Chapter Twenty Four

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I shot up looking around the room.

That's odd, I'm in Bella room. Last night was a dream!? I looked down at my pants and didn't have a hard on.

But where was Bella? She let me sleep in? I shrugged them brushed my teeth. I put my shoes on and walked out the door meeting Bella coming towards the room.

"Did you tell me we were having twins last night?" I asked her.

She looked at me in shock and quickly shook her head,"No. We both fell asleep last night."

"Ok. Where is everybody else? Why didn't you wake me up?" I questioned.

"I let everyone rest today. Except the ones who wanted to volunteer."

I nodded,"Want to come with me? I want to go further than over the hill."

"We have to do it tomorrow, I'm too tired to go today and your not going unless I go. Come on, let's lay down." She said pulling me back into the room.

We laid down with her on top of me. I rubbed my fingers threw her hair as she sigh.

"What's wrong Bella?"

No response. I shrugged and continued to play in her hair. After a while, she drifted off to sleep with her arm wrapped tightly around me. I moved it and stood up. I walked out the room then walked outside of the bunker.

"Bubba!?" Josiah yelled running towards me with Mason following behind him.

"Can you take us to the beach again?" Mason asked.

I nodded,"Where is Malissa?"

They pointed towards the houses.

"Well the both of you should go find Monica and ask her would she tag with us then I will meet you back here." I told the boys making them run off.

I walked up towards Malissa causing her boyfriend to look at me. While looking at him, I tapped Malissas shoulder.

She turned around,"What?"

"Let's go talk."

She nodded and followed me away from her boyfriend. Malissa looked at me, waiting for me to say anything.

"What did you tell Bella?" I calmly asked her with my arms folded.

She shook her head,"Nonthing."

Well how did Bella find out about Harley and I?

"Yes you did."

"No. I didn't." She snapped.

I looked at her face. I mean really looked at it. She was darker than usual and had a bruise around her eye that she tried to cover with makeup.

I reached up and rubbed her face,"Did he hit you?"

She moved my hand,"It's none of your business."

"You let him hit you?"

"He didn't try too." She stood up for him.

"He isn't going to try to kill you either when the time comes huh?"

I continued,"I don't see why you're with him after he said he didn't want our kids. He can't have the cow and not get the calves what's wrong with that dumbass man?"

"Not that I'm forcing my kids on him. He ain't got to do a damn thing for them as long as I'm here." I continued to rant.

Before Malissa could respond, Monica and the boys walked up to us.

"We're ready now Bubba." Mason said tugging on my hand.

I nodded,"See you later Malissa."

They all looked at me weirdly but Malissa didn't know how soon she was gonna see me again.

Her boyfriend either.

**After the beach.**

"Im going with you." Monica whispered to me as we walked back to camp.

I nodded,"I'm taking the boys to my mother's old room, she doesn't sleep in there anymore, so they won't be with Malissa when we go in."

"Are we killing him?" She asked.

"If it comes to it."


We finally made it back to the bunker, it was now dark outside. I walked the boys to my mothers room.

"Take a bath then go straight to sleep." I told them as Mason groaned.

"Why do we have to take a bath? We just got out of water." He complained.

"Do you want to be funky?" I asked him.


"Ok then. I will see you guys tomorrow." I told them, kissing their head then leaving.

I walked to Bella room. The guard opened the door and let me in. Bella was sitting in her chair, writing something down. I walked to the drawer and pulled out some black pants with a plain black shirt.

I quickly took a shower and when I exited the bathroom, Bella was waiting.

"Going somewhere?"

I nodded,"But I'm coming back."

"Who told you Harley and I had something going on between us?" I questioned her.


I put on my pants,"It wasn't Malissa wasn't it?"

"How do you know it wasn't her?" She hissed.

"You let me think it was her who told you that shit and didn't try to correct me?"

She rolled her eyes,"So you've been talking to her."

"That's my kids mother, of course."

I tied my shoe laces as she spoke.

"She didn't tell me. It was David. She told Him and he passed the message."

She continued,"He also said you and that Emma girl was sleeping around so much you decided to cum in her."

I paused. He said what? How did he know that?

"I thought he was lying until yesterday, when you were asleep, you was laying up behind me moaning Emma's name and you said it, you said I'm about to fill you up." She mocked.

I sighed,"That was a long time ago. I don't like her."

"But you like her enough to have sex with her." She said while pushing me.

"Bella it was before you and I got together so why are you so upset?"

"You didn't tell me! Everything about you I have to hear it on the outside." She fussed.

I groaned,"So you want me to apologize for something I did before I met you?"

"Just get out."

"I'm coming back."

No response.

She laid down in the bed and dimmed the lights down.

I walked to the door and looked over my shoulder,"I love you Bella."

No response.

I opened the door and closed it.

Ass kicking time.


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