Chapter Nine

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"Slow down Malissa."  I told her. She was moving way to fast for this to be a slow lap dance. I laughed as she sat down on my lap, faced to face. Malissa frowned while grinding on me in circles. Holding her hips, I held my laugh again until she caught a rhyme.

She reached for my shirt pulling it over my head. I quickly did hers after, now only I have on is my briefs, and her bra and underwear. Malissa started to kiss my neck making me throw my head back.

Like a bitch.

I straighten back up. She won't catch me lacking on my end.

Getting on her knees, she looked at and smirked. I smiled, all 32 teeth showing causing her to laugh and stand up.

"What are you doing?"

She shrugged,"Its almost time for me to start getting dressed. We've been doing your little role play a while."

"But you went to sleep when we made it here! So you owe me more time." I groaned standing up.

She pushed me,"You're making me sound like a whore."

I picked her up and laid her on the bed. Pulling her underwear down, she was already wet and glistening.

She wanted this.

Malissa flipped us over so she was positioned above me face. I grabbed her hips and pulled her down. I feasted off her like she was my last meal—like she was my first full meal in a months.

Flipping us over again, so I could gain control, I stood up and pulled out my member. Slowly but forcefully I pushed my way inside her. She grabbed my arm neck bring my head down as I grabbed her legs. Moving in circles, she moaned out when I started going deeper.

"I love you so much Sam." She moaned.

I smiled,"I love you too baby."

Her walls started to squeeze the devil out of my member making me cum. I kept going pumping my seed as far as it can go.

Finally I pulled out. Damn, I was spent out. I grabbed the towel and washed us both down and laid across the bed. She laid on top of me, in black dark and kissed my face while laughing a little, making me instantly fall asleep.

Moments later I heard someone knocking on the door. The lights was out and the blind was shut, how did they know I was in here?

I groaned while laying Malissa flat. Quickly putting on my clothes—I opened the door to see a guard.

"The Queen said meet her in the gym in Thirty minutes." I nodded and closed the door. I'm so tired! It feels like I haven't slept in weeks. Walking to the shower, I overheard Malissa say something in her sleep.

After taking my shower, I put on something simple—It was just a workout after all. Black tank top, grey track pants.

I shook Malissa,"Get up."

She turned over to the other side ignoring me.

"Well I'm leaving." I told her walking towards the door.

No response. Hmm. I walked back to the bed and pulled the covers off of her.

"Your going to fuck me and leave!?" I yelled out completely changing my voice. She jumped up and rolled her eyes at me.

She shrugged,"You wasn't that good anyway."

Malissa stood up and walked to the bathroom with me following behind her. I grabbed her arm and instantly looked at her neck.

Bruises. Everywhere. I touched it causing her to flinch.

"Did I do that?"

She moved my hand,"You did."

"I don't remember it." I told her while smacking my lips.

I think I should know if I put bruises on someone or not. Especially if I'm having sex.

"Well you did."

"I'm sorry." I said pulling her in a hug and kissing her all over her face.

She pushed me slightly,"I kind of liked it."

"Want to do it again tonight?" I joked walking back towards the room door.

"Maybe when my kids fall asleep. Don't be expecting me, I'm not a whore you only see at night." She hissed following me as I walked her to her room.

I laughed,"You say maybe, Do you want to be a whore during the day too?"

She flipped me off and slammed the door behind her. I shrugged and walked to the gym. I think I'm a sex addict but that's okay as long as I do it with my wife.

When I entered the gym, Dee walked towards me with a smile on his face.

"Can you come to the lab later? I want to show you something. It won't be long." He pleaded.

I nodded,"Sure. Where is everyone else?"

"It's just the people who works all the time, like your mom and I. Well now you too but I hope you're ready, the queen leads us." He patted me on the shoulder as she walked in.

**Malissa POV

I strapped my heels on when Josiah walked into the room. He looked me up and down an shrugged.

"Where's Bubba?" He asked sitting beside me.

"Working out in the gym."

He jumped up,"You look beautiful. Even though you wearing regular clothes won't last long. Starting Monday we will be getting tracksuits. Everyone."

"Where did you wear that?" I asked standing up following him out the door.

"Some of my friends said their parents are starting to make a lot of uniforms."

I pushed my hand threw his hair,"That don't mean we have to wear them Josiah."

He nodded,"I just wish we could at least watch tv. It's never anything for the kids to do."

"You should go ask Sam about it, I'm sure she can come up with something."

He went the opposite direction as I walked into the club. Glancing around the bar, I finally see a hand go up trying to get my attention. I walked towards the two sitting at the table.

"Hey." They both greeted at the same time.

"Hello." I sat down as they called a waiter over.


The woman that was crying when Sam got sick.

"Hey sis, can you give us another round? We walked our night with this beauty here to be special." Jamie said to the girl.

Sisters? I guess.

She looked my way but still nodded at Jamie,"Coming right up."

"Let's get this party started." They said together.


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