35: The World's Redemption

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I looked away from Hope and my eyes landed on my soulmate, her body still looked pale but it wasn't going grey, like hope which made me think Genevieve was just pulling a hoax on Hayley to make her feel worse about losing her child. 

I felt her hand grip mine and I looked at them laced together making sure I wasn't playing tricks on myself. Grief does that I saw Elena in my room for a month after her death. I was sending myself crazy so maybe I was doing it again, but I saw her hand move. She was still here. Genevieve began to hold her chest and cough as she struggled for breath. Klaus looked at her confused but still with zero concern for her wellbeing. Was this another ploy? Genevieve's heart literally exploded out of her chest. Blood splattering up the walls.  before her body just dropped to the floor. 


Elijah, Bex and Marcel ran into the cellar. "Hope?" Elijah ran to Hayley before taking a few steps back when he saw her. Hayley wouldn't let anyone touch Hope she cradled her in her arms moving her away from everyone's grasp. She hadn't stopped crying she was struggling to breathe. Elijah had a horrified expression on his face watching his wife hold his niece who had seemingly passed away, he tried to reach for her but Hayley would jerk her away scared that if anyone touched her she disintegrates into ash. She just wanted her baby close to her. Elijah let a few tears fall down his face as he watched helplessly at the scene around him. His eyes travelling around the cellar computing what could have possibly caused this horrifying scene and why was his 9-year-old niece doing in the middle of it all. 

 Marcel ran into Damon and Azalea and held Azalea's hand. "Zlea... Zlea. No! No. No." He mumbled trying to process. "Wake up." He whispered to her. "Please wake up Zlea. You're too strong to die. You're my baby sister. You have to be okay. Be okay. Wake up." Marcel began to spiral due to the pain of losing both of his siblings, something he never thought he'd have to prepare for because they're Tribrids, the strongest beings in the world both laying lifeless in the arms of their loved ones. "What happened?" He demanded Damon told him, but he was in a trance watching Azalea's hand waiting for her to squeeze it one more time.

 Just once more and he'd know she was going to be okay. He was starting to believe he was already losing his mind from the pain of losing her. He knew he wouldn't be able to pull through another loss like this. Azalea was his angel, his saving grace, the one person who managed to convince him to stay and live another day. How was he meant to stay when his reason to stay was laying in his lap not breathing. And knowing his baby once was being protected by the women he loved, and he had to say goodbye to both of them. He had lost both of them. He knew deep down he knew she had slipped away and he knew he had to say goodbye but this time the dark thoughts were engulfing him and he wasn't planning on sticking around long enough to watch her be buried into the ground as he had with Elena. He couldn't bear to go through that again. He couldn't go through it without his sidekick, his soulmate, his best friend, a partner in crime. He lost a lot more than just his girlfriend. He lost his humanity in these moments he was already planning his way out. Plotting how he would say goodbye to his nieces and brother. His best friend Bonnie. He'd have one last drink with Rick. He'd hug his brother tell him he loved him. Give the twins his car, tell them to save it for when they're grown... He'd just not planned how to say goodbye to Bonnie. And he was hoping he didn't have to if Azalea just squeezed his hand once more. 

"Marcel looked around the cell, Azalea's blood was all over the place, the floor damp from the constant showering of vervain and wolfsbane one after another. The chains that were holding her to the wall laid on the floor where Damon discarded them. He never thought Azalea would go through anything worse than what her parents did to her. But he knew this ordeal had been much worse for her, he could practically hear her screams of pain echoing around the room like a ghost. He would imagine how she would have pled for Hope to be safe. How she would have fought on her way in here. He could imagine her trying to fight the darkness. But the screams were all too real, they'd haunt him forever because they were something he promised himself he'd never let her relive... the pain that causes those screams were something he promised she wouldn't have to go through again yet here she was laid on the floor, cold, dead, and in pain. 

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