Bad Sanses X Slave Reader Part 3

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while you where trying to find your way to the excite of the castle which was no. use it seemed like there was no way out of the castle, you fell to your side loosing your balance cause of the hunger pain's you felt you started to become dizzy and very light headed from not eating breakfast. ' I...I....I. mustn't give u...u....up.' you forced yourself back up while pressing yourself against the wall of the castle. 'I ca...can't give up n...not y...yet...' you tried your best to walk along side the wall's. trying your best not to faint from lack of hunger. just then you found a door you used the last of your remaining strength you opened the door and saw food being prepared by other tall skeleton's your eye's light up as they where making bacon eggs pancakes sausages beignets spaghetti French toast pizza and oh so much more food's then you can imagine. your stomach growled at the smell of the food being prepared. one of the taller skeleton's noticed you and smiled seeing that you where holding your stomach. "oh human would you care for something to eat?." he asked you, you immediately started crying as this tall skeleton asked if you wanted to eat. "ye...yes I wo...would something to eat s...sir." you said with a very soft and weak voice. the tall skeleton smiled warmly at you as he took your hand leading you inside of the kitchen. taking you to a table where the many other taller skeleton's sat to eat. "wait here I'll go get your food miss." he said while leaving you at the table you where wiping the tears from your cheek's you where so happy to finally. have something to eat. 'these skeleton's are a bit nicer then the other's?.' you thought while waiting for the one who lead you to the table to come back which he did and he had. a tone of food with him as other's where walking out with food for you as well. "here you are human a feast fit for our newest friend." you got up from your sit and hugged him and the other's as well even though you didn't really know them that well you still wanted to thank them for giving so much food. "thank you so much this is the nicest thing anyone as ever done for me." you thanked them while they all smiled as they where blushing a bit while rubbing the back of their skulls slowly. "aww it was noting human we Papyrus's aren't much for harming other's but we have to fallow orders from our king Nightmare though serving you is an honor besides we couldn't let you stave that wouldn't be right." you smiled as you sat back down and started eating and you where savoring each and every bite. you where in food heaven while you ate with the many Papyrus's.


Killer Dust and Horror where choosing straw's Horror went first as he pulled out a straw that had the number 2 "grrr fucking this game!" Horror shouted as he crossed he's arms while glaring. "stop being a baby Horror besides you'll get to be with the human after words alright Dust your up pick a straw." Killer said while Dust was thinking as he then closed he's eye's as he picked a straw and slowly pulled it out then peeked open he's eye and saw that it was the straw number 4 on it. "ahh! what the fuck this game is fucking stupid!" Dust shouted out while Error tossed the maid dress at Killer. "hey Error there are two straw's left you want to pick one?." Killer asked while looking at Error with a grin. "tsk no way I'm not going to lower my guard down near a stupid human female you have fun with her." he said while going back into the void though he sneaked a string and pulled out the straw number 3 he blushed while. thinking about the human. 'look's like I get to be with the human after Horror.' he thought as he got a light yellow blush. Killer opened he's hand and smirked seeing that Error sneaked the one of the last straw's from him. "heh look's like I get to be the first to put this dress on our slave~" he said with a purr in he's voice. Horror and Dust glared at him. "hey fears fear guy's and don't worry Horror you'll get your turn with the human." Killer said while he snapped he's fingers teleporting away.

back with you

you drink some water as you finished eating. "that was amazing thank you for the food Papyrus's. it was amazing." you said with a kind smile towards them. they all smiled back at you. "it was our pleasure now you most be heading off before you get into trouble." one of the Papyrus's said while taking you back to the excite of the kitchen. "actually I am trying to leave here why don't you all come with me?." you said while looking at them. "w...we can't we most stay here besides Nightmare created us so we can not go anywhere..." the one who brought you into the mess-hall. "o...oh.." you lowered your head as you felt bad for these Papyrus's though they didn't seem to be suffering or anything. before you could say something else to them one of the Papyrus's grabbed your arm's as he held you tight but not to tight. "ahh well well well looky who I found?." said a very very familiar voice. "we caught her trying to find the exit sir Killer." you looked at them with sadness in your eye's. ' cou....could they...' felt your heart breaking. when one of the other Papyrus's lead down and whispered into your ear. "don't worry sir Killer isn't all bad and we are sorry we have to do this to you human..." you didn't understand what he meant by that but you would hold he's word for that. "heh look's like you've been busy having a feast in here we'll I'll be taking the human and leaving you Papyrus's alone." Killer smirked as he walked over and grabbed you by the waist pulling you closer against he's body. as the Papyrus let go of your arms. you where shaking with fear as Killer held you like this, it made you very uncomfortable. "aww don't you worry your little head human I'll take real good care of you~" Killer then snapped he's finger's teleporting into he's bedroom. he tossed you on the bed while licking he's upper teeth. "mmm look at you, your are one fine looking human~" Killer then slowly walked slowly over towards you, you scooted farther up the bed to get away from him as you. grabbed one of he's pillows and throw it at him. he caught it in he's hand as he's smirk soon turned to one with a deadly glare. "grr you are a bit disobedient which will soon change once I'm done with you~" your heart skipped a beat as he said that. 'oh no what he goi....going do.' you yelped when he was now on top of you pinning your wrists against the bed. "aww what a cute scared face your making ya know I will make you scream louder then Dust did~" he whispered into your ear making you blush uncontrollable. not understanding what he meant by that but soon you'll find out what it all meant. he stuck he's ecto tongue out he lifted he's right hand from your wrist as he held your head as the warm dripping of he's saliva fell against your neck this. however causes you to panic you weren't going to let him take your virginity from you. "NOO GET OFF OF ME!" you screamed as you tired struggling as you slapped him across he's face very hard. Killer's grin turned inot one of pure rage from getting slapped he glared down at you. striking fear into you, you began tearing up as he held a knife in he's hand. "big mistake human now you need to be punished." he said with a deep pitched tone in he's voice. making your body quiver with pure fear towards him. you where scared that he was going to stab you with that knife of he's. ' I...I....I. don....don't w...want d...die' you quickly thought of someway to get him back to what he was going to do to you from before. but you weren't going to like these odds though you had no other options left. though you didn't know Killer was only going to cut your old rags off your body to put the maid uniform on you, you put your arm around he's neck as you pressed your lips against he's smooth teeth catching him off guard. your heart was racing like crazy as you kept kissing him. Killer's eye-sockets widened as he began blushing a very dark gray at this sudden reaction. 'w...what the fuck why is s...she kissing me?. though I'm not complaining her lips are really soft.' Killer put he's knife down on the dresser drew while taking he's other hand off of your other wrist as he kissed you in return you blushed deeply while not thinking that he would kiss you back. though he was actually a good kisser for a skeleton who didn't have lips. the both of you kissed each other for what seemed like for an eternity but in reality it was only a few minutes of kissing before Killer pulled away from the kiss to catch he's breath. "ah I wasn't excepting a kiss though I am now what made you so eager to kiss me?.~" Killer asked while lifting you up while placing you on he's lap. making you blush even more. 'c...crud h...he's n...not t...the o...o...of th....them.' you thought while looking Killer in he's eye-sockets feeling your beating of your heart pounding loudly so loud that Killer could hear your heart beat. "ah I see you thought I was going to stab ya with my knife?." Killer then laughed at this but then. he put your leg's around he's waist as he pulled you even closer as close as you could get to him. you yelped in surprise at this sudden reaction of Killer's. though you weren't sure what he was going to do to you next. "wha...what. ahh?!" before you can ask him what he was going to do to you he bit down on your neck you could feel he's ecto tongue licking against the side of your neck. it felt like he was searching for your sweet spot though you never done this with anyone before Killer was somehow being a bit rough though gentle at the same time you then felt he's tongue trailing down to your shoulder. "ah ahhh." you let out a soft and quiet moan this pleased Killer as he pulled away from your shoulder while looking up at you licking he's upper teeth in a very sexual motion. "hmm let's get these rags off of ya shall we~" he said while lifting up your torn and old raged up shirt you covered your breasts as you where embarrassed of how you looked though Killer laid you down on the bed. causing you to flitch a bit while he removed your pants along with your panties you covered your face as you where blushing from embarrassment you hated the how you looked and even more so when. you where naked in front of someone. "heh those expressions your making are so cute~" Killer licked he's upper teeth as he was salivating as he looked your body up and down, 'damn she's fucking cute for a human jeez what a gorgeous woman she is.~' Killer removed he's clothes from he's body as he tossed them wherever across the floor of the room. "let's get you warmed up before we being the fun part~" Killer Smirked while lowering himself between your leg's. 't...this f...fe...feels' you gasped feeling Killer's ecto tongue against your pussy his tongue was somehow warm and very soft against your pussy you never felt something like this though you, have imagined that it would feel painful but this however felt really good and pleasurable. you moaned while placing your hand against Killer's head gently while biting your finger on your other hand. "ahh mmm ooh.~" you couldn't even say anything Killer was really good with he's tongue against your. clit licking the walls of your pussy. before you reached your first orgasm Killer pulled away licking he's teeth once more while getting on he's knees pulling your leg's spreading them out so that he's ecto cock was against your soft tender pussy. "get ready baby girl cause I'm gonna fuck ya pussy all night long~" Killer said while grinning widely while rubbing he's ecto cock against your pussy. your blush darkened while seeing that he wasn't joking and was very serious about having sex with you all night long. you looked up at him with tears forming in your eye's. "pl...please wi....with me?." you asked in a very soft and cute voice while tears rolld down your cheek's. Killer smirked wiping the tear's from your eye's. "alright you did ask so nicely after all I'll be a little gentle with ya~" Killer said while putting his ecto dick inside of your slit pushing inside of you very slowly until he is all the way inside of you, you moan in pain as you put your hands on he's shoulder's tightly. you squeezed your eye's tight as it hurt a lot since he was quite big. Killer lead his body down against yours as he moved a bit deeper inside of you. while he waited for you to get used to his movements. you felt your cherry pop as he was the first to take your virginity from you, you where a blushing mess while Killer continued to move inside of you. "ya like that cutie?.~" he whispered into your ear in his deep and sexually hot voice your whole face turned a bright shade of red as you looked into he's eye-socket's. you gasped in surprise as he picked up speed while inside of you, you moaned out loudly as Killer lowered himself down as he pressed his teeth against your lips muffling your moans of a mix of pain and pleasure. 'mm ahh fuck she's so tight I'm such a lucky monster~' Killer thought to himself as he intertwined his fingers with yours Killer licked your lips as he wanted to French kiss you, you opened your mouth allowing his tongue to enter inside of your mouth. you've given up trying to fight him as the pain you've once felt slowly fated away and was replaced with pure pleasure. and it no longer hurt you anymore as you wanted him to go faster inside of you. the both of you where moaning though the hot steamy passionate kiss as both of your bodies where beginning to sweat and the widow's to Killer's bedroom where getting all foggy as the two of you made love with each other Killer was being gentle as he said he would with you, you put your arms around Killer's shoulder's as you lowered your head against the pillow moaning out Killer's name over and over again. causing him to thrust even harder and deeper inside of you, you panted while your breathing was beginning to get heavy. "ah fuck I'm getting close you feel so warm and tight human ahh!~" Killer moaned out you could feel he's ecto cock throbbing inside of you, you looked up at him with lustful eye's Killer blushed seeing your sudden reaction. Killer suddenly pulled out as he rubbed he's ecto cock against your breasts. Killer moaned out very loudly as he started to cumming all over your breasts and some of his hot sticky seed got on your face. one eye was closed and the other opened as your eye was widened in shock as some of his cam outside of you. this surprised you a lot you thought he was going to cum inside of you though you felt he's fingers go inside of your pussy as he started fingering you making you moan very loud as you felt yourself feeling something like your body was going to burst. "that's it sweetie cum for me I know you want to~" Killer said while using he's sexual voice as you gasped moaning even more while you where being fingered by Killer he licked he's upper teeth as he fingered you even faster you where drooling from each side's of your mouth as you've felt him put another finger inside of you. that reached your limit you began to cum and he even got you to squirt for the first time. you put your hands on your cheek's as you stuck your tongue out as you really lost yourself in the moment of Killer pleasuring you. "AHH AHHHHH!!~<3" Killer's eye-socket's widened at first though they soften as he look's down at you. seeing that you where a blushing mess as well as a hot sticky one as well. "heh damn you most have enjoyed that a lot fuck I wouldn't mind having another go with ya cutie~" Killer said with a smirk. you blushed as Killer lifted you back up to sit on his lap once more. "now ready for round 2~" he askes while licking the side of your neck getting you into the mood again. meanwhile with the star Sanses

once Blueberry Ink and Dream where finished giving the dead a proper burial sight Dream got on his knees as he put his hands together as he began praying Ink and Blueberry joined him to give the dead a proper send off into heaven.

an hour later

Dream looked at Ink and put a hand on his shoulder. "let's go find my brother and make him pay for his wrong doings." Dream said while Ink smiled and nodded while using his magical paintbrush to open another portal to another alternate universe or for short AU or timeline. as Ink made the portal they turned around to call for Blueberry but he was suddenly no longer with them. "Blueberry where are you we are we have to leave now?!" Dream shouted hoping that Blueberry would hear him.

where is Blueberry now?. while I'll show you.

before Blueberry disappeared he was praying with Ink and Dream when he suddenly got a bit hungry and gotten up from the spot as he. walked over towards his bag filled with tacos that he had made for lunch while on this journey with he' two friends. "I hope they don't mind I can't search for Dream's brother on an empty stomach Mehehe." he said to himself while taking a bit out of his taco. as he was enjoying his food some black gooey tentacle's appeared behind him, he tried to scream "DRE-AHMMMHUMMM?!" before he could call for Dream and Ink but the tentacle's covered his mouth before he could alert them for help. the gooey black tentacles wrapped themselves around Blueberries body pulling him into a portal. before closing behind him. "hehe your coming with me little Blueberry." said Nightmare while brining him back to his castle to become bait for Dream and Ink and also a trade off. "MMHMMMM!!" Blueberry had tears streaming down his cheekbone's as he was scared of being alone and he didn't know what to do as he was truly scared of Nightmare and the other bad Sanses.

to be continued

Sanses X Papyruses X Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now