10: Alex

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"Alex?" I question. I must have been hallucinating. We were on the school field, the stands were empty he was kicking a ball with another man. "Azalea?" He said turning around. I ran to him full of energy before springing into his tight embrace. My legs wrapped around his waist as I clung on for my life scared he'd disappear in a flash. "What are you doing here?" "What do you mean?" I asked. "I'm dreaming." "No, no you're not." "What?" I questioned, I touched his face, he was here. I was in his arms. I felt safe, alive full of energy. 

"I'm at peace." He said. I looked around. "This is my uncle." He said introducing me to him. "This the girl?" He asked and Alex nodded as I slid back down to my feet. "I'm dead?" I questioned. And this is where I go? High school? Not a tropical beach. I really need to have a convo with whoever controls this one. "No, you can't be it's not your time Z.," He tells me brushing my hair from my face. "You need to go back." "I don't want to leave you." "You don't have a choice. Your sister needs you." "What?" "Hope... she needs her big sister." "How do you know about Hope?" I questioned had he been lying to me too? "We get to watch you, to make sure you're safe. So we can be at peace knowing that." "I miss you," I tell him I didn't care about anyone else at this moment alls I cared about was him. I just wanted to be with him. 

"I miss you too, but you can't stay." He says pulling my arm as he leads me somewhere. "Why not." I snatched my arm back. "It's not your time. You were meant to live a long life Z. with children and a husband." "I wanted that with you." "You can't have it with me. I'm dead Z. But you have time. You need to go back." "No!" I shout at him. "Z." He tried. "I'm not going back. He raised his eyebrow at me before scooping me up under his arm like I was a football.

"Little cliche don't you think," I say looking around the white room with a big wooden grand-looking door with brass Handels in the shape of lions. The door we just came through still opening showing the football field. "You need to leave." "Why?" I asked with my hand on my hip. "You don't belong here." "You chose to stay," I tell him. "Why can't I?" "Because I made a mistake. I thought it would be good. You know living the high school glory day after day n the pitch but it's not. You still miss everyone you leave behind." "Well I miss you and I'm saying don't make me leave you.  I don't want you to be here alone." "I'm not alone. I have my uncle. You'll be alone Z." "I'll have you." "I was never going to be enough for you forever. You need an epic love story the kind you read about in all those books you read. Not some cheerleader football player romance that dies in high school." "You don't know what I need!" I shout at him. "You want a family. You want to work in the hospital. You want-"You. I want you. I need you I miss you. You. Everything has been going so wrong since you-" And then he kissed me. And I stopped thinking. I missed his touch so much I felt like I was floating. I felt all warm inside, I felt whole again. He then pulled away and his big dumb brown eyes looked back at me, mine were filling with tears. I just wanted to stay here forever. "I love you Z." "I love you too Alex." And he pushed me away into the open door. 

I was falling, I tried to grab onto something to hold me in place but I couldn't find anything to grab it was just darkness. complete darkness. I didn't scream in my head I think I knew what was happening. I knew I was going back to that bedroom I knew I'd be locked away again and I knew I'd never see Alex again because by the time it came to it my peace wouldn't look like the high school football ground... he was right I wanted a life with children and a husband and the white picket fence. That would be my peace when I died. The ghost of his touch was still haunting my body my lips felt cold without his attached to them. 

And then I hit the floor.



She gasped for breath at the same moment Damon woke up from his neck snapping. I had to get him away from he was going to take her and I couldn't lose her. I wouldn't I'd rather her be pissed at me for hurting him than have her walk out that door. She sat up looking around in a panic her ways open wide. "Where's Damon?" She asked immediately. "I'm here." He says from outside the room. All of us were. "No. No. No." She pulled at her long hair. "NO!" She shouted standing up. "Let me out. Please let me out." She was banging at the barrier tears falling. "Let me out. Klaus. please I... I need to get out. I need to get out!" She was in a state. A panicked look to say the least. "Let me out. You have to let me out. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She knelt down in floods of tears. I didn't know what she was apologising for but she sounded so broken. 

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