3: Sweet As Honey

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Who was she to question me about my involvement with Azalea, I didn't even know who the hell she was. I knew she was on Azalea's no, no list meaning I wasn't allowed to kill, compel or feed on her but other than that I didn't know who she was nor did I care. 

"Sh." I shushed the other two who were bickering like children. "What?" "I said. Shush." I say annoyed I could hear her. She was speaking Latin. She's doing magic. I took off in a run leaving the two behind. If she was using magic she felt threatened. She doesn't use it daily because she doesn't always know how powerful she is. 

I was impressed. All these years Klaus had terrorised us and this little cheerleader was able to keep him in place with a simple spell... My ego was a little bruised. 

"Are you okay?" I asked going to her side. "This creep was following me home." She says starting to squeeze her hand shut into a fist and as she did this Klaus started to struggle to breathe. I had a smug smile on my lips.

"Azalea! Stop." I rolled my eyes. Klaus deserved it for following her home. He deserved for her to snap his windpipe. He should have left her alone. "Put him down," Cami says firmly. Anyone would think they were her parents with the way they demanded her to do things. I think Cami was her therapist or something, I wasn't really listening to Caroline when she was explaining. I got bored. 

"Put him down." "Fine." She said letting go, and Klaus fell to the floor in a heap. "I'll drive you to Liv's come on," I say wrapping an arm around her. She looked at Marcel and he nodded in approval. "Call me in the morning." She nodded. We walked back to the restaurant. "Who was that?" She asked me as we got far enough away from them to hear us.

"An old...enemy? Friend... I'm not sure. He's just Klaus Mikealson." "The one in the journals?" She asked looking more scared than she was. "You don't have to worry about him," I tell her firmly. "He could have killed me." "He wouldn't dare lay a hand on you," I tell her. "He's a psychopath... shows no mercy." "Yeah well, neither do I," I say bluntly. She rested her head on my shoulder. 

"You want to stay at the school with Care and Bon?" I asked her. "Olivia's parents are expecting me home." She tells me. "I'll deal with them," I tell her and she slowly nodded. "You were pretty badass back there." She shrugged her shoulders. "Not as sweet as you seem Cheerleader." "What are you talking about. I'm sweet as Honey." She said in a valley girl accent. I shoved her. "You're a secret assassin." "Isn't that the whole point of being an assassin? To be secret." I rolled my eyes at her. 

I drive her to the school and Bon and Care are there already. I called the house to tell them what was happening. I might have needed back up and my brother was to be that backup. She filled the girls in on what happened. I listened in too. Apparently, Klaus dragged her into the side street and then she gave him a brain aneurism, on repeat until he let go of her. I was thankful she had been taking classes with Bon behind her parents back... They had taught her basic boring spells that children do in their sleep. 

I saw her lose her temper once. She and her parents got into a fight it was pretty serious something about her blood they needed. Or something and she managed to get away from them and I followed her to the woods, she screamed and everything around her flattened before bursting into flames. When she opened her eyes she looked horrified. Like she didn't know she was capable of that. She was only 12 at the time. I hid behind a tree... A grown man stalking a kid probably wouldn't go down all too well so I got Care to come from the school. She helped calm her down the flames went out. After that, she came to the school for private lessons. Bonnie said she hadn't seen the power in such a young witch ever. And it's only getting stronger the older she got. Almost like it'll continue to grow with her age.

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