11: First Day Nerves

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"Nice Painting." I jumped at the sound of her voice. No one was home but me and her. I turned around and she was leant against the archway of the room. She was chewing the inside of her cheek. "Thank you." I smiled at her she forced one back.  

"Can I use some of that? I promised Hope I'd make her a surprise for her first day?" "Yes, of course, Love," I say encouraging her to come in. "And may you take me into town? I want to bake her a cake. we don't have flour in the kitchen." She says tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear as she looks up at me. I'm just now noticing her little freckles that littered her cheeks. Normally they're covered by the make-up she wears. And I've not been this close to her to take them in since she's been here. 

"Yeah, we can head in once you've done in here." She nodded. Our easels were facing each other the paint and brushes on a small table at the side of both of them. I took a few glances at her as she focused on her painting. She didn't let her eyes move from the painting, not even when she was changing colours, it's like she had memorised where they all were so she could focus on the painting. 


"May I see?" I asked when she was finished. She nodded stepping back so I could stand in front to look. at her painting. She had been working on it all morning. 

She had painted Hope releasing butterflies

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She had painted Hope releasing butterflies. Hope has been obsessed with the spell Azalea taught her and it's all she does is practice it. I guess it was a moment they wanted to save, or at Least Azalea did. "Do you think she'll like it?" She asked still examining her own work. "I'm sure she'll love it... it's incredible." The amount of detail she added to each butterfly making them all, almost look identical. 

"You should sign it." She chuckled. "I'm serious, I sign everything I paint." "That's where we differ." "Why your painting may end up in an art gallery one day." "It's Hope's not for the public." She tells me. "Okay." "Go change and we'll go into town." She nodded. "Can we stop by to see Damon? He's worried I'm dead." I frowned. "He threw stones at my window last night." I nodded. I didn't want her around Damon whilst he was against me. I needed him on my side so I could win Azalea over. If he was against me he sure as hell won't be advocating for me.


I tossed her the car keys so she could drive. Let her feel more in control. "What are these for?" She asked. "To drive." "I don't have my license." "You have a permit?" She nodded slowly. "Then you can drive." "My dad never taught me." She said. "Well, it's a good time to start. Come on. We don't have all day." I opened the door and got in and she got in beside me. She looked so small in the big car. 

I told her what to do and it took a few tries of stopping and starting before she could pull off without stalling the car. "You're doing great." "I'm awful." She laughed. "You're doing good. I'm here." She was nervous. A car swung out in front of us and she screamed. I grabbed the wheel and swerved the car. "You're okay. I got you." I tell her still steering the car to avoid the traffic. "That wasn't your fault." I tried to keep my temper under control. She doesn't like it when I lash out. She thinks that's who I am. All I can be. I heard her talking to Hayley one night. If she didn't think that I would have gotten out of the car and ripped the guy apart but not today. Today I'm a calm Klaus Mikealson who is spending the day bonding with his daughter... well trying to. 

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