and once morning game he came one last time inside of you before he laid by your side once again he cuddled up to you as he closed his eye-sockets and fell asleep beside you.

to be continued

Sanses X Papyruses X Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now