Bad Sanses X Slave Reader Part 1

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long ago there used to be a calm and peaceful village. that went by the name Brightly village though not long before the attack from the unknown monsters they came out from the sky like some kind of demon portal the villager's where. afraid of them and many of them have died and the rest managed to escape except for one a girl who's parent's have been killed without any mercy. she ways in tears looking up at the one's who have killed her family. she tried to run for her life but the monster was much faster and quicker then she was. "and where do you think your going to be running off to girl!?" he shouted as he pulled her hair licking his sharp bloody fangs as he wielded a large axe in his right hand. "NOO LET ME GO!" the girl shouted tears running down her cheek's fearing for her life. the one with the large axe was about to swing it down until he stopped when. their leader came into view. "why'd you stop me Nightmare?." the bloody skeleton asked while putting his axe behind his backside tossing the girl on the hard ground. "I have a better idea for her bring her back with us she will be quite useful once we return to the castle." the black goosy skeleton was very horrifying but they all where scary and very mean and showed no mercy. they'd kill without a second thought though you had no idea what they had instore for you, you laid on the ground until another skeleton picked you up putting you over his shoulder. "heh this human Nightmare are you sure you want this one I mean there are lot's of other human's?." the one who kept his hoodie up and he was covered in dust from head to toe. Nightmare grinned licking his upper teeth. "yes she'll do very nicely and if she miss behaves she'll be punished." he said in a very low and horrifying voice. making a portal back to their kingdom. "NO STOP IT LET ME GO RIGHT NOW I'LL NEVER SERVE YOU LET ME GOOOO!" you screamed crying tears of fear not knowing what they will do to you. "grr shut her mouth up I'm tired of hearing her screams!" the one with a target shaped soul walked over to you while holding your nose so you'd open your mouth he put a ball gag in your mouth. "there that should keep your fucking month shut dump bitch." your eye's widened as they took you from your village and into a strange unknown place you've never seen nor heard of before. ' I don't want to go wi..with these creatures they are horrifying and very evil they are worse then demon's.' your thoughts where short lived as the portal closed behind them.

once inside of their castle the one who had dust all over him dropped you onto the floor as he glared at you with an evil smirk. "welcome to you new forever home human and get used to it!" he shouted you struggled to stand up but you where weak from them throwing you and pulling your hair. 'th..this is worse then death itself.' you felt the skeleton picking you up by your hair again. "MMHMM!!" you moaned in pain as he tossed you into a cage locking it up behind you, you laid there on the floor a bit weak from everything that had happened to you. "oh and to let you know human I will come and make you scream~" he replied while walking away chuckling like a madman. once you where alone you sat yourself up as you pressed your back against the wall of the cage. while looking down. 'why is this happening to me?...' you where thinking to yourself while losing all hope of being saved by anyone.

with the rest of the evil skeleton's, they where planning what to do with you. with their leader, "so what are we gonna do with the human?." asked one of them with the most blood on his clothes. "let's see how long she lasts and if she breaks we'll get rid of her." Nightmare replied while licking his upper teeth slowly slowly. "heh that should be fun so she's our little slave right?." Nightmare looked at one of his followers as he grinned at him. "of course she is why else would we have taken her here with us she's our prize but let's get her out of those clothes she is wearing and into the clothes Error will make for her.~" all four of them grinned while their figures disappeared into the shadow only showing their eye-socket's as they glow in the patch darkness.


the star Sanses where looking for people to save from Dream's brother, "hey haven't you guy's noticed that they haven't been attacking us lately?." Blueberry asked while looking at Ink and Dream. "yeah that is weird that they've haven't been wait." Ink looked to an AU that was gone forever. "Dream I have a feeling that they where here not long we where to late..." Ink replied while lowering his head Dream put a hand on Ink's shoulder. "don't worry Ink there is still a chance to save this AU and the people and monster's who live there." Dream replied while he entered into the AU Blueberry followed Dream Ink smiled seeing Dream not giving up hope as he to went into the AU with he's friends.

to be continued

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