34: Genevieve

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"It's been three days," Damon tells us annoyed that no one was taking his concern seriously. Azalea had gone 'missing' three days ago. But Penelope says that she and Damon had been arguing a lot more recently due to the stress of Damon and Klaus not getting along. So we all just assumed she took off for a break. Hope's not called and said Azalea's not answering her phone so she's fine. Hope calls Zlea every day.  

"She's probably taken off because she doesn't want to be with you anymore." Klaus shot at him. "She wouldn't just do that!" He said back. "Will you please do a locator spell on her." He asked Freya. "I don't ask for help, I'm worried she wouldn't have just left. We were doing just fine." "So you weren't arguing every night?" "We've had a few disagreements but we fix it every night. Before we go to sleep. We never go to bed until it's solved." He was clearly in distress. "I'll do a locator spell for you," Freya tells him. 

"Have you spoken with Hope? She was worried about Hope." Damon says. "I spoke to her last night," I tell him. "She's fine." "Are you sure?" "She's at the school, she is fine," I tell him, he did care about Hope. I don't know if he cared because she was important to Azalea or if he cared because he actually cared about her wellbeing but either way it was sweet. It was clear he was stressed about Zlea. 

"I can't track her, she's cloaked herself." Zlea had gotten her magic back and since getting it back she's been a lot happier, almost like she was herself again. She goes through fazes of being guilty for what she did and then angry at herself but overall she's been a lot happier since she's had her magic. She's even been going to the school to help out in class too. I think it's been good for her. 

"Here." Damon handed her grimoire over to Freya. "All her spells are in there reverse it and find her." "You came prepared," Klaus observed. "My girlfriend, your daughter has been missing for three days. I'm worried." He said clearly. "You should be too." "What aren't you telling us?" "Nothing!" He said almost snapping. "She's been stressed, and worried about Hope and- I know she wouldn't just leave. She wouldn't leave Hope. Not when she was that concerned with her wellbeing." He pulled at his hair. 

"She's not cloaked by any of her spells," Freya said grabbing the rooms attention. "Something's wrong." Klaus finally admits. "I'll call the school, maybe she's with Penelope and she's using one of her spells," I suggested not completely freaking out yet. 


"How do you lose a child!" I shouted down the phone to Rick. "Hope is missing," I tell the room before rushing to the school with Klaus. "You worry now? Not two days ago when I told you Azalea was missing! Now Hope's gone it's running to the rescue!" Damon below. "And you're going to find her first! Leave Azalea suffering wherever she is!" "Hope is a child." "Azalea didn't get to be a child!" He shouted back at me. "Where are you going!" "To find my girlfriend!" He drove off in the opposite direction. 

When we arrived at the school Rick had put them all on lockdown. No one was out in the courtyard or the halls. "There was just a letter." He handed me a piece of paper. I gave it to Klaus as I began going through Hope's room. Maybe she left, to find Zlea. Maybe they ran off together. Maybe- "It's Glenda's witches. They're going through with the plan." Klaus told me. "What plan?" 

"Split them up... The little one was always protected by the other one. Real sisterly instinct she has..." I'm sick of witches just turning up to explain their stupid plans. I haven't got the patients for this today. "Where are my daughters?" "Correction... Daughter." I went running at her but was pushed back. Barrier spell. "I will kill you if you hurt a hair on her head!" I scream at her kicking at the door to try and get out though it was never going to work. "With them apart I can just take the fragile one's blood. The bigger one is too weak at this point to even try and save her sister. You guys left her a while. 3 day's alone, being beaten, and drained and drugged and burnt." She chuckled cynically to herself. "All she kept crying out was dad. Hayley. It was so pathetic." I felt sick to my stomach at the thought of her crying out for her family and we just thought she left because of a silly argument that Damon said they didn't have the day she went missing. 

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