Yandere Blueberry X Innocent Reader Part 3

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as soon as I walked inside of the building everyone where in the lunchroom. and there I saw my sister talking to Lust as they walked towards a room I guessed to be the nurses office. I sighed as I walked over the the front office to check the school papers to find out which classes I was going to take. "ah you must be one of the new students welcome to under high school." the kind monster said to me he seemed really nice and he looked like he liked flowers. "hello sir it's nice to meet you and yes I am Y/N my sister went to the nurses office someone pushed her and one took her to the nurses office their name is Lust?." I told the kind monster siting at the front desk what happened. "oh my that's not good. well have a sit my child and tell me all about what happened oh and my name is Asgore by the way and it's nice to meet such a kind human who care's for monster's like us." he replied to me. I don't know why but he seemed more like a father then a teacher to me. "okay it all started once we got off of the bus and there was our next door neighbor Kath pushed my sister down the bus as she was walking down the stairs and Lust managed to catch her in time before she fell face first one the hard ground." I said while explaining everything to Asgore.

while you where talking with Asgore Lust and Marla went into the nurses office. so that she can be seen just in case she broke something or had a scratch anywhere. "hello nurse are you in?." Lust asked while looking around for the nurse. Marla walked over to one of the beds and sat down. "looks like she went out oh well." Lust replied while he let out a sigh as he looked over at Marla. "excuse me but would you mind keeping it down just a little Lust I was trying to rest a bit before class started?." said a voice that was soft and very kind while they spoke. "oh hey it's you Dream what are you doing in the nurses office?." Lust asked him while he noticed that Dream was laying down on the bed. "well if you most know I got into another fight with my brother Nightmare again." Dream replied. Marla looked at Dream and felt bad for him. 'I've fought with my sister but I've never hurt her ever.' she thought to herself while she was thinking of the fights she got into with her sister Y/N. at times but they never got into fist fights not once. "so Nightmare got in to a disagreement with you again huh?." Lust asked him while he sat beside Dream. "yeah he wasn't happy when I asked him I could help him with his homework together. -sigh- which failed and he and I got into another fight over that." he replied while a sad look in his eye's. Marla felt awful for Dream she placed her hand on his as she smiled at him. "I know we've only just met but I would like help with my homework." Marla said to him. Dream looked up at her and blushed a bright yellow as he looked at her. "okay once I am fully healed we can meet up at your place to study together and thanks for cheering me up." Dream thanked her while he smiled at her. Marla smiled back while she stood up from the bed. "Lust I am fine thank you for worrying about me but I'll be alright I deal with Kath's rudeness for far to long for him to hurt me that much." she replied as she walked out of the nurses office as she was going to get the same papers from the front desk. and she saw her sister talking to a teacher. "oh Marla I got our papers for our classes here is your classes and we have three classes together I am going to head to my classroom before the bell rings I'll see you there sis." my sister Y/N said to me while she walked off I looked at the papers and smiled to see that Lust and Dream where also going to be in my other classes as well and we even had the same lunchtime together also. and that made me happier then I had ever been in a very long while. I looked over at my sister and waved at her. "hey sis wait up don't you dare leave without me!" I shouted but not to loud I didn't want to get into trouble on the first day of school. I caught up with my sister as we walked towards are first class together. "I'm sorry for earlier sis I didn't mean what I said back on the bus." I apologized as I looked down I felt ashamed at what I said to her but I felt her hand on my shoulder. "it's alright sis and I talked with sir Asgore about him and it turns out Lust is actually a really nice skeleton monster so no need to apologize for wanted to be friends with anyone and plus you are not a kid anymore I know that. so I will try and be less over protective over you alright." I smiled at my sister while we made it to our classroom it was empty it looked like we where the first to make it on time. "thanks sis and what about Blueberry he seems like a nice monster." Marla said to Y/N with a slight blush on Y/N's face she was almost as red as a tomato but she ignored that for a bit. "he is a nice monster and I'll ask him if he wants to join us for lunch I hope I run into him again." Y/N replied to her sister Marla, Marla yet again gave a smile to her sister. "yeah oh I think I have a class with him after this one." Marla replied as she looked at the class paper's. which she was right she did have a class with him which was cooking sadly though Y/N didn't have the same class as Marla and Blueberry. "it's cooking awe man you have a different class and it's next to the cooking classroom." Marla was upset that Y/N didn't have the same class as her with Blueberry but she sighed. and looked at her sister who was smiling. "well that's alright sis at lest the match classroom is next to the cooking classroom." Marla lowered her head but she knew that her sister was going to say something like that since she always thought of the brighter. things in life and she always looked to the future.

as the bell rang for the class to start they had already chosen their seats and where ready to start their first day of their new school year in Under High School.

To Be Continued

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