Chapter fourteen

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"I have to go Bella."

She stayed on top kissing my face. I grabbed her hips and squeezed them lightly.

"I'm afraid." She admitted.

I looked at her confused and sat up,"For what?"

"What if I get pregnant and you decide you still want your wife?"

"I won't." I tried to stop her from thinking all the worst scenarios from going on in her head. I really want this, I wanted it with Malissa too but she cheated.

She nodded,"We will see."

She kissed my face again and laid beside me. I rubbed my hand threw her hair and smiled.

I sat up,"Come on."

She turned her face up,"You don't tell me what to do."

"Ok then, see you next week." I told her while opening the door. She still didn't move. I'm guessing she was tired, we did have a long night.

I finally made it to the private room beside the door we came in before the bombs. My mother was waiting along with Dee and Jasmine. He stepped aside and motioned to a.....suit?

"We could never be too sure, so just in case you will have this suit on. Jasmine will monitor your heart rate from here. She will also be able to tell if the air is breathable from the little patch on the side."

I nodded,"Ok."

He exited as I started to remove my clothes to put on the suit. My mother watched as jasmine passed me the clothing.

"Where is the Queen?" Mom asked.

"I have no idea." I lied putting on the pants.

She huffed,"If Malissa would've known about it, she would have been here before you, even walked you to the door if she could."

"But that's you, I can't tell you who to love on. You will see it for yourself in the long run." She continued.

"It's great that I'm here isn't it?" Bella said aloud from behind us.

She walked towards us an smile sarcastically at my mother and started to zip up my suit.

"It is nice of you to join us, really." My mother commented then walked out with jasmine following behind.

Jasmine looked back,"Good luck."

I started to adjust myself in the suit causing Bella to laugh. I rolled my eyes and continued doing it until it fell right.

"You didn't have to come, I'm coming back next week Bella." I reassured her.

"I know."

The door then slammed opened with a fire red Malissa standing behind it. She walked towards me, I seen it all in slow motion, she reached her hand out to hit me, I stood waiting for impact until Bella caught it.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." She said standing in front of me.

She continued,"She won't hit you but I will."

Malissa stepped closer,"Really? I'm not afraid of you."

"Can you just...leave?" I asked Malissa while pulling Bella back.

We all know that Bella would maybe win over Malissa.

She huffed and shook her head,"How silly of me to find out that my wife is going to the ground where it could be dangerous.Then worst part, she didn't even tell me."

"Leave, girl." Bella threatened.


"But don't come near me or my kids again." She continued making me stop.

"Don' do that." She never stop me from seeing my kids before why start now? Bella moved aside and my wife stepped closer.

"So I don't know what you and her have going on, but it comes to an end now." She motioned towards Bella while rolling her eyes.

I laughed an reached out to grab her but Bella pushed her down before I touched her.

I raised both of my hands up and surrender,"That's fine with me, do whatever the fuck you want. Just leave."

The moment she stood up she tried to reach for me again making Bella push her back.

"You tried to hit me." She spat.

Then she looked Bella up and down,"You think she slept around in this bunker, wait until we leave, you haven't seen anything yet."

"If I wanted an opinion on relationships, I still would have not asked you." She said looking directly at her.

She rolled her eyes and left. I continued to get dress as Bella watched and sometime helped, with her being quiet the entire time. When we finished, she stopped me from opening the door.

"Are you sure you want to do this? This is risky." She asked nervously.

I nodded,"I have on a suit."

She stepped closer and put her lips to mines. I grabbed her body and pulled her closer. When she moved, her face was all red. I smiled and hugged her again.

"I hope we stick together this time." I mumbled in her ear as the door opened.

"We have the door ready. Also the entire bunker has been put on lockdown." Dee told Bella. We nodded as he motioned for us to follow him.

He walked us to the entrance, and motioned for me to get in the glass box, with an elevator surrounded it.

They most definitely did some improvements since the first time.

"When you reached the top put in the code, 2238 And the door would be opened. Good luck. Press this button when you goes up." He showed me the button and stepped out beside my mother.

"Goodbye Bella. Goodbye Jasmine. See y'all in a week." I started.

My mother reached out to hug me I stepped back and shook my head,"See you in a week."

"Be careful and make friends if any is left!" Jasmine said as the doors closed.

As the elevator started to move, the more nervous I became. What if I don't come back? I huffed putting on the helmet. Oh well, we would have to go one day.

The elevator stopped and I entered the code. The moment the door opened I took a deep breath .


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