1: Growing Up

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"You can't take her she's mine!" Aurora shouted at me as I cradle the small child in my arms away from her venomous touch. Pretending to be in love with someone you truly hate for 9 months to keep your child was hard, I wasn't falling at the last hurdle and letting my little girl fall into her clutches. She'd just poison the innocent child. "You're not fit to be a mother! You'll corrupt the innocent thing." Kol exclaims. 

"She deserves more than we can give her Aurora... Look at her." My daughter was looking up at me with her big blue eyes taking in every inch of my face, looking at her I want to keep her close to me forever and protect her but I have too many enemies it isn't safe for her to be around this toxic family, it would be selfish to keep in the hold of this family and burden her with all the trouble that comes with being a Mikealson. She had an innocent glint in her eyes, something we all lacked something that needed to be protected. I didn't want her to be like us. I wanted her to be kind and loving and be able to be vulnerable without fear of being taken down for it. 

Aurora would only ruin her, she wasn't well enough for a child in fact this pregnancy had only made her lose it more, her body wasn't able to carry a child anymore yet by some magical curse here we are looking at the new life that's about to start a war. But things this priceless are meant to be fought over. "She's special... You need to let her go." "Go with you? You'll just ruin her Nik." She spits at me. "We both need to let her go. I don't care about what happens with her as long as it's not with you. I don't need my only heir to the throne to hate my guts." I say with a sadistic look on my face. Of course, I cared what happened to her. She wasn't just an heir to the throne of power. She was my little girl. My only little girl, I'll ever have. But I knew I couldn't be selfish with her because the amount of love I've felt for her in her short life is more love than I've ever felt. I was full again. 


"You protect her with your life you hear me!" I say to Marcel who was holding my child getting ready to leave the city to get her to safety. He nodded. "I mean it if so much as a hair on her head is harmed I will personally come and hunt you down and ruin your life." "Nik." My sister said telling me to ease up. "He'll keep her safe." The little babe was crying from the moment I handed her over to Marcel. She was calm before in my arms, she laid sleeping. It was almost like my touch was the thing keeping her at peace. But I knew I couldn't keep her any longer though hearing her cries pained me, it felt as though it was echoing around an empty hall hitting off each wall and recoiling in my head. 

I let him go with her, I didn't say goodbye to her, she wouldn't remember anyway. The plan was to drop her off at the nunnery in Mystic Fall's, it's run by witches... My daughter was a witch, along with a lot of other things but they didn't need to know that. They'd give her to a family who will know how to nurture a child. Something I wouldn't even know where to start with. They would aid her in developing her skills and control of her magic as she grows into it. And she'll be loved. 

Marcel would stay close by, to keep an eye on her. Even good people can have a vendetta. Especially when they notice how much power she'd have as she grows. It was inevitable she'd be powerful, one of the most powerful witches this world had ever seen so he would be there almost as a guide to make sure she was okay. That she wasn't being hurt or used for her magic. He'd be her brother without telling her she was her actual brother of course. 

The car pulled off the street. "Niklaus?" Elijah question. "I need a minute brother," I say back not taking my eyes off the road where the car just disappeared leaving the town forever. That was it... She was gone. I would never see her beautiful big blue eyes. Or hear her sweet voice as she learnt how to talk. I'd never witness any of her firsts, first steps, first words, first smile. 

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