Naga Red X Village Reader X Spider Nightmare Part 3

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you where still feeling the Naga's venom in your vines as he continued thrusting inside of you. "your never going anywhere my new found pet." you looked at him with hopelessness in your eye's as you knew he was right and that if you tired. to escape from his den he'll hunt you down ether punish you or eat you. which ever came first you hoped he would punish you. since you'd still be alive to see another day. you felt the Naga pull his dick out and cum all over your breasts. "heh such a lovely view from down there.~" the Naga said to himself as he slithered away from you, you couldn't move since you felt very weak from his venom he came back and placed you in a body of water that was surprisingly warm and felt nice. "w...wh...wh." before you can finish saying another word he stopped you. "as I said human I'm going to keep you as long as I can and your my new toy the other human's I had before you all where disappointments to me." the red Naga said to you. "and I need to keep you clean I don't want to have a dirty smelly human in my den besides there are other giant creatures out there besides me and my species." you looked away from him as you knew he was telling the truth unlike people from your village that lied to you everyday. though with him he seemed to not like lairs it seemed to bother him as much as it bothered you. at times though little white lies where okay once in a blue moon. you let out a soft sigh as you bathed in the body of water. it was very relaxing and very comfortable it took your mind off of being kidnapped and breed with you though there where other giant creatures outside of the den. like giant spider monster's. though you've never seen any other monsters besides the Naga you slowly started to get feeling back but only slowly. "I'm going to go out to hunt for food and if you are not here when I come back I'll bring you back with rage and I don't want to eat you you seem to thin and not strong enough so I'll get you panty to eat first then I'll make sure your fast enough I love it when my food puts up a good run works up my appetite." you began shivering with fear though you where safe for now but you needed to find a way to get out of there without him noticing and without catching your sent since he knew what your sent smelled like now. you looked at the Naga and saw that he has a red tail. and you didn't know anything about his race or anything since they where not in the village library though it was very small for a library. though you did want to learn more about his kind but he didn't trust human's. and you where determined to change his mind about you at lest and get him to trust you but you didn't know how to do that. and it seemed that it would be tricky to think of ways for him to trust you and for you to get to learn about his species. 

meanwhile deep in the forest

Travis continued his search but slowly he began to get hungry himself and he didn't know witch berries where poisonous and which berries where safe to eat. "ah dang this is taking forever I don't think I'll find Y/N at this rate though I can't return to the village until I find her after all it was my fault for asking her to find something that no one has ever seen before..." he said to himself as he continued walking along the dirt path though he didn't realize that it was a dirt path he was following to an unknown village which was home to all of the Naga's. 
Kaitlyn slithered around as she was very active and more hyper then her three brother's. "heh what's with all the long faces let's do something that isn't so boring." Kaitlyn said to her brother's. Kasey smiled as he knew his sister was feeling more hyper since it was that time of year for their species go into heat and find themselves a mate to stay with for life. "yeah but we only have so much to do here Kaitlyn. though we can play tag or hide and go hunt?." Kasey suggested to his sister Kaitlyn chuckled as she lifted her lower half of her body up as she liked Kasey's game idea's. "those are perfect Kasey but I think we need someone to be our prey for fun." she said Travis's eye's widened as he hid behind a tree as his cheeks felt like they where burning up. not realizing he was blushing as he has never seen such a beautiful creature in his whole entire life before. 'oh my gosh she is the most beautiful creature in the whole entire would.' he thought to himself as he kept watching her and her three other siblings playing.

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