18: Glenda The Bad Witch

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"What's happening?" Caroline says gripping onto the twins' hands as the ground beneath us begins to shake. "They're here," Freya says standing up from where she was sitting half in the car. "Where are the girls?" Hayley asked pushing past people. The school staff were stopping her from going past. "My children are in there. Get off of me." She fights against a larger man and wins. "Hayley wait!" Kol pulls her back as the school collapses. It happened almost in slow motion the 4 stories high school began to crumble on top of its self dust from the bricks and cement filled the air. 

"NO!" I roared. "NO!" "EVERYONE EVACUATE THE AREA." People were screaming and running as the school turned to dust. "AZALEA!" Damon shouted. "ZLEA!" Marcel called. "HOPE! HOPE!" Hayley was screaming trying to pull Kol off of her. I was grateful for him right now because she would run into that building to get her child. 

Cackling could be heard but it was all around, the noise travelling through the air it couldn't be pinpointed to a specific spot. It made me feel like I was losing it as my head darted in every direction to try and find the owner of the mocking noise. There were so much going on screams from other families. Screams of the desperation of my own begging for one of the girls to call back to us. 

"Hello Niklaus Mikealson." I turned around from the ruins and saw a worn looking women stood in front of me. A witch clearly, she had the whole I'll read your future from my crystal ball look going on. "I will end you!" Hayley said lunging for her but this woman stood her with a simple thought causing Hayley to go weak at the knees as she held her head in pain. "Ahh!" She screamed. "I will rip you limb from limb if so much as a hair on those girls heads is hurt do you understand me." "Do you know who I am?" "I don't care to know who you are. Quite frantically." She smirked Cockily. "I'm Glenda." "Like the good witch? Isn't she meant to be pretty?" Bex said getting ready to fight. 

"You killed my father over two decades ago." "Then get over it!" Damon says. "Salvatore boy... I suppose you fight for the one you love." His frown only deepened and then his anger took over before ripping her head from her body. "She was annoying." He said tossing it to the side and as he did witches that were cloaked became visible. 

I looked and Damon. "You ready for a fight Salvatore?" "I was born ready." "Ahh!" We all charged at them, the girls dress being torn as they fought the witches. Care had the twins at the car and she was throwing witches away from them. I tried to make my way over to them to help as three witches were pulling her to her knees as she screamed in pain her girls screaming. Stefan was running over too. "Girls the bracelet! Find the bracelet." I yell to the 5-year-olds as I got caught up in another witch fight. I swear they're relentless. I see the girls searching the car. 

I know I had Azalea's bracelet in there in case she needed it. She didn't wear it anymore so she was learning to control her powers the more she practised with Davina Claire and Freya but her powers sometimes got too much for her and she feared what she could do with them. "FOUND IT!" "Syphon it!" Caroline shouts at them. 

"MOTUS!" I shout to them. Azalea was working on that spell with Hope. I hoped it helped them right now. "Motus." They say together moving the witches from their mum. I snapped a few necks running over to Care helping her up. "Are you okay, love?" I asked her as I held her forearms steading her. She nodded wiping her hair off her face. "Take them to the compound there's a protection spell, no one will be able to get in," I tell her. That's how we've been keeping the girls safe that past few weeks, keeping them held up in the compound almost like prisoners though it was for their own safety. 

I make sure Caroline can get off before helping the rest of my family. 


I held two hearts in my hands as I breathe heavily. The last of the witches taken down. I let them roll out of my hands onto the limp bodies that were worthless. I look back at the building and it was no denying that they knew the girls were inside there. It was ruined, it didn't look like a building anymore, it was rumble piled up on top of each other. 

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