27: Letters

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The butterfly turned into a letter that floated to the floor I caught it and sat on my bed. 

My Darling Hope, 

I'm so sorry I haven't been able to talk to you recently. I am okay so no need to worry. I'll fill you in when I can see you again. Or Your mum and dad will tell you all about our crazy adventure, you are pretty well adjusted to all the craziness that goes on in our family. 

I'll be away from you a little longer, it pains me to be away from you for so long. I miss your sweet face and drinking milkshakes with you. But when I can I'll come to take you out for the day and we can go on an adventure of our very own, that's a promise. 

But we can write to each other for a while whilst I go on another adventure for a while. I want to know all about your school. What you've learnt and what you've been doing with your friends? Oh, and Tell Penelope I said hi, and I MISS HER! 

I love you my Tiny Wolf, and I can't wait to be with you again singing in my car on a long road trip back to New Orleans to visit Aunt Davina and Uncle Kol ;) I'll convince Mum and Dad to let us go. 

Always and Forever

Your sister

Zlea <3



I open my eyes quickly as life fills me again my heart beating very slowly pushing the small amount of blood I had left in me. Looking back at me was Damon's, I smiled lazily at him, my head was in his lap and we were still out in the clearing. The butterflies were all gone and a million memories from my life were flashing through my head. Every time Marcel compelled me. Care compelled me once... I'll have to talk to her about that one. 

"Took you long enough." He says to me with a smirk. "I was defeating evil queens, I needed a quick nap," I tell him sitting up. I closed my eyes quickly, suddenly the world seemed so much brighter. And everything was loud and my teeth hurt, again. I touched them, two sets of sharp teeth, fun. No they both hurt like hell. 

"Bit bright, love?" Dad asked. I nodded shielding my eyes as I looked around. "Did I do it?" They nodded. "Can we go inside, my head is killing and the sun isn't helping." "Let's get you home." "Sounds great... can I get a milkshake?" He laughed at me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me close. "You won't like them anymore." I pouted. "No, I can't have milkshakes be ruined for me." "Too late, should have thought about milkshakes before sacrificing yourself." Damon teased. 

"Right," I say back to him I felt weak quickly and grabbed onto the closest thing. "I got you," Kol says smiling at me. "Is Kol Mikealson being nice to me?" I mocked. "Well, you're all weak and fragile right now. Done want to kick you whilst you're down." I mocked him by laughing sarcastically but still held onto him. "I think we should get you some blood before hitting the road."

"I have blood bags in the car." "Or we could tap Freya." "No," I say sharply. "You're not going on the squirrel diet are you?" "Do I look like a monster?" I asked Damon. "Those Bunnies are innocent." "Then why not just tap Freya." "Because... I don't want to." "Can you hear her heartbeat?" "Yes, Kol so shut up," I say pulling my arm from him and holding onto my dad more for support my body just felt like a bag of limbs that I was dragging across the floor. "I got you." He tells me. "I think she's wise not to want to drink from Freya. She could be a ripper." My eyes widened in fear. I just didn't want to bite my aunt I didn't want to hurt her and she doesn't heal on herself. "She's not a ripper," Hayley said and then hit her husband upside the head. "Don't scare her." I hear her whisper to him. Well, my hearing has definitely gotten better. 

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