Wolfnightmare X Wolf Reader Part 4

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(mating season)

as the sun rose up greating the morning sky, you opened your eye's as you heard the birds singing, "-yawn- morning Nightmare." you said while he opened one eye as he looked at you, "morning." he replied he wasn't much of a morning wolf, "let's go hunting for breakfast." you said while wagging your tail back and forth, Nightmare smiled at you as he stood up while he walked over towards the exit of the den, "I'll show you how it's really done in the field." he says while he walks out you follow behind him while you got an idea you walked up quietly behind him as you where about to jump him he ducked down as you rolled onto the grass outside of the den as he laughed at you for trying to jump him, "haha nice try but I had the upper paw maybe next time try not kicking a rock behind your paw that gave it away." you blushed while you stood back up on your feet, 'oh he is good~' you ran up to him while you walked beside him, "so what are you going to teach me about hunting like you?." you ask him while you seat down he looked at you as he stopped and seat down facing you, "what I like to do while hunting for my pray I like getting their blood pumping it really makes the meat even more juicy with their blood flowing through their vins." you blushed while he was teaching you how he hunts for his food, "and once we are done hunting we'll head back to the den to eat." you replied while you stood back up as you walked over to him, "I was actually thinking maybe we could head to the pond where you licked me on the cheek I find that spot quite relaxing," he says while he stands up while he walks beside you, "okay." while you both where hunting for your food you seat down and watched Nightmare while he hunted his food, 'he is faster then any other wolf then I had ever seen he is amazing.' while you kept watching him seeing that the pray was getting tired of running fell down breathing heavily, Nightmare killed the dair with is teeth making it quick and painless for them, "you lived a great life thank you for being apart of this world for as long as you have." you heard him say to the dair, "why did you do that?." you asked him while you walked up to him sitting down, "it's something my brother showed me even when killing our pray he told me that we need to give thanks for what they have done and so on and so forth." he replies while you both started eating,

once you both where finished eating you headed back towards the pond to drink Nightmare wanted to make your first time special, "are you ready to start my love?." he asks you while you looked up at him blushing darkly, as you nodded slowly, "y..yeah I'm ready," you lifted up your tail he licked his upper lips as he get's on top of your back while he bites down on the side of your neck gently while his cock sticks out from his fur, you could feel how hot and wet his cock felt when it was rubbing against your slit, 'oh f..fuck s..so hot mm~' you gasped as he pushed his cock inside of your slit it was very big inisde of you, "-pant- ahh o..oh N..Nightmare y..your really big in..inside of me~" you moaned while you stuck out your tongue while panting heavily, he held onto your waist tightly while he thrusted deep inside of your womb, 'she's so tight I don't think I'll last much longer heh but I can keep going until we have pups of our own~' he thought while his thrusts got faster and deeper he manged to hit your sweet-spot's each time, you where moaning louder while your face turned very dark red loving the feeling of him inside of your body just then you felt something else wrapping around your waist besides his paw's, it was his tentacles it was near your mouth and you got the feeling you knew what he wanted, you opened your mouth for his tentacle as it went inside of your mouth it was deep inside as you moved your tongue while drool dripped down from the sides of your mouth, 'yes ram my pussy till you heart's content~' you moaned while still having his tentacle thrusting down your throat you've never felt so good and he was making you feel very special and wonderful as he rammed his cock deeper inside of your womb he was pushing his cock deeper as his knot slipped inside you felt that as you moaned louder while sucking on his tentacle, 'o..oh wow h..he's cumming so m..much inside ahh!~' you where also cumming as he was filling your womb with his hot seed, "we are gonna stay stuck like this for a little while might as well have more fun while we wait to get unstuck~" he whispered in your ear making you blush even more he licked your cheek while he used his other tentacles to flip you both around with you on top of him while you where still stuck he took his other tentacle out of your mouth so he can hear your cute moans of pure pleasure, "ahh oh y...yes ahh~" he smirked while hearing those cute moans you made they filled him with joy, "we aren't done yet my sweet mate~" you heard him say while he kept smirking at you, you then smiled at him licking your upper lips slowly, "I love how rough you are with me my love~" you replied you then felt the same tentacle behind you, "that's good to hear cause we're gonna keep at it for a while longer~" he said smirking while he rammed his tentacle stright up your ass while it started thrusting very deep and fast you let out a louder moan of a mix of pain and pleasure, both of your fur where getting very wet from sweating so much and steam came out from your bodies as well Nightmare reached his climax once again filling your womb even more with his seed you loved how he was ramming those tentacles of his inside of your ass it felt weird but good at the same time, "N..Nightmare I'm c..cumming!~" he loved it when you moaned his name while he felt you cumming again, "that's my girl your doing so well for your first time~" he replies while he continues thrusting his tentacle deep inside of your ass, whiel he felt his knot lossening, "ahh oh yes please d..don't stop ahhh!~" he began blushing while hearing your moans 'damn she's so fucking hot~' he kept on thrusting even deeper and faster inside of you, both of you moaned in pure pleasure as the both of you started to reach yet another climax,

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