Horror X Reader Part 3

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Horror began waking up as he looked at you and noticed that you. had your hand on his chest that made him blush a bit from surprise. though he placed his hand on yours and slowly lifted your hand. up off of his chest and put your hand near your head. "-sigh- stupid human female." Horror said in a soft whisper as to not wake you. Horror slowly seat up on the bed. as he was about to get up. when he suddenly felt a small hand touching his this surprised him as he looked back at you. seeing that you where now awake as well. "..." Horror didn't couldn't say anything to you as he had nothing to say to you. but you wanted to say something to him though the words you wanted to say where frozen you couldn't let them out. but you needed to at lest try and say something nice about him. "I...I'm so...sorry." you managed to say. though Horror lowered his other hand placing it on yours once more. "do not be sorry since there is nothing to be sorry about. since you are going to be our pet and spare food." Horror said to you, you sighed nodding your head though you still had those caned foods inside of your backpack. you seat up from the bed and stepped out of bed walking towards your backpack. Horror didn't know what you where trying to do but he thought you where trying to escape. but then he took a better look at what you where trying to do and you got out a big can of mini hot-dog's and some dough. "what are you doing human?." Horror asked as he had never seen such tiny hot-dog's in his life before. "well since I'm going to be your pet from now one I think it would be fear if we shared something together wouldn't you agree master?." you said as you stayed calm even though your heart was racing rapidly. at the mere thought of being Horror's pet. 'Flowy your plan have better work I can't believe I'm going through with this.' you thought to yourself as you walked over towards Horror and looked in his eye-socket's. "can we go outside and cook these please." you asked in such a cute voice Horror felt his soul skip a beat. he looked the other way as he sighed with annoyance. "grea fine we'll go outside but you better not try and run again like you did before." Horror said to you, you smiled at him as you stood up and hugged Horror. this was something Horror got a faint blood-red-blush as he felt you hugging him. he softly pushed you away from him. "no hugging I don't hug." you looked down at the floor but you held back your tears. 'but I love hugs I am going to get him to like them to.' you walked outside of the clubhouse and you noticed that it was no longer broken. "that weed most have fixed the clubhouse while we slept." Horror was very annoyed but when he looked down at you.
he noticed that you had a slight tear rolling down your cheek. 'is she crying cause I wouldn't hug her?." Horror rubbed the back of his skull slowly as he then started feeling bad for pushing you away. from him when you where only trying to be nice but he didn't really trust you. all that much but he still couldn't help himself from thinking about when you where between his legs at his century station. "h..hey human can I have a question?." Horror asked while looking down at you, you looked up at him as you already got everything set up to cook the mini hot-dog's inside of the dough. "yes Horror?." Horror took in a deep breath and exhaled out slowly. as he began blushing again from thinking about earlier. "when I chased you from earlier why did you hide underneath my century station?." your face turned as red as a ripe tomato. as Horror asked that question though you smiled up at him. "I guess I panicked and when I saw your station I hid under there when that mean looking fish monster came." you said as you didn't want to be seen by such a scary looking monster. "heh ya she is a tu-na fun haha." you giggled at that bad pun of his though you scooted closer towards him as the food cooked. "I know you hate humanity but would it be passable if we found peace someday?." you said while gazing up at Horror, Horror couldn't stop himself from blushing as you asked that question. "I...I. u...u...uhm m...may...maybe?." he was started to get nervous all of sudden when being around you, you noticed Horror's change in behaver you laid your head on his large arm. "I'd like to believe it is passable." Horror sighed as he picked you up placing you on his lap. this surprised you as you never thought that he would do something like this.

Flowy was watching from behind a tree with Papyrus and showing him that Horror and you where getting along. "see Papy I told you they where getting along." Flowy said though Papyrus was scared for your well being but when he saw his brother place you on his lap that kinda put Papyrus at ease. "-sigh- fine your right they do seem to be having a good time together." Papyrus said while he kept looking from behind the tree. Flowy nodded as he looked at Papyrus. "oh wait a minute oh hold the phone Papyrus do you like Y/N?." Flowy asked as he looked at Papyrus who was now a blushing mess. "n...no I d...do n...not." Papyrus tried to lie though Flowy can hear his stuttering voice. "oh ho you so have a crush on her don't worry pal I won't tell her but your going to have to spill the bean's sooner or later." Flowy said while winking his eye at Papyrus. "that was a wink by the way." Flowy said as he saw Papyrus was a bit confused about what he did. Papyrus then smiled at Flowy as he now understood what he did. "oh okay. but maybe we can both share her I mean she is so beautiful lovely and very kind not to mention very sweet for cooking food for us." Papyrus said as he missed the good old day's where things used to be normal and Sans and him would look on the brighter side of things. but now a day's there is just hungry monster's and little by little they all had given up hope and all their dreams where now shattered into a million pieces. but with this new human female she brought back hope to him and now she is doing the same for his brother. this made Papyrus very happy that you've fallen into the underground.

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