22: He Had An Episode

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"So everyone's just left." I nodded slowly. "And you didn't tell me because." "I knew if you knew what was happening you'd make me leave." "And your aunts and uncles wouldn't?" "They tried to but I promised them I'd go if he hurt me." I look at him with innocent eyes. "And you haven't told them... And he's been hurting! I swear I'm gonna-"Damon stop." I say pulling him to sit back down at the table. "He's been having these episodes... It's not him. He's-"Delusional! I don't care if he's not himself Z. No one hurts you." "He needs me... He'll be alone." "Maybe he deserves to be alone. He's got all these enemies and people after him because of what a terrible monster he was. He's put you in danger, you almost died. More than once." He reminds me. "But he's dad." "I don't care!" 

"Damon you don't understand. If Hope comes home and Dad has completely gone she'll be heartbroken." "And how is that your fault? Why do you have to stay?" "Because everyone else has left him. There's no one to bring him back. Even Elijah gave up on his road to redemption. If there's no one there to stop him the world might as well be engulfed in Hellfire." I tell him being 100% serious. "Then I'm staying there too. I'm not letting him hurt you." "He's not hurt me before." "You're lying... so shut up." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever... can you go get me some fries?" "Sure, don't move." I shot him an overly sarcastic smile before he left the table. 

I filled Penelope in on what was happening whilst I waited for Damon to come back. She filled me in on Hope. I still wasn't allowed to go visit yet, she wasn't completely settled in, and that including speaking to her too. It was hard, especially because over the past few months we've been super close. 

"Here you go." "Thanks," I say picking up some fries and putting my phone down. "Penelope's coming to stay, so you can go back to your hole." "Hole? I like to call it a ditch... roomier." I rolled my eyes. "But I'm staying either way." "You want to hear us talk about our crushes all night long. And watch rom-coms with us." "I do because your dads not going to let her stay because like you said the he's crazy." "He has episodes." "Episodes or psychotic murderous bursts?" "You have those too." I reminded him. "Difference is I don't paint with their blood I toss my victims into the dumpster like normal murders." 

"We should go home," I tell him standing up. "I need to stop by at the house." "Okay, but i can't go near the school." "Right, you can wait at the gates."  We left and he went to the house and it took him five minutes maybe before he came back. "Here this is for you." He handed me a book. "Where did you get this?" I asked opening it. It was about the Shadow pack... The new wolf back that was here in town. "I found it earlier..." "And you didn't bring it with you when you came to visit because?" "Because I knew you hadn't left your room in days and I knew if you had this book you'll be in there for a few more days." "You're so annoying." We begin the walk to the compound because I made Damon ditch his car when we first left. 

"Dad! I'm home! Damon's here." I shout. "Don't kill him," I mumbled. "Are you okay?" "Yes, I'm fine," I say brushing Klaus' hands off me. "What are you doing here?" "Making sure she wakes up human," Damon said back to Nik. I sighed. "What are you implying?" "You threw her across the room!" "Damon come on." "I didn't mean to hurt her." "But you did. And for some reason she's convinced herself you can be saved and won't leave like everyone else has and until she's ready to get off the crazy train with you I'll be here too." I pulled Damon towards the stairs I didn't need them arguing too.

"Will you try and get on with him?" "No." "Then don't talk to him." "Done." I closed my bedroom door and sat back at the desk with a book. "Do you have anything better to do?" "We've been over this, saving my own life here." "Yeah, yeah." 


"It says here that the Shadow pack was allies with the North East Atlantic pack." "So." "So that's Klaus' dad's pack." "Okay?" "Do I have to break everything down?" I asked turning to face him. He was playing with my rabbit again laid on my once perfectly made bed. "The shadow pack dates back 1000 years, one of the oldest packs to still walk the earth. They're here where we are the only three known to be alive wolves from the other oldest pack. The Shadow pack haven;t been seen since 1200's Where they all 'died' in a hunting attack. They've been in hiding. They've come out for some reason." "So we kill them." "Death isn't always the answer." "Yes, it is." "No, it's not Damon. If someone killed you for being suspicious you'd be dead 4000 times over." "Well I'm not a dog." "I'm part wolf you douchebag." "Yeah but you're less annoying, plus you have other qualities." "Yeah I do." I closed his windpipe and smirked but stopped shortly after. "We're not killing the pack. We're going to find out what they want." "It's past curfew you're stuck here." "I've been sneaking out of the house since I was 13." "But your parents were basic witches at best." "And I'm a pretty smart witch." "Invisible." I looked at him and he was smirking. "Let's go." 

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