16: Finals Week

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I have a feeling this is only the start." Freya says. "And why's that?" Elijah asked looking over her shoulder. "Well the map I made to track Klaus' enemies is showing them all moving in one direction and that's us." She informs the room. "Then we need to get the girls out of here," Bex says standing up ready to move fast. "Then they'll be alone, people will just track them. Attack them when they're not with us." 

"We were both there right? The other week when she single-handedly took down our father." "I was there Freya." She says still upset her father was dead but she knew it was for the best, it had to be done. He was a threat to the girls. To our lives. "She'll be fine on her own." "No, the girls stay with me and Hayley," I tell them firmly. They are safer with us. "They stay here." "But Klaus." "I'll find out what is happening and deal with it. The girl needs to just stay here." 

"Azalea has finals." Bex reminded me. "Then you've just brought your ticket back to high school," I tell my younger sister. "We leave in 10," I tell her. "Hope stays with you. You don't take your eyes off her. "I know how to take care of my child Klaus." She sasses back before leaving. 

"We're going to figure out what is happening after I drop the high schoolers off to Damon." "Damon?" "She drives to his he drives her to school. It's a whole thing." I tell them dismissing them. "Girls come on!" I shout out the room. 

"I'll be back."



Rebekah was whispering with Damon as I waited to go into school. I don't get why she came with me. I've done this whole semester alone. I know something was going wrong. "I'm staying then." I hear Damon said. Something was seriously wrong. Damon hates school he'll avoid it any chance he gets. "What's wrong?" I asked walking over to them. "Nothing," Bex says. I look at Damon. "Wheres your bracelet?" "I lost it. What's wrong?" I didn't lose it I just didn't want to wear it anymore, I had to delay protecting my family because I had to undo the stupid thing and then was able to use my magic. I had it under enough control to go through a school day without it. "Don't make me do it," I warn him. Every time he hides something from that I think is big I do the truth spell he can't lie to me. "Klaus' enemies are on their way here." "So you're coming to school because?" I asked the pair. "Because we think they want the same thing as Mikeal." "Dad dead?" "No, you and Hope. You have a huge amount of power that they can use." "Then we put our magic away... in something they'll never think it to be in." "Like a teddy?" Damon offered. "No that's too obvious... if they're tracking the magic source it'll need to be something that is constantly moving, like a truck, or a boat something big." "Klaus would never let you do that. it leaves you defenceless."  I rolled my eyes at Bex. 

"I have a test," I say walking away. I was frustrated with them. They treat me like I'm this fragile thing that needs looking after. Damon's never treated me like that before and suddenly he is. He knows I can handle myself. I've done it many times. They followed behind me. 

"You have to wait here. You can't come in when I take my test." I tell them handing Damon my books. "What are we meant to do?" "Figure it out. I have bigger problems like trying to stay alive and taking my finals to make sure I get into the college and get away from you crazy people." I turn around fast and my hair whips them in the face I hear them spitting my hair out their mouths as I enter the test room. 

Finals week was already stressful enough now I have a huge target on my back and I had to figure out a way to keep myself safe. Yes, Nik will probably do a fine job at keeping me safe but he also sent me to live with crazy people who tried to kill me so I'd rather rely on myself and myself alone to look after my wellbeing because I've done a fine job of that. 

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