5: Butterfly

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Hope has been excited all week for her little magic lesson with her sister, who she didn't know was her sister. Azalea was a really sweet girl. She didn't even know us but every time she saw us she'd smile and wave. She even sent Hope a free milkshake to our table when we went for dinner one night. She was too busy to come and be our waitress but she made sure Hope was taken care of.  

It amazed me that she was the product of Klaus and Aurora... Hope had half a chance at being the sweet girl she is, I'm not a monster. But Azalea had two crazy parents. One actually clinically insane. I guess it is nurture and not nature that shape us as people. 

Hope talks about Azalea like she had known her for years. In reality, it's been a week. If that. She was extra excited today as the girls were meeting up at Camis for the magic lesson that was promised. I was going to be there. I didn't know Azalea personally, and I wasn't going to let a stranger around my child despite what Marcel and Cami say I want to sus her out myself first. 

"Hey Hope," Azalea said coming into the apartment. "I brought you a milkshake." She hands it over. "Thank you," Hope said with a smile as she took it. "I drank mine on the way over." "Of course you did," Cami said coming into the lounge area. 

"So what spell are we learning?" Hope asked. Azalea looked at me. "A special spell," Azalea said. "Will it help me win fights against Uncle Kol?" Hope asked excitedly. Azalea seemed a little taken back that this little girl was fighting. "No... It's my own spell..." "You can make spells up?" "When you get older you can... but you have to learn to control your magic first." "How do I do that?" "With practice... it's like riding a bike, you have to practice before you get good at it." The girls sat down on the sofa beside each other. I stood at the doorway watching carefully. 

"This spell will help you control your magic." She tells her. "How?" "Because you have to focus the whole time... You can't get distracted or it won't work okay?" Hope nodded, Putting her milkshake on the coffee table. 

"Put your hands like this." She showed her how to hold her hands in front of her. "I still have my bracelet on," Hope says going to take it off. "We have to know what we're doing first okay...Well, get to the magic part." I smiled, she didn't want Hope to get hurt. Magic in young kids is hard to control. It's part of the reason why we moved here so Hope could go to the Salvatore school. I didn't want her to have to wear that bracelet for the rest of her life because she couldn't control her magic. 

"So like this." She moved Hope's little hands to the right position. "And we move them." She showed her again, their hands made a butterfly. "Then we flutter our fingers." "Like a butterfly." Hope observed. "Exactly." "What does the spell do?" She asked. "I'll show." Azalea took her own bracelet off and put it on the coffee table. She did the spell and a golden butterfly emerged from her hands in a light and fluttered up in. It was amazing. 

You could see she was focusing on it, more so to make the point to Hope that she had to concentrate

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You could see she was focusing on it, more so to make the point to Hope that she had to concentrate. And then when she stopped the butterfly disappeared. "And that's what happens when you don't focus." Hope was amazed. "Do it again." Azalea smiled. She did it again for Hope, her little eyes wide as she was stunned by the beauty of the fragile light that fluttered around the pair.

"She's good at magic," Cami tells me. "Then why wear the bracelet?" "She has a temper...Sometimes not always." "The wolf Gene." She nodded. The girls were distracted practising. Both of them having their bracelets off now. Azalea was explaining what she needed to do exactly. "She doesn't want to hurt anyone," Cami said. "No one ever does." "No, she hurt someone who attacked her and her friend last summer. He was trying to steal their bags and she only punched him in the nose and she felt awful. Like guilt was eating her up... I don't think she could kill someone even when her temper was controlling her." How is she Klaus' child? 

"Concentrate Hope. You're doing it." I smiled watching the light begin to emerge from my daughters smaller hands. Then it fizzled out. "I can't do it!" She exclaimed in a huff. "You can, you nearly had it. 

We were sat into the lounge all afternoon and Hope finally had the butterfly fluttering in front of her eyes, her smile was so big. "I'm doing." "Yeah, you are!" I say. "You're in control of it Hope," Azalea says. And then it glowed Pink. "Get it to fly to your mum." Azalea encouraged. The pink glowing luminous butterfly fluttered over to me. Wow. And then it disappeared. 

"Mummy I did it!" She said I smiled pride bursting out of me. "You did it!" I hugged her tightly. "I can't wait to show dad!" She says. "And Aunt Freya." "I better get off... My parents are home today." Her smile wasn't the same as it had been. I frowned and Cami shook her head telling me not to say anything. "Keep practising Hope," She hugged the younger girl. "Thank you Zlea," Hope says. "Anytime." And she leaves. I jog after her into the hall. "Thank you for that..." "I wish I had someone to teach me." "Your mum didn't teach you?" "Basic things like lighting a fire or a locator spell but nothing to help with my control. Hence the bracelet." Freya should have been there to teach her. Or Elijah or anyone from her family. Her power is being wasted. of course, I don't want her to go around thinking she ruled the world but I didn't like how she missed out on what she was giving Hope. Hope had her aunt teaching her too. Yet Azalea was still there to help because Hope asked. "You're a really kind girl Azalea." She smiled. "There's not many teenagers that would spend their afternoon with a 7-year-old." "Well, Hope's a pretty cool kid." "Yeah, she is." "See you around Hayley." She waved before turning away. "Is everything okay at home?" She turned back to face me. "Of course." "You seemed sad that they were home." "Well, them being home means spring break is over, which means school." She says. I nodded buying what she was saying. 

"Bye Hayley." "Bye Azalea." 


Hope showed everyone the butterfly spell when we got home. They were pretty impressed with her. Her dad had a sad smile on his face as he watched her. I guess he was thinking about what the pair had missed out on. Because it wasn't just him that missed out on Azalea's life. She missed out on having her little sister, and clearly, she would have made an amazing big sister. Hope missed out on having a good role model, someone she can look up to learn from an adventure out with. Bex missed out on having a niece, she was so good with Hope she would have been even better if she had Azalea in her life. I know Bex missed her. Despite not knowing her. 

I see her sometimes watching her as she is in town. She goes into stores she doesn't need to go to so she can see her for longer. She gets sad when people talk about her. She snapped at Hope just last night for going on about Azalea... she lost her too. Not just Klaus and I think he's realising that. 



I watched my daughter excitedly practice the new spell she had learnt today. It was hard, knowing Hope could have had her in her life all along if I had just been strong enough to raise her myself. If I wasn't fearful of my father coming out of me and ruining her spirit as he did with mine.

Azalea was a happy girl. I did the right thing. But then I look at Hope and I look at how woeful Bex looks as people talk about her. Freya is crushed, she won't talk to me about it...Neither of them could understand how I could just send her away as I did. Elijah understood though... he always did and although he didn't agree with me. I know he understood why... For her. 

I loved her more than anything else in the world the moment she was born, and for that reason, I couldn't let her get hurt.  I wouldn't. 


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