8: Are You going to listen?

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"Marcel! Oh, thank God you've got to get me out of here!" I say to him scrabbling to my feet. "Lea." Pity filled his face I shake my head in disbelief. "You did this?" "Technically your aunt Freya did it but he helped carry you down here." Klaus Mikaelson said cockily like he ruled the world. I backed up from Marcel in the small circle. "What do you want from me?" I asked him trying to keep my voice strong. "Damon will find me and you'll be sorry you ever kept me in here!" I say confidently in my friend that he will come through.

"Your little friend already stopped by we dealt with him." He tells me with an evil smile on his face. I felt my eyes well up. "I'll kill you," I tell him. "Well you're stuck in a box so you're-"Klaus I don't think this is the way to get her to listen to you she's reasonable-"I don't have an aunt Freya," I say finally catching what he said to me. "Azalea please just listen." "Listening to you got me in here!" I say to him angry at him and worried for the safety of my friend.

"Klaus!" Hayley! "HAYLEY! Hayley help!" I screamed she ran down here. "Really Klaus?" She said folding her arms over her chest. She tried to pull me out but there was no use. "Klaus! Let her out." "I just want to talk." "Well I'm getting murder vibes right now so maybe we could talk over a cup of tea upstairs maybe? Not in a basement where I'm spelt in and I feel like my life is slipping away." I say with a sarcastic smile. "You wouldn't listen." "Oh, so this would make her listen? Klaus listens to yourself. You're delusional!" I'm glad Hayley was fighting for me. I felt betrayed by Marcel right now. He was meant to be my friend but he sold me out! I can't believe him.

"I need you to listen to me calmly." He tried to Compel me. It didn't work. He frowned. "I thought you've compelled her before?" He asked Marcel. Hearing the two bicker was like watching dumb and dumber. Egotistical attention vacuums. The pair of them. I thanked Damon for looking out for me by giving me Elena's necklace... even though he may be dead because of the monster in front of me he was still protecting me. I tried not to make it obvious what it was that was protecting me from his compulsion. I looked at Hayley she told me I'd be okay. I didn't know if to believe her or not. Why would she try and help me? She didn't even know me. And the person that did know and should be helping me isn't.

"Stay here." Klaus told me." "Not like I could go for a stroll in the park," I say sarcastically. They all left me. Hayley unwillingly but she still left and I was alone trapped in the damp basement. I slouched back against the wall and forced myself to sit down.


I don't really know how long passed all I know is I was waking up to the sound of my name being called. "What have you done to Damon?" I asked Klaus he was knelt on the floor his blue eyes meeting mine. "Nothing... we told him you weren't here and that we were looking for you too." "And he believed you?" I asked shocked. Damon warned me about Klaus the games he plays. Klaus makes sure he always wins, that's what Damon said. Why would he believe a word he said. "Because he knows the truth... he knows I wouldn't hurt you." What was he talking about? 

"The truth?" I asked. "Are you going to listen?" "Are you going to let me out?" I asked back. "Depends on how you react." "If you're keeping me in here can you at least bring me a milkshake?" "Are you going to listen?" "I don't really have a choice... you looked me in the basement in a circle and took my magic from me. I can just about manage to stand... how do you think I will-"Okay I got it." He cut me off. 

"So?" I asked waiting... I wanted to get this over and done with as quickly as possible. "Come here?"


I felt guilty seeing her struggle to even stand and walk to me... but I had to do it. She was a strong witch she'd break the boundary spell in a few hours and leave but I needed her to listen. She stumbled to me and I steadied her. Her normally big bright eyes were dull almost a grey, her skin pale and she had thick dark circles under her eyes. Maybe Hayley was right, maybe I could have gone about this another way but I just needed her to listen. 

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