Wolfnightmare X Wolf Reader part 1

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it was a warm summer night outside and all the wolves gathered around and howled at the moon you sighed as you looked up at the older wolves howling at the moon together "someday you'll find some lucky wolf to howl with my dear Y/N" your farther said to you with a smile upon his face you smiled back at him "yea someday I will be the Alpha of the pack to right daddy?." he nods as he heads back inside of the cave you follow behind as you gazed one last time at the howling rock and smiled

year's passed and you grow up to be a fearless leader and led your own pack they found the hunting grounds to hunt for food you trusted your pack even though it was starting to snow you needed to find shelter and fast "Dock I need you to find us a cave to take shelter and fast" he nods as he runs off to find shelter "Lara I need you to go with Dock and take the pack with you keep them safe" Lara nods "but what about you?." she asks you, you look over to the sky as you say to her "I am going to keep looking for food for the pack and if I don't return on time I want you to be the new leader okay" she shakes her head "no I can't do that you are our leader not me we well wait for you no matter how long we have to wait we wont leave you behind not ever." she says to you, you smile at her putting your paw on her paw "listen Lara if something dose happen to me I am putting my trust in you to take my place as the pack leader the storm is getting worse you need to head to the shelter and I may return or I may not please I don't want anyone of you to be lost without a leader and you are my beast friend" she looks down tears fall down the sides of her cheeks onto the icy snow as she nods as she turns around and heading towards the shelter

you carried on looking for food but the storm proved to be to strong for you to handle your paws froze in place as you forced yourself to keep moving foreword 'I can't give up I have to keep going my pack is counting on me to bring them back food' you kept on walking even though your paws got more and more cold as you where about to pass out from the cold you saw a cave that looked save from the storm with the last of your strength you made it to the cave before you collapsed on the ground passing out

fever nightmare

it was very dark and there was no other wolves around you looked endlessly but what came next wasn't a sight to be hold it stock fear and horror to what you saw everyone where gone one wolves left standing you begged for them to wake up but they didn't move tears started to flow out from your eyes as you lay'ed down screaming for you pack to come back to you

end of fever nightmare

you woke up sweating breathing heavily while panting as tears started to run down your cheeks you than sighed realizing it was just a small nightmare "it was just a horrible dream I.." you stopped yourself as you could smell some food you even where wrapped up in a warm blanket "oh your finally wake here you need to eat something to get your strength back up to return to your pack I don't want you to pass out again oh and it is easy to get nightmares here as well sorry about that Ma'am anyways I am Sans but everyone calls me Blueberry for some reason anyway it is nice to meet you" said the little wolf pup you smiled as you ate some of the food "I have to get back to my pack they most be worried sick about me about now?." you tried to stand up but you felt a fearful pain hit you as you tried to stand "AHH!!" little Blueberry face was sad that you where hurt "I am sorry Ma'am but when I found you, you broke your paw it looked really bad but I am sure you'll heal as long as you don't move for a few day's or so I will go out once the storm stops and look for someone to help you" he said with a cute smile on his face you felt safe around him and warm "sigh I hope my pack are safe from the storm oh and thank you for helping me Blueberry right?. that is a very adorable nick name that your friends gave you" he blushed a very light blue as he lay'ed down on his belly "heh I don't have many friends I do have my friend Undyen Alphs and my big brother to Papyrus he is very nice once you get to know him but he is sleeping still that lazy wolf oh I almost forgot to tell you don't wonder deep into the caves here there is something really evil deep down there they say when a wolf goes down there they never come back ever but I am sure that is just a leaded to make young pups into behaving" you smile at him as you lay your head down 'the deepest part of the caves huh well maybe once I heal up I might see what is down there for myself than but I can't let little Blueberry know I don't want anyone of his pack to get hurt cause of me' you closed your eyes and fell fast asleep having a nice dream this time being with your pack and the other's that saved your life

to be continued

Sanses X Papyruses X Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now